Discussion List
Unable to send an attachment in the notification Gen3Summary: Unable to send an attachment in the notification Gen3 Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Unable to send an attachment in the notific…
How to use Bulk Import option in Snowflake adapter in OICSummary: I am trying to load bulk data into Snowflake tables from Fusion using OIC, I see in the documentation we have an option to bulk import data using internal or ex…
xslt transformation logic to replace the xml element name/tag dynamicallySummary: xslt transformation logic to replace the xml element name/tag dynamically Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): xslt transformation log…
Outbound Interfaces : Oracle API ApproachHi Team, As oracle suggested now not to use any BIP report approach for outbound interfaces. We are having below requirement and it includes different API's to be invoke…
How to show buttons instead of action drop down in redwood edit pageSummary: Hi Experts If i add more than one secondary actions the button is changed to actions drop down, how to make all secondary actions as buttons in redwood page. I …
In OPA when we are migrating application from PCS getting error cannot have multiple start eventSummary: Hi Experts In OPA we are getting error message saying that we can have only 1 start event. In PCS we used to have multiple start event like form and message, is…
Is there a solution to save the access token for a service and resuse before it expiry in OICSummary: I need to call my partner API which is OAuth enabled. Before calling the actual service, I need to call the token generation service and with that access_token,…
While creating type in OPA using connector (integration) response structure issueSummary: Hi Experts We are trying to create type in OPA (oracle process automation) but while trying to access the integration (connector) response message format we are…
Can we connect 2 different Fusion Application PODs using DBLinkSummary:I have a requirement to compare 2 tables from 2 different Oracle Fusion cloud PODs.Eg:I am having a Fusion ERP application and a Fusion HCM Application, residing…
OIC - challenges-faced-during-or-after-oic-gen2-to-gen3-upgradeSummary: To understand impact of OIC Gen3 upgrade Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi All, We are in the process of upgrading from OIC gen2…
OAAUTH2 for Oracle Seeded REST API CallsSummary: Hi All, We wanted to use OAAuth2 Authorization for all Oracle Seeded Rest API calls. Know that, there is an option to create an application in IDCS and config O…
Is it possible for a scheduled integration to keep trying to run a connector if it fails?Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, I have a business requirement where the client has mentioned that the SFTP server we are c…
How to call the REST API with the namespace mentioned in the payloadSummary: I can call the REST API using Postman but when I am using the REST adapter, it is erroring out with the error "A 400 Bad Request Error indicates that the target…
Item Update Event is not triggering upon applying filter conditionContent we are trying to capture Item Update business event in OIC with a specific condition. i.e capture only Master organization related events and neglect rest of the…
ErpIntegrationService exportBulkData - retry tag element when the callback URL servicefails with 500Hi, Issue: We are submitting the ErpIntegrationService webservice's exportBulkData operation to submit an ESS job in fusion and also providing a non-oracle service URL u…
Receivable Receipt Webservice - Remittance Reference DetailsSummary How to Populate PO Number in Receipt Remittance Reference DetailsContent Hi, We are using 'StandardReceiptService' webserice to create Receipts and applying invo…
Stage Write Activity Fails to write fileSummary: I'm writing a xml file using stage file activity based on xsd schema and i'm getting an error If I remove this line from xsd schema then error comes on the next…
OIC Salesforce AdapterSummary: Hi Team, We have a requirement to sync the below master data ( new, updates) from Oracle Cloud ERP to Salesforce using OIC. Items, Customers, Price, Sales Order…
How many parallel requests can be served by OIC Rest API exposed integrationSummary: Parallel requests served by OIC Rest API exposed integration Content (required): How many parallel requests can be served by OIC Rest API exposed integration. A…
Approch to build the REST end Point For thired Party Integration in HCMSummary:We have requirement where we have to build the HCM API for the Client.Justed wanted to understand what kind of approch we have to follow Ex: The API inculdes 40+…
How to read tab delimited file in oic integrationSummary: We have to read a text file from FTP server. File structure is bit complex and we cannot use directly from csv (tab delimited) and not from XSD schema. I use cs…
OIC Notification action not sending email, but showing successSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi all, I am trying to send email notifications to users within an OIC integration. it's a simple…
Export all OIC files from instance as backupSummary: Hi all, I am a developer with no access to OCI console. I would help any help with the following. I would like to know the options to "Export all OIC files from…
Finding Historical OIC Instance Logs in OCI Logging ServiceSummary: Usage of filter condition in OCI Logging Analytics with OIC instance ID to get the historical Log details Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…BhaskarMukherjee-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by BhaskarMukherjee-Oracle Integration
Using Dynamic Payloads for SOA Cloud ESS Job SetContent We use ESS as part of our SOA Cloud implementation. We have a case where we need to pass dynamic values for one of the field for an ESS Job that is part of a Job…
How to Convert string to date in mapperSummary: I want to convert the input string into date format Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): 19-APR-24 is my input string. I want to conve…
Rename a file in stage activitySummary: Hi experts, We have a requirement to send file that gets downloaded as part of ESS job execution as part of notifictaion. Problem is the file has a default nami…Shradhashree-Oracle 384 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Biman Dey Sarkar-Oracle Integration
Incrementing Variable value in XSLTSummary: Hello Team, I have a requirement in XSLT where I need to keep on incrementing the value of counter variable by 1 whenever any of the for each loop execution is …
GitHub for Code RepositorySummary: Hi Team, We were looking out for an GitHub implementation for all Oracle code like BIP, OIC, SQL etc., Can some one please provide more details around this? Con…
OIC Gen3 Custom Endpoint SupportSummary: Does OIC Gen3 support Custom Endpoint and if not any timelines on when will it be supported from ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…