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Oracle ERP Adapter CallBack to OAICSSummary Not receiving any FBDI Import Job details (log, output, csv files) from the ERP CallbackContent Hi Guys, I've read a few posts on this topic and some online arti…
Parameters in OICSummary To get Date as a prompt while submitting the OIC Integration which has Database AdaptersContent Hi All, We have a requirement to have the Date as an input parame…
Monitoring Rest APIs - Retrieve an instanceSummary Monitoring Rest APIs - Retrieve an instanceContent Hi, In ICS, using the rest api, we were able to retireve the payloads for a particular instance /icsapis/v2/mo…
Custom SQL on cloud HCMSummary How to access a data model/Report in OIC/ICS?Content Hello experts, There is a requirement to access data from a cloud HCM table in ICS. Couldn't find a SOAP/RES…
Using custom xpath functions and custom Java functions in ICSSummary Looking for the best tutorial on using custom JAva code in OIC / ICSContent I ran into this tutorial awhile back http://www.ateam-oracle.com/enhancing-ics-mappin…Christopher Maggiulli 149 views 8 comments 3 points Most recent by Anantha Gantla-123534 Integration
Customized XSLs and mapping variablesSummary Elements mapped from variables and javascript output do not get populated if xsl is customizedContent Hi,- I am having an issue with ICS integrations where as so…
Modification of Integration in ICSSummary Modification of Integration in ICSContent Hello - Want to implement conditional logic (Switch) into a developed ICS Integration (Custom). Re-position of Switch/W…
Task Payload (PCS/OIC) doesnt work in ICSContent When I trigger an endpoint such as /ic/api/process/v1/tasks/200002/payload I can get back either an XML or JSON response. However, my form is built off a busines…
How to render PDF on browser in ICS / OICContent Hi Experts, We are trying to develop a REST service in which we are taking certain input parameter and fetching the pdf documents from some of the SFTP location.…
ICS -WSDL with multiple operationsSummary ICS -WSDL with multiple operationsContent Hi, Can anyone suggest the best approach to handle multiple operations in a wsdl using ICS ( Any help is mu…
Reading XML File with Stage File Action in OAICS, problem with Schema OptionSummary Do I need to create new Schema or Select and existing Schema?Content Hi, following on from a previous post (https://cloudcustomerconnect.oracle.com/posts/1c2636f…
FTP Adapter Write operation is not recognising new line characterSummary issue to convert a .txt file delimited by pipes in a .csv file without pipes and order by columnsContent Hi All, I have a requirement to read txt file delimited …
ICS | Upload Staged File To Commerce CloudSummary Need to upload ICS staged file to Oracle Commerce CloudContent Hi, I have an ICS integration that needs to pull products from Product Hub Cloud and publish them …
Downtime Handling in OICSummary We encountered intermittent connection (2-3 minutes of random downtime) in OICContent Hi, We encountered intermittent connection (2-3 minutes of random downtime …
How to set explicitly Http status: 500 for error response in OICSummary To set Http error status 500 to the response in OIC, where Oracle service returns an response http status:200Content Hi, I got below response from Oracle having …
Configure ICS integration to work for different environmentsSummary the ICS endpoint should dynamically push data into different Edge Systems.Content We have built an ICS integration to pull Items from Product Hub and push to dif…
OIC : App Driven Orchestration : Rest Adapter : Message Size > 10MBSummary How to process message of size greater than 10MB. Its a App Driven OrchestrationContent How to process message of size greater than 10MB. Its a App Driven Orches…Preethi Vadirajan 31 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Saravanan Thirunavukkarasu-26616 Integration
OIC : App Driven Orchestration : LimitationsSummary OIC : App Driven Orchestration : LimitationsContent I am implementing OIC first time . And would need suggestion with the below implementation. We are building "…
UCM Integration via GenericSoapOperation - Insufficient PrivilegesSummary UCM integration via GenericSoapOperation encountering "Insufficient Privileges" error as per Diagnostic LogContent Hello OIC Folks, I am doing an integration wit…
Select statement with DB2 connector doesn't return anything to mapSummary Using the DB2 connector to connect to DB2 over port 446, select statement validates and generates and xsd but there is not outbound mapping.Content I administer …
How to remove namespace from incoming xml in ICSContent Hi Team, We are trying to achieve Integration in Oracle ICS in which we are getting below XML as input from SFDC and mapping the elements(Business_Seg_Unique__c,…
ICS | How To Write CSV File With Commas In ValuesSummary When writing CSV files with commas in values I get the error - Translation to native failed. Element 'elementName' not expected..Content Hi, I'm writing a csv fi…
ICS | Break For Each Loop ActionSummary How do I break a "For Each" loop action in ICS?Content Hi, I have an integration that reads a file and iterates over the file's rows using a "for each" loop acti…
ICS Orchistration with SOAP trigger, raise error and response error simultaneouslySummary ICS Orchistration with SOAP trigger, raise error and response error simultaneouslyContent Hi together I have an orchistration with a SOAP connection as trigger. …
orchestration can't handle soap ExceptionSummary orchestration can't handle soap ExceptionContent Hello, on ICS i can't handle a soap Exception because ICS doesn't recognize the fault. My service ret…
Examples of uploading a file returned as response from previous invoked serviceSummary Examples of uploading a file returned as response from previous invoked serviceContent I have a webservice running on a Coldfusion system that returns the follow…Christopher Maggiulli 17 views 7 comments 2 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration
Triggers forever loading in orchestrationSummary Triggers forever loading in orchestrationContent I am running OIC and am trying to create an orchestration integration. However, every now and then when I go to …Christopher Maggiulli 12 views 6 comments 2 points Most recent by Hemanth Lakkaraju-Oracle Integration