Discussion List
Setting focus on the newly added row in oj tableSummary Setting focus on the newly added row in oj tableContent Hi , Th requirement is to set the focus on the newly added row when the user adds a new row. Or is there …
Filter not working in oj-select-single with data source as SDPContent We are implementing an LOV for Suppliers, the data for which comes from SaaS. Steps followed: Defined a service connection of ADF describe. Created a oj-select-s…
Assign value to array variable getting error in new javascript action chainSummary: Hi Experts I' trying to assign value to array field but getting error in javascript action chain, in json action chain there was no such error. please help atta…
Gantt Control - Errors when changing the underlying data at runtime.Summary: I have created an app extension that utilizes the gantt control. I'm encountering some errors when changing the underlying data to show different projects or ch…
Default SDP filter does not work when template slot is added on Fusion APISummary: Default SDP filter does not work when template slot is added on Fusion API Content (required): I am using a select single SDP where the fusion api ( https://doc…
input date with Monday as start day of the weekSummary: Hi All, Is it possible to have Monday as start day of the week in oj-input-date. By default its Sunday. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informa…
How to implement loadMoreOnScroll for Rows on ADPSummary: loadMoreOnScroll for Rows on Table with ADP variable fetches default 25 Rows. How to Fetch more than 25 rows for ADP Content (required): Version (include the ve…
How to show/hide a region conditionally on basis of a value in business object in VBCS pageSummary: The VBCS page is having list view component (card layout). There is a custom client requirement: depending on a value of a field in the business object used for…
Activities is not displaying under AccountSummary: Greetings! Activities are created under Accounts (in digital sales), but they are not displaying when we click on it. However, if we are not viewing the Account…
Prevent default in editable table listener if returns false the action chain is getting executedSummary: Hi Experts I have added prevent default condition to a event listener for editable table tablebeforeroweditend but the action chain is still getting executed an…
Time Zone Preference in VBCSSummary: Time zone Preference Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, we have created custom VBCS screens and would like to know if there…
How to display multiple Columns display in dropdown listSummary: we have requirement to display multiple columns in dropdown list. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have created single selection…
Oracle Fusion Sales - Redwood (Visual Builder)Hi Team Summary: I am currently working on modifying the existing "Create Lead " Redwood page using Visual Builder and add the additional standard fields such as Campaig…
Displaying special charactersContent Hi, When trying to display a test that has // or |, they just do not show in notifications. I couldn't send them by email using the email adapter either. Any clu…
Can I change the VBCS browser source code editor page color scheme?Summary: The color scheme in the VBCS source code editor makes it hard for me to read the code. The pastel source code text on white background isnot enough contrast. I …
Please help me understand the below code on the main page.Summary: Below is the code on the main page ----
How to change the row color of editable tableSummary: Hi Experts In my editable table when the row is being edited doesn't have noticeable color difference than the background of table. Please help me how to change…
How to change the background color and bold font for table headerSummary: Hi Experts I want to change the background of header in table and also change the font style to bold in below table, please help me how to do this Content (plea…
select currency componentSummary: how to use select currency component in redwood template in Visual builder studio Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I'm facing the …
SDP Total SizeSummary: Hi, Is it possible to get total number of rows from a SDP based on ORDS service. I have enabled transform function Content (required): Is it possible to get tot…VBCS Learner-230793 132 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Capture Event of window Browser close button in Oracle VBCS PageSummary: I am working on a client requirement. When a user tries to close the VBCS Page from window browser close button without providing a input to a field in the page…
PDP based table on the page - how to add hyperlink on one of the existing table columnSummary: VBCS page has table based on PDP ( ADP is converted to PDP in the JS ). in the design mode the PDP based table is not showing any columns on which is it based ,…
Using oj-canvas in vbcs page to capture signatureSummary: how to import canvas in the component list as I don't see in the component list How to use oj canvas as signature pad and capture the signature. Experts , pleas…
oj-sample-export-data is exporting only 10 rows when using the Export Capability in Headless ModeSummary: When trying to use oj-sample-export-data (using SDP), it is exporting only 10 rows when using the Export Capability in Headless Mode Content (please ensure you …
VBCS - Sorting table column containing buttonSummary: Hi team, we have a table and we need to make the columns sortable. This works for every column except the one we are currently stuck on. It's based on ADP. We h…
Help needed to align the component to center withinparentSummary: Hi Experts I want to center align the (not center justify, only center align) the paragraph as shown in below screenshot. currently it is coming at top but it m…
How to decrease the sizes of buttons and table in screenSummary: Hi Experts In the screen below default size of buttons and table are too big, i want to decrease the sizes and buttons and table as it is taking too much space.…
Need help on styling redwood css for button and tableSummary: Hi Experts I have followed below OJET cookbook and copied all the redwood css resources but i want the button in first row to be in yellow and buttons in second…
Need help on embedding VBCS in fusionSummary: Hi Experts I have a page created in VBCS which accepts the supplier name in the URL unless it is passed it won't route the flow in VBCS to actual page i.e. supp…
Error while retrieving list of groups in VBCSSummary:- When we edit or add new security roles below error occurs:- Navigation - Application -> Settings -> User Roles Error - [ERROR] Error while retrieving list of g…