Discussion List
Bar code reader to capture assetsSummary: Content (required): The requirement to caption fusion assets via bar code reader. Can this be integrated with fusion assets? Version (include the version you ar…
Can you import from Purchasing to Assets using Create Mass Additions?If accounting for the item when it is received rather than when the invoice is processed, can you use 'Create Mass Additions' to import the data from purchasing into FA …
Converted Asset - YTD depreciation wrongSummary: We have converted assets, where the file was loaded with depreciation calculated for the month, and then at month end, depreciation ran again for same month. So…
How to figure out the impacted table regarding a REST API?Summary: I am new to Oracle Cloud Application and studying some REST APIs. I would like to ask some questions regarding how REST API interact with application tables. Co…
Warning in UpdateFixedAssetConfiguration fileSummary: Warning text file is empty. Content (required): When uploading asset category combinations for new Asset book system gave a warning. (We only used the System co…
Bulk asset updates to In Use and Inventorial flagsSummary: Need a method to update In Use and Inventorial flags on many assets Content (required): We are looking for a method to update many assets (few thousand potentia…
Asset Tagging optionsSummary: Hello, what are people doing with regard to Asset tagging? We are currently manually adding asset tag numbers from the invoice as the tool that was used pre-Ora…
Asset Calendar and GL Calendar Not in Sync.We had an issue earlier in the year where the GL calendar for Period 2 in the General Ledger did not match the Fixed Asset calendar for the same period. GL calendar for …
What is the effect of setting asset "Category Type" and "Ownership" as 'leased?Summary: Content (required): Hi All, When setting up asset categories, what is the effect when we setup asset Category and owned type as leased? Is there any financial e…
Is there a way to account for sale of fixed asset in AR?Summary: I have a client currently coming onto cloud from EBS and they are asking if Oracle has the functionality to account for the sale of a fixed assets in AR? (As in…
Mass Add Additional Source InformationSummary Mass Add Additional Source InformationContent Hi All, we have recently migrated to Oracle Cloud and as part of the data conversion from our legacy system to Orac…
How to delete an asset with Change in Cost Bonus rule tagged to the asset?Summary How to delete an asset with Change in Cost Bonus rule tagged to the asset?Content Hi Experts, Any suggestions on "How to delete an asset with Change in Cost Bonu…
What-If analysis report calculating the new depreciation wrongly for NBV methodSummary What-If analysis report calculating the new depreciation wrongly for NBV methodContent Hi Experts, I ran the What-if analysis report for the given asset. Asset C…
Formula Method with NBV gives wrong depreciation amount calculationSummary Formula Method with NBV gives wrong depreciation amount calculationContent Hi Experts, I have an asset cost $237483.76 and Reserve $13211.51 i.e. NBV = $224,272.…
How out of balance shows in cost summary or detailed reports?Summary One intangible asset and another asset adjusted from invoice is showing out of balance in reportContent I created an intangible asset with no depreciation with $…
Update Tag number for assetSummary Update Tag number for assetContent Dears, After added an asset, How can i update tag number for this asset? thanks
Create Accounting Entries for One Time Payments for New LeasesSummary Create Accounting Entries for One Time Payments for New LeasesContent Hi All - We are using the Fixed Assets module for our leased asset accounting. We entered i…
How to add CIP assets with Multiple sources from Add Asset from SpreadsheetSummary How to add CIP assets with Multiple sources from Add Asset from SpreadsheetContent Hi, We have a requirement to add CIP assets that have multiple sources. This c…
How can i get DFF field in the Formula based Depreciation Methods?Summary How can i get DFF field in the Formula based Depreciation Methods?Content Hi Experts, I am trying to derive the depreciation rate based on the Descriptive Flexfi…User_2025-02-06-12-01-21-534 51 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Saipriya Vaidyanaathan-Oracle Assets
How to calculate the Bonus amount only for asset cost adjustments and not for asset additions?Summary How to calculate the Bonus amount only for asset cost adjustments and not for asset additions?Content Hi Experts, How to calculate the Bonus amount only for asse…
Routing Push Notification for Fixed Asset addition to Specific UserSummary When a new Asset is posted, then the person (who adds that Asset normally gets a notification in Bell icon) gets Push Notification in Bell icon, how this notific…
Lease Accounting SetupSummary Lease Accounting SetupContent I was following the steps to enable "Create Property and Equipment Lease" below, however when I go to Setup>Financials . I am not s…
Any documentation of implementing the Canadian Tax and US Tax in Oracle Fusion Fixed Assets?Summary Any documentation of implementing the Canadian Tax and US Tax?Content Hi Experts, We are implementing the Canadian Tax and US Tax in the Oracle Fusion Fixed Asse…
How to adjust asset with negative Reduction rate for Group assets.Summary How to adjust asset with negative Reduction rate for Group assets.Content Hi Experts, I am trying to adjust the existing group asset with negative reduction rate…
How to adjust fixed asset category specific accountContent Fixed Asset Category cost account was set wrong. Many assets were entered and run accounting was processed. How to remove the assets and is it possible to adjust…
Any documentation for CCA Class 13 for Canada Tax booksSummary Any documentation for CCA Class 13 for Canada Tax booksContent Hi Experts, Any documentation for CCA Class 13 for Canada Tax books. Appreciate if you can provide…
Is it possible to apply positive depreciation when asset cost is Zero?Summary Is it possible to apply positive depreciation when asset cost is Zero?Content Hi, Is it possible to apply positive depreciation when asset cost is Zero? I tried …Balakrishna Sivappagari 26 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ravi Prakash Shukla-Oracle Assets
How to stop depreciation for few years and start the depreciation for specific asset but when deprecSummary How to stop depreciation for few years and start the depreciation for specific asset but when depreciation starts should not catchup the depreciation.Content Hi …
Discounted Payment Terms and Fixed AssetsSummary How to configure so payment amount flows to Fixed AssetsContent If paying an invoice from a supplier with discounted payment terms, how can we get the paid amoun…