Bills Receivables
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Print receivables transaction jobHi Oracle team, Based on client's request we want to customize the seeded Print Receivables transaction job. Requirement is to print only the printed invoices. From UI w…Sapare Aishwarya 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sapare Aishwarya Receivables & Collections
Edit access for Comments/Notes in AR Invoice with AR Inquiry roleSummary: How can we give access to user to Edit Comments/Notes in AR Invoice with Receivables Inquiry role Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…Rohit Kumar Singh 45 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by James McBride Receivables & Collections
How to fetch picked_from_subinventory for a receivables invoice?Summary: How to fetch picked_from_subinventory for a receivables invoice? Content (required): We have a requirement to display all invoices shipped to a country for tax …
REST API to update Revenue Adjustments in Oracle FusionSummary: Need REST API to update Revenue Adjustments in Oracle Fusion Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Do we have any API to update Revenue…
Reverse Receipt Form Reason Field IssueSummary:When we are testing for 23D regression testing we've run into an issue with our AR scripts: the Reason field in the Reverse Receipt page has changed slightly. Th…
When chargeback is applied on a tax receipt,Proportionate tax amount is also getting reduced.When chargeback is applied on a tax receipt and balance is getting reduced chargeback amount is showing under adjustments at (Line+tax), but ideally it should be entire …
Why I can't wee the receivables activities when I start the job Create Automatic Billing AdjustmentsFirst, i created a receivables activity in manage Receivables Activities for my BU: then I start the job Create Automatic Billing Adjustments for the same BU but I can't…
Receivable Transaction source is not working as expected for uploading transactions via FBDI processSummary: Hi Team, Receivable Transaction source is not working as expected, data is getting loaded via 'Load interface file for Import' & able to view transactions in AR…
Need to create a ACH request process for AFS receivable for bank account with NACHA fileNeed to create an ACH request process for AFS receivable for bank account 200100137658. The process would be Axos requesting money from an external bank account. I belie…YUVARAJ VAKATI 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Yuvaraju Vakati Receivables & Collections
Is it possible to update AR Invoice RemitToAddress via REST API ?Trying to update AR Invoice RemitToAddress via REST API and got a response with the updated RemitToAddress in Postman but in UI/Application it looks empty. Is it possibl…KavinKumar 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Renuka Gajavelli-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How to pass Business Unit for Customer Site while creating Customers using Customer FBDI UploadSummary: We are trying to load Customers using FBDI (CustomerImportTemplate.xlsm) Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are not able to find …Abhishek Sinha 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sairam Surampalli-Support-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Issue in LockboxSummary: We are using Transmission format as "DEFAULT" and have defined on record type payment (6). When I'm trying to create Receipts using the Lockbox system is giving…
does import autoinvoice ess job consider the records in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_allSummary: import autoinvoice ess job picks the records present in RA_INTERFACE_DISTRIBUTIONS_all for the "Distributed order orchestration" transaction source. Content (pl…Girishma Budhi 22 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Richa Priya-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Is there any REST API or SOAP Webservice to create AR Late Charges ?We have standard ESS Job to create Late Charge "Create Late Charges Batch". We are looking for REST API or SOAP Webservice to process the same along with DFF values to p…
C-1591 The flexfield name {FLEXNAME} has expired.Summary: Getting this error on AR invoice upload. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): How do we resolve? It doesn't appear that a specific seg…
How to create a customer using rest api/soap services?We want to create a customer using rest api and soap. We did those steps: 1- Customer Profile using rest api a) The body: { "SourceSystem": null, "SourceSystemReferenceV…
Is there any triggers or events available to run a report after AR Period Closed ?Is there any triggers or events available in Oracle Fusion to run a BIP report once the AR Period Closed ?
Do we have SOAP webservice or REST API to complete AR Debit Memo?Do we have SOAP webservice or REST API to complete AR Debit Memo?
Invoices aren't interfacedSummary: we have a setup for Multiple Business units each Business Unit has a separate data access set , only one of them is used for payments processing , for now the i…Mohamed Abdelbar 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Venkat Patlola-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Do we require a particular resizing of fusion instance when creating receipts through API in bulk?Summary: We have a requirement to create 100K receipts in fusion instance. Our approach is below: We will use the REST API with batch action to create multiple receipts …
Can we add a parameter to print receivables transaction ess job and that is used to send an email?Summary: Need an additional parameter to send an email to the specific email used as parameter in the ess job. Content (required): Version (include the version you are u…
Not able to review >> Customer Billing - Manage Transaction Types config detailsSummary: Hello Experts! We are not able to query and see the details for existing Transaction Types defined. Please suggest. User has Application Implementation Consulta…
AR invoice line order (Autoinvoice) does not match Order Management Line NumbersSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): AR invoice line order (Autoinvoice) does not match Order Management Line Numbers. . When we enter…Amasa De Silva 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
in AR Billing, the error is: "You must enter a valid sold-to customer contact"Hello, when creating a transaction, an error pops up: You must enter a valid sold-to customer contact. Therefore, I can't save the transaction or complete it. Please adv…Victor Chrabieh 204 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Victor Chrabieh Receivables & Collections
How to have automatic receipt numbering while creating the receipt using REST API?Summary: We are trying to create receipt in fusion using the REST API (How to Create Standard Receipt and Receipt Batch using REST API ? (Doc ID 2514002.1). Is there a w…
Update Remittance Value through API or non-ADFDI templateSummary: Would like to check if there is any templates or functions that can update the receipt remittance value after receipt creation? Any API or way that can automati…Seth.CF 23 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Is it possible to see other receipt transaction?Summary: Now I cannot see other transaction which our business user do transaction on receipt screen. Is it possible to see other receipt transaction?
How to check each AR transaction whether use which account rules and which journal line rule?Summary: Due to we have many SLA setup on our application. How to check each AR transaction use which account rules and which journal line rule? Could you please provide…