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Need to Delegate Job Requisition ApprovalSummary: Hi All, We need to delegate job requistion approval . I have checked the category section of the Approval Delegation option but there is no such category availa…Anirudh Pathak 212 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Anirudh Pathak Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Can the limit on viewing applicants be increased?Summary: We've noticed that they can only see the 500 applicants of total applicants within ORC. Some of the pipeline requestions in scope have more than 500 applicants.…Mila Elpeina 11 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Rahul Salot - Evosys Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Interaction tab in the Job RequisitionSummary: Interactions with candidates are reported as expected in Interactions but the Interactions at the requisition level are always empty. what is this tab for? when…mzaccara 194 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by KellyDenman Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
How to change the name "Opportunity Marketplace"?Summary: Is it possible to change the name "Opportunity Marketplace" via visual builder? This screenshot is inside the page. Content (required): Version (include the ver…viiassis 341 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by PranitSawant Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Questionnaire needs to sent automatically to a candidate when moved to the “HR Interview” step ofSummary: Hi Everyone, Could you please help me in issue regarding adding question. I've added question in Question Library but our requirement is This questionnaire is a…Hrushikesh Pentewad 61 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Hrushikesh Pentewad Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
How to hide the Suspend Job Requisition Option?Summary: How to hide the Suspend Job Requisition Option? I tried the following EL expression (from the question: How to remove some of the actions that the Hiring Manage…GirlieYutiga 34 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by GirlieYutiga Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Remove - Open Unposted Job Requisitions - "You can't move the offer forward..."Summary: We have a number of job requisitions where creator of the job requisitions where the creator is no longer active. Trying to close the Job Requisition. Now the j…Spatel1 201 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Emily Rodimel Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Manually Add ReferrerSummary: I understand that if an employee refers a candidate, they will appear in the Source Info. However, if the employee referred a candidate generally and not with a…Sarah D 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Michael J-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Recruiting Agents Login without login pageAs per client requirement, We are not using chooser page to login (with username and password), user will access account with Single sign on only. Problem is, without ch…Aditya Tomar 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Faiyaz Ahmad-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Error when clicking on filled requisitionSummary: Hi Team, I am getting the error when clicking on filled requisition - JBO-IRC_SYSTEM_ERROR: JBO-IRC-LC-ERROR: 137 :NOT_AN_ADJACENT_STEP: :…JanardhanPunnamraju 534 views 11 comments 1 point Most recent by Robert Arriaga Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
automated task feature of deleting requisitions, candidates, submissions etcSummary: In Taleo, there is a feature where you can configure an automated task of deleting requisition, candidates or job submissions based on the criteria that is set.…
How to turn on notification to tell Line Manager and/or Hiring Manager?Summary: Turn on notification to tell LM | HM they have an applicant to review when the new candidate is moved to Hiring Manager Review phase? Content (required): Versio…OIXLPWC 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anitha-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Selected worker to be available in Recruiter LOV when creating Job RequisitionSummary: Requirement : Recruiter lookup on Job Requisition page brings complete worker list; we want to limit pick list. We must bring picked worker to recruiter LOV. We…Gulab Ansari-Oracle 111 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by ChelcieN-Support-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Unable to search candidates based up on Labels in candidate search?Summary: Unable to search candidates based up on Labels in candidate search? Content (required): Hi Folks, We created one Label and we added same Label to one candidate,…Gosu Ashok 81 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by MichelleSpence Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Sending Workplace Info (Onsite , Remote, Hybrid) to Job BoardsSummary: Hi Experts, Does anyone know if the information populated in workplace field (Onsite, Remote, Hybrid) released in 23A flows to the Job Boards as well, specifica…Tanu Shri Patel 161 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ana-Maria Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
i want to change phone number format while creating candidate in ORCSummary: i want to change phone number format while creating candidate in ORC where we have to change settings to reflect in create candidate page. Kindly provide me nav…Lakshmi Prasanna Avula 42 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Ritu Rastogi Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Why can't I see anything in the "Screening Services" section of the job requisition?Summary: Content (required): Hello, the Screening Services section is displayed in my job requisition, but there is nothing inside. I have already set on "Visible" the s…Silvia Guido 48 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Silvia Guido Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
How to send information on new jobs added in oracle career site to Indeed without integration ?Summary: We are not doing an integration with Indeed but would still like to send infomration on new jobs that are added in oracle career site to Indeed. Can you please …Gosu Ashok 21 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Courtney Mecikalski Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Added email id and phone numbers not showing for candidates as a recruiters ?Summary: Added email ID and phone numbers not showing for candidates as recruiters? Content (required): Added email ID and phone numbers not showing for candidates as re…Gosu Ashok 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jessica Reilly-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Hide "Unlimited" under field Number of OpeningsSummary: Hide "Unlimited" under field Number of Openings Content (required): Hide "Unlimited" under field Number of Openings Version (include the version you are using, …TDMQ_WAC 34 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Akshay.Mishra Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Custom Recruiter role based on gradesHello , We have requirement to create a recruiter role which will have restrictions to view Requisitions which are created for some specific grades. Suppose as REQ is cr…Namrata_HCM 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Jason B-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Auto approve Requisition if Submitter is RecruiterSummary: Hello! Using transaction console, I have tried to create a rule that will auto approve a requisition if the submitter is the recruiter in the requisition. Rule …
One recruiter is not able to find job requisiion created by another recruiterSummary: One recruiter is not able to find job requisition created by another recruiter Content (required): One recruiter is not able to find job requisition created by …Bhavna-Civeo 41 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Shikha Agarwal Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
CHANGE JP INFO VIEWSummary: Content (required): I would need advice. As you can see from the attached screen, some parts of the JP are cut, such as the selected ones, even by decreasing th…
Where does the workplace field from ORC - Offer fields section go into Offer fields & Pending workerSummary: Where does the workplace field from ORC - Offer fields section go into Offer fields & Pending worker Content (required): Version (include the version you are us…Abhilash Desai 82 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Abhilash Desai Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Can we restrict employee with warning letter within expiry not allowed to applySummary: Employee with warning letter issued should not be able to apply for the jobs requisitions available. Content (required): Version (include the version you are us…Vineet_Sharma 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Alex N-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
What will be the impact on the completed task in journey if I redrafted the offer ?Summary: Hi Team, I do have a requirement where the business need flexibilty of re-drafting the offer letter after the candidate is transferred to core HR from ORC as pe…Vineet_Sharma 42 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Alex N-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
Career Site - Logo/Image on the Job Posting details screenSummary Career Site - Logo/Image on the Job Posting details screenContent It is possible to include a logo/image file in the Posting description / details page (just abo…
Hiring manager role got hiring related quick actions under My Client Group ? we want to remove ?Summary: Hiring manager role got hiring-related quick actions under My Client Group? We want to remove those for Hiring Manager role? Normally it would show under My Tea…Gosu Ashok 12 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Anitha-Oracle Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace
How to get a data secured Job Requisition report in ORC?Summary: How to get a data secured Job Requisition report in ORC? Content (required): We need an Oracle Recruiting Job Requisition report, which will publish to public b…Venkatesan 83 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by MandeepGupta Recruiting, Opportunity Marketplace