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Which KubernetesAPI endpoint secure to use to deploy the worker node via Jenkins in OCI K8 cluster?Summary: In OCI When we build the K8 cluster it will provide both Kubernetes API private endpoint and Kubernetes API public endpoint. The Jenkins server is also configur…ShivaKumara-Oracle 35 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Karthik-Oracle Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
Kubernetes PVC ExpansionSummary Available methods for auto-expanding PVCsContent Currently when resizing persistent volume claims I am using the method documented here https://docs.oracle.com/e…User_2025-02-11-08-01-44-199 35 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Avishek Mazumdar-Oracle Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
Unable to create OKE clusterHi, I'm receiving a message while trying to create an oke cluster, saying that I reached the limit in the tenacy. The limit is 15 and I can only find 11 configured. Is t…Quiquos 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Avishek Mazumdar-Oracle Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
Is using a reverse proxy still needed and/or can it be enabled with OCI Native Ingress Controller?Summary: Is using a reverse proxy still needed and/or can it be enabled with the OCI Native Ingress Controller?Edward Lock 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Avishek Mazumdar-Oracle Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
Internal load balancer - reserve ip addressSummary: How to reserve a ip address for an internal load balancer? Content (required): We are implementing a Nginx ingress controller and to upgrade the Load Balancer n…NunoL 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Avishek Mazumdar-Oracle Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
Is it possible to manage TLS certificates for the load balancer with the Oracle Certs Service?Summary: As pertaining to Oracle OKE--is it possible to fully manage TLS certificates for the layer 7 load balancer, by using the Oracle Certificates Service?Edward Lock 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Avishek Mazumdar-Oracle Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
How to install CSI Volume Plugin in OKE?Summary: Trying to create a PVC in a virtual node cluster and it comes back with Waiting for a volume to be created either by the external provisioner 'blockvolume.csi.o…Nicholas Irving 54 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Avishek Mazumdar-Oracle Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
Recreate or Recover a Statefulset pod when the node failedSummary: Recover the statefulset pod Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Team, A stateful pod goes into terminating state when the Node,…Anilkumar Nallamothu-Oracle 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Satishbabu Gunukula Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
OKE RWX storageHi all, I have tried the and i was able to configure this but I have very poor performance on jenkins agents which use this RWX storage to store docker layers for cachin…Milos Sarac 601 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Muthukumar Lakkanakumar Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
Migrate OKE from one OCI tenancy to another OCI tenacySummary: Migrate OKE from one OCI tenancy to another OCI tenancy Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We would like to understand the migration…Piyush Prakash 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Karthik-Oracle Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
Auto scale OCI - did not find a proper configuration for tenancySummary: Auto scale OCI not working Content (required): i follow steps (https://docs.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Content/ContEng/Tasks/contengusingclusterautoscaler.htm) it de…Mohanad Awad 133 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by User_6O5QA Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
OCI Cloud Shell MiniKubeSummary: Hi All, Our company didn't approve to use the tunneling tool as Oracle documentation suggestion to debug a custom code locally. It seems an option is to use OKE…Alvaro Couto 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Karthik-Oracle Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
Container Register ErrorSummary: Hi Team, I am following an article on How to deploy ODA custom components to OKE in OCI. On the second step of the article Push an Image to Oracle Cloud Infrast…Alvaro Couto 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Alvaro Couto Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
Cannot reduce node count in node pool (free tier)Summary: I'm running a OKE cluster with one node pool of 4 ampere a1 instances. I have a free tier account with the trial expired. All resources I use are free and daily…apanloco 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Karthik-Oracle Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
Error creating kubernetes cluster on ampere host - Out of host capacityHi, I am trying to create a kubernetes cluster using the ampere shape. The error message below is when it try to create the nodes This is the first time I try to use the…Claudio Cloud 37 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kuljeet Singh - Oracle-Oracle Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
network policy doesn't impactSummary: i have applied network policy for specific name space to deny all trraifc, but seems doesn't make any impact after apply it , i can simply telnet test-np from d…Mohamed Shahin 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Kuljeet Singh - Oracle-Oracle Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
How to preserve Source IP for LoadBalancer Service OKESummary Unable to preserve source IP for a Kubernetes service exposed as type 'LoadBalancer'Content I have deployed a backed service and nginx ingress controller as a Lo…Karthik Murthy 166 views 10 comments 3 points Most recent by Thomas-Kim P. Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
Metrics API not availableHi, When I run : kubectl top nodes I get "error: Metrics API not available" Is that not supported or do I have something to configure?Franck Pachot 291 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Franck Pachot Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
How to connect to port outside of clusterI hope someone has some directions for us. We are taking steps to start working with OKE and kubernetes. We are newbies on containerized working with k8s Our organisatio…Edwin van Meerendonk 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by user13492692 Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
Unable to get a External IP for ingress serviceSummary Unable to get a External IP for ingress serviceContent Good afternoon: I am trying to create a basic ingress service as outlined in https://docs.cloud.oracle.com…Mensah Alkebu-Lan 42 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Edwin van Meerendonk Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
Native OCI alternative for NeuVectorHi Everyone, OCI Official Blog provides the following link for integrating (3rd-party security product) NeuVector with OCI https://blogs.oracle.com/cloud-infrastructure/…Mahmoud_Rabie 31 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Mahmoud_Rabie Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
Error in installing JupyterHub using Kubernetes and HelmSummary: I've followed this guide as a means of installing JupyterHub onto my OCI instance. https://zero-to-jupyterhub.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ Unfortunately, I've enco…User_2025-02-12-00-53-34-249 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Hassan M. Ajan-Oracle Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
coredns and kube-dns-autoscaler pendingSummary node.cloudprovider.kubernetes.io/uninitialized: true prevents scheduling of core functionalityContent I have set up a new OKE cluster with a node pool consisting…User_2025-02-11-22-28-39-162 175 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-11-22-28-39-162 Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
How to Create an OCI Compartment and an OKE Cluster in that Compartment?Summary Cannot find shell script setCompartmentId.sh to run to attach my compartment to Oracle Cloud Shell for workshop (microservices with converged database)Content Hi…ngriffor 33 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by ngriffor Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
Kubernetes DashboardContent Do we have any out of the box Oracle functionality for Kubernetes Dashboard? Like dashboard where we can see the nodes running, services , replicas etc,? We have…User_Y3CBW 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manish Kapur-Oracle Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
Does OKE support vertical scaling using E3.Flex shapes for nodesContent Hi All, Does OKE support vertical scaling using E3.Flex shapes for nodes. This essentially means is there a possibility to change the shape of OKE cluster nodes …User_M73EK 5 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Manish Kapur-Oracle Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
OCI Amazon S3 Compatibility APIContent My Elasticsearch7.10.0 is running in OCI OKE (Kubernetes running in Oracle Cloud). I want to setup Elasticsearch backup snapshot with OCI Object store using OCI …Milos Sarac 117 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Milos Sarac Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
Cannot obtain a JDBC connection from OKE to ATPSummary Unable to acquire JDBC Connection error when trying to connect outside cluster to ATP instanceContent Hello, Update: I will probably open an SR. I tried nslookup…Jonathan James 34 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Jonathan James Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
What ports are needed for kubectl to communicate with OKE?Summary For a local kubectl, what ports are needed for communication with OKE - is it only 6443?Content My Cluster Details lists my "Kubernetes address" with port 6443, …Jonathan James 71 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jonathan James Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions
How to configure Group access using IAM and Kubernetes RBACSummary Granting access to an IAM group through Kubernetes RBAC isn't working for meContent Based on this documentation - https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/Conten…Alexander Dyas 25 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Mahmoud_Rabie Containers, Kubernetes, & Serverless Functions