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AR Credit Memo Adjustment Access to specific userWe need to restrict the ability to grant the adjustment to credit memo functionality to certain users only. Could you please advise on which privilege or duty role is re…
AR SLA Config: Nominal from AR accounted Transaction to Invoice AdjustmentHi All, Our requirement is to call the Nominal from AR Transaction Accounting(After posting to ledger/accounting), Receivable leg to the AR Adjustment Accounting, Receiv…Chandra Gollapudi 16 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by K.Padmakshi Subledger Accounting & Accounting Hub
Chargeback, Adjustment , Invoice and Receipt RelationshipLets Say there is an Cash Receipt A which pays AR Invoice B. I created Chargeback C (to handle short pay), and system creates Adjustment D in the invoice. All these get …
How to restrict self approval in AR Transaction adjustmentsSummary: If the creator of the AR Transaction adjustment has sufficient approval limits, then the adjustment is getting auto approved. Hence, we want to know if there is…
How to transfer AR Adjustment Comments or AR Adjustment Reason to GL journal DescriptionSummary: We would like to transfer value from screen AR adjustment under field Adjustment Reason or Adjustment comment to GL journal Description after create accounting …
Is Audit trail supporting tracking of AR Invoice adjustment & approval in Oracle Fusion?Summary: Hi Team, We are looking for audit history for AR Invoice adjustments in Oracle. Client is expecting audit report where they can see approval limits of adjustmen…
Anyone have the roadmap for Oracle Receivables 25B...25C?Summary: Hi, anyone have the roadmap for Oracle Receivables? Upcome and Future Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the versio…Alex Pagliarini - Ninecon 9 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel S.-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Not able to calculate late charge penalty on overdue amount.Summary Not able to calculate late charge penalty on overdue amount. System is calculating penalty on late charge interest amount only and not on the invoice overdue amo…
Restrict Adjustment access in Billing but keep in Account receivables.Summary: Currently a user is assigned with 2 custom roles that give access to Billing and Accounts Receivable work area respectively. We are trying to restrict Manage Ad…likhet 8 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Can we restrict application of AR credit memo of 1 customer to invoice/debitmemo of another CustomerSummary: Can we restrict application of AR credit memo of 1 customer to AR invoice/debit memo of another Customer AS of now system is allowing below: Created 1 credit me…
Restrict Adjustment Receivables ActivitiesOur client is asking to restrict the Receivables Activities that the Collectors can see when creating an adjustment in the Advanced Collections module. I want to make a …Guido_delaReta 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel S.-Oracle Receivables & Collections
FactoringDo we have option in AR do do Factoring ?
Subsequent changes in DFF in Manage Customers is not recorded in the Audit ReportSummary: Hi We have a DFF in Manage Customers, which we have added in the Manage Audit Policies for auditing. We have made one initial change and it was recorded in the …P.S.Nikhitha Muduliar 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Daniel S.-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Removing AR Revenue contingenciesSummary: We are introducing Revenue contingencies as part of a new project and we need to expire/release them based on events from external systems. I have found several…Sanin Memovic 19 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Sairam Surampalli-Support-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Auto adjustments for month end close activityHi Team, Can any one help on how to create an auto adjustment to transactions for month end close activity in oracle fusion. Thanks & Regards, Neeharika.NeeharikaVinjamuri 3 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by NeeharikaVinjamuri Receivables & Collections
Revenue scheduling changes after create accounting completedSummary: we have a situation where we have AR transactions created and accounted for with Invoicing rules to recognize revenue in future months. For example an invoice f…snagavarapu 19 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How Can I add new column to Adjustment Approval infotile under AR Billing?Summary: We have a requirement of adding Invoice Open Balance to the Adjustment Approval infotile under Billing. How can that be achieved as it is standard infotile by o…Navya Mahakala 12 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Raghuram Saradka-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Installment number in AR adjustment in Oracle FusionSummary: Hi Team, Can you please let us know about the installment number on AR Adjustment screen? We see that the Adjustment number is different but installment number …Goutam5555 12 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Veronica Stefan-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Activity in collectionsSummary: Is there a way in collections to see name of the activity?. Here is what you can see now: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version…
AR adjustment: not able to see adjustment created in receivables activities in Document SequencesNo activities created as adjustments are showed in the list of value of Manage Receivables Document Sequences. Someone knows why?
How to restrict Duplicate DUNS Number for CustomerDears i have a request while creating customers in mass how can i prevent such mistake ? How to restrict Duplicate DUNS Number for Customer RegardsMickel.Rmeily 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Updating DFF Field for Multiple Customers via Spreadsheet or FDBIDear Oracle Community, I have created a Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) in the customer account screen and would like to update this field for all my customers in a bulk man…Anthony Sleiman 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Nimisha Sakalle-Oracle Receivables & Collections
FBDI File For AR Adjustment and AR Write OffAs we have a requirement to upload AR Adjustment and Write off on high volume. Can you please help if there is FBDI Available for Below Objects : AR Adjustment (Need to …
How to delete a credit memo posted and accountedHello, in the opening balance, we added the invoice transaction and then reversed it with a credit memo. Unfortunately, the Credit memo has a wrong date and therefore th…Victor Chrabieh 36 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Victor Chrabieh Receivables & Collections
Issue refund across third-party paymentSummary: Issue refund across third-party payment Need to process issue refund but when the payment is made need to pay across third party That is possible to complete? W…Christian Leon 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jags Viswanathan Receivables & Collections
Adjustments should not be affected the Tax part of an invoice.Summary: Adjustments should not be affected the Tax part of an invoice, Any Tax related adjustments should not be allowed in the Invoices. Example: We have AR Invoice li…
Use Override Account on the View Accounting Page to change Natural AccountSummary: We are using Primary and Secondary Ledger with conversion level as Subledger. We created Adjustment for AR Invoice and posted accounting entry to GL. We later d…
25A Automatic Adjustments to Underpayments During Lockbox ProcessingHi As per the below Orcale update is it applicable only for BFB transactions. Can you please provide more information on this feature. Automatic application and adjustme…Surabhi 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mallik Durgumpudi-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Accounting Entry for Chargeback CreatedHi Experts - We noticed that we are getting wrong account for Chargeback Created Event Can you please tell me where does Debit and Credit come from for Chargeback ? Is i…
create accountingTeam - I am having a weird issue. My user ran create accounting for november and there were no errors . Many transactions got accounted and then also posted to GL . This…