Discussion List
Can we do reporting out of VBCS e.g. a customer statement (nice layout etc)Summary Can we do reporting out of VBCS e.g. a customer statement (nice layout etc)Content Does VBCS support reporting out of the business objects used , e.g. account st…
How to work with complex JSON?Summary complex JSONContent Hi all, I was trying to work with a REST Service that returns a rather complex JSON object. JSON object contains multiple arrays. What would …
How to remove the Button Outline/BorderSummary How to remove the Button Outline/BorderContent Hi All, I am trying to remove the border from the Submit Button(please refer attached ). I have tried different CS…
Thanks to those of you who participates in the drag and drop survey a few weeks agoContent Many thanks to those of you who filled out the survey. I wanted to share what I could publically. Between Dec. 12 and Dec 31, 2018, 72 anonymous participants com…Mary Beth Raven-Oracle 16 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by Mary Beth Raven-Oracle Visual Builder
Master DetailSummary Pass Master Record ID to Detail Record ID when savingContent Hello, I've created a transaction entry screen based on two business objects. There is a Header tabl…Stephen Bryant-131052 25 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Steve Muench-Oracle Visual Builder
How manage NavigateBack Action when you have paramsContent Hi all, has any of you ever handled the back button having to pass params back? I have a back button placed on the shell and every page inherits that button from…
Business Object (Reference Field)Summary Display value in table column rather than the ID associated with the reference fieldContent Hello, I've created the following: -- Table Collection based on one B…Stephen Bryant-131052 29 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Stephen Bryant-131052 Visual Builder
Please take this 10 minute survey about drag and dropSummary Please take this 10 minute survey about drag and dropContent Hi VBCS and Fusion App developers, The VBCS UX design team has some questions about how you want dra…Mary Beth Raven-Oracle 22 views 1 comment 3 points Most recent by Christopher Maggiulli Visual Builder
VBCS - Allow access to service connections (REST) to other oracle usersSummary Service connections accessContent Hi, When other oracle users are playing the VBCS app, it fails when a given UI component triggers a service connection call (e.…
Access a business object via java script function codeContent Hi all, can you suggest me how to access a business object via java script function on click button event? I need to iterate over the business object to retrieve…
Order entry app - guidance around checkout and availability checkContent Hi All, I am designing a small order entry application in VBCS which allow the users to search for the items and create orders. I have created a landing page wil…
How to select a composite key as Primary Key while creating VBCS TableSummary Need to select more than one attribute as primary key (composite key)Content Hi, We developed an ADF VO which has 3 columns makes up a PK (composite key). This V…
Visual Builder Cloud Service – Dynamic ElementsSummary Ways to make the JET components update without the need for a refresh buttonContent All, I have built quite a few JET apps where the display is updated automatic…
How we can use date time converter to load correct date time in User Interface from data object?Summary How we can use date time converter to load correct date time in User Interface from data object?Content Q1: We are getting wrong time displayed on UI when using …
Implementing Lookups in VBCSSummary Implementing Lookups in VBCSContent Hi All, I have a VBCS application wherein I am fetching data from multiple REST endpoints using custom javascript code. Since…
Displaying process and task date time stamps with local timeContent I am displaying process and task data two in a master / detail way on in VBCS. I am showing it through a connected process and also through a rest call, dependin…
How get a list view without stripesContent Hi all, can you tell me how get a list view without stripes(white/grey)? I need a total white list view. Thanks. Version 18.3.3
Performance IssuesSummary Performance IssuesContent Hi All, In the last month or so I'm building an app using Visual Builder. Lately, as the app grows, I encounter with heavy performance …
Call custom Javascript module function in template slot of oj-tableSummary Is there a way to call custom Javascript module function in template slot of each row of oj-tableContent Hi, Is there a way to call custom Javascript module func…
Oj-table with custom data and column variables in VBCSSummary Oj-table with custom data and column variables in VBCSContent Hi, Is there away to populate the oj-table with custom data $page.variables.data: Array of objects …
VBCS get current server timeSummary VBCS get current server timeContent Hello, Is there a way or API or function call to get the server date or server date-time in VBCS module functions? Scenario: …
Q: How to get table cell value on "ojBeforeRowEditEnd" event?Summary Using "ojBeforeRowEditEnd" event with no success.Content Hi All, I tried using "ojBeforeRowEditEnd" and get the cell value with $chain.variables.detail.value.dat…
Where NOT EXISTS QuerySummary Is it possible to perform the equivalent of a Correlated sub-query using RESTContent Is it possible to write a query like this in VBCS? SELECT * FROM TABLE_1 t1 …
Add hours to a DateTime fieldContent Hi all, do you know if is possibile to import Moment.js framwework into VBCS? I need to make some operations on date time field, such as add hours/minutes to a s…
How to implement a Wizzard on VBCSSummary wizzard, ojrouter, jetContent Hi all, I've to put together a simple wizzard on VBCS and by looking at JET samples there's a good one that I could use: * https://…
Increasing oj-select option list size to remove searchingContent I have a oj-select element that is populated by binding a business object containing application data to the option list using an SDP. For two of these select el…Christopher Maggiulli 15 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Displaying the the label of a select element by binding a BO value (id)Content Summary: I have a business object called "request". I have a "New Request" with a select element called "Job Title". It is populated with an SDP that gets data f…Christopher Maggiulli 10 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Christopher Maggiulli Visual Builder
Grab the primary key when a row is selected into a view listContent Hi team, I have a list view showing some data coming from a rest service. Need to capture and store the primary key when a row is selected by clicking on it. Is …
Lock Application while Action Chain is being executedSummary Action Chain - REST Call - Progress bar while is being executed.Content Hi, On my VBCS App I've multiple REST Calls. What I want to do while one of this external…
Call a Rest service with parameters from a pageContent Hi team, do you have a tutorial/example showing how to call Rest service passing variables? Trying to build a search page and when I click on the Search button h…