Discussion List
Radio Button Set is not Populating Data when bound to a VariableI am facing an issue while working with Radio Button set in VBS, Please find below steps I did. I added a type in page level. 2. I created a array variable of the above …
Calling REST END Point in a loop in Action ChainSummary Calling REST END Point in a loop in Action ChainContent Hi, How do I call a Rest End Point in a loop in Action chain with new offset values in each call. Consume…
Redwood Override CSS for READ ONLY Text FieldsSummary: Content (required): I have attached a sample application where I am using the redwood-override.css file to override some of the CSS properties of text fields. O…User_2025-02-04-21-56-11-668 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Angel Tripp - Support-Oracle Visual Builder
VBS: Edit Data Grid cell values not working as expected using mouse clickSummary: We are facing unexpected behavior in Data Grid. The extension is deployed is two different POD with same source code. In POD1, it is working fine with tab out a…
want to attach an excel file to hyperlinkSummary: hi, I am trying to attach an excel file to a hyperlink in VBCS. I read object storage approach but that is not working for me. Content (please ensure you mask a…
Download div with vbSummary: Please, I would thank any help with my javascript in vb. I would like to be able to download and print 2 divs, as shown. I have imported the libraries and tried…
Clarification of Visual Builder product family product terminologyThe names of products within the Visual Builder product family can be confusing and sometimes ambiguous, especially considering recent name changes. I thought I would "a…
Getting 'undefined' values in select singleSummary: Getting 'undefined' values in select single Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Experts, I have created an application to populate…
ChatGPT Integration in VBCS UISummary: Hi, Is it possible to call chatGPT API from VBCS UI ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using,…
PDF external javascript import library failingSummary: Hi Experts I'm trying to import jspdf.min.js external library into VBCS app but after adding the library and using it in javascript function my application is n…
Search result Count in SDP based tableSummary: Hi All, I am using SDP based approach to show data in a search result. I also have an Export Button on UI. How do I keep this Export Button Disabled if search r…VBCS Learner-230793 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
User wants ability to Start/Stop OIC integrations whenever neededSummary: User wants ability to Start/Stop specific Scheduled based integrations to run based on the parameters like Company Code, Start/End Dates. Content (please ensure…ravichander gambhiraopeta 31 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by ravichander gambhiraopeta Integration
Fire Notification on a timely basis between two actions on UISummary: Hi All, I have a use case where I want to notify user on the screen after 10 mins. Here is the use case We have a search screen with couple of search parameters…
Implementing Two Different PWA Icons Based on Device WidthWe would like to use two different PWA icons for our application. We intend to use different icons based on the device width. Specifically, we want to display "mobile.pn…
tabbar selected itemHi, We are encountering an issue related to the tab bar functionality in our application. Specifically, we aim to have the second tab of the tab bar pre-selected upon th…
Closing the validation message for the input date field.Hello, I want to close the validation message that appears below the date input field after a date is selected in Oracle Visual Builder. How can I do that?
I am working on vbcs.I have a fusion URL and gives html response which I need to display in screenSummary: Display HTML response of fusion URL endpoint in Oracle VBCS Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am working on vbcs app .I have a fu…Khavya_Karthikeyan-Oracle 32 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Khavya_Karthikeyan-Oracle Visual Builder
how to do search as you type with SDP in select single componentSummary: Hi Experts I want to search as i type in select single component using SDP variable, is this possible to do like we do with ADP variable. Please help me how to …
how to create editable form with look and feel like a table in vbSummary: Hi Experts I want to create a editable form like shown in below but it must look like a table. Please help me how can i create this kind of static form which wi…
token relay error in appuiSummary: Hi Experts I'm seeing token relay error in my appui application, could you please let me know how to resolve this Content (please ensure you mask any confidenti…
Aligning one of the input text below another input textSummary: @Sherif Bashar @Nada Bashar @Mohammed Galal I need to align Approved Net Capex exactly below Approved Capex Can you please guide me on this which class I need t…
appui application multiple projects allowed ?Summary: Hi Experts can n number of people in a project create n number of projects and start building fusion extensions and deploy ? will deployment of one appui will u…
Custom object ADP describe URL throwing 404 not found error without sandboxSummary: Hi Experts I'm following below video to consume custom object in our appui application. I have created custom objects and published the sandbox in fusion, I'm a…
Choosing the Correct Redwood Template for VB AppSummary: We are Upgrading the Exiting VB App to Redwood. The Existing App is based on Creating/Replacing Orders, Searching the Existing Orders, Editing Orders, Changing …
I have a requirement to assign SDP variable data to a ADP variable in action chainSummary: Hi Experts I have a requirement to assign SDP variable data to a ADP variable in action chain, please help me on how to achieve this Content (please ensure you …mudassirsOrc-Oracle 25 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Shay Shmeltzer-Oracle Visual Builder
Tab out from table edit removes the row but working with mouse clickSummary: Hi All, We are facing issue with ADP "ojBeforeRowEditEnd" event. We are able to edit the column with mouse click and ADP gets updated with updated value. Howeve…
Getting error on navigation from a fragment to other page using application action chainSummary: Trying to call an application level action chain from a fragment and then navigating to a page using inside action chain causing below error Content (please ens…
Table refresh issue with multiselect checkboxSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I have a table with multiselect which I can hide and show based on a button. What I observed is t…
Difference between combobox (one) and select single (one)Summary: Difference between combobox (one) and select single (one) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Team, I would like to know the diffe…
Issue with Fire data provided event in Editable tableSummary: Recently we have upgraded our application. We are using editable tables in our application. Our table data source is flow level ADP variable. In 'ojBeforeRowEdi…