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Issue with missing value list in Receivables to Ledger Reconciliation ReportSummary: Hello, I’m trying to run the Receivables to Ledger Reconciliation Report, but I can’t see the value list. I currently have the standard roles assigned. Does any…Teresa Martinez-Oracle 7 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Deepak Singal Receivables & Collections
Why can't I see DFF configured in Trading Community Model in OTBI Receivables subject area?Summary: DFF has been setup in Manage Trading Community Organization Descriptive Flexfield under the application Trading Community Model, and Module is Trading Community…
How to run Import AutoInvoice Execution Report alone?We have many users that upload invoices via spreadsheet. Their supervisor wants to generate a report that list down all unsuccessful uploads of her subordinates.
How to edit Create Accounting Execution Report to add "Created By" columnI created a copy of standard create accounting execution report in Reports and Analytics to edit the columns reflecting in the report. Upon exploring, adding a "Created …
Is there a table where we could query/retrieve the match configuration rule attributes for CDM?Summary: We've a requirement to create a report showing the match rule and the rule attributes. We can use ZCH_MERGE_DETAILS_B to get the match rule name for merged reco…
DR number and Shipment number not appearingSummary: I have 3 lines on one SO, all lines are closed and billed. But when checking on OTBI (sales invoice report), DR and Shipment number is not appearing on one SI. …
Receivables Transaction Review and Control ReportingSummary: We are working on implementing the new feature around Receivables Transaction Review and Control, however we are looking for reporting related to the credit mem…
Error using 'Upload Customers' FBDI, using OIC processthe error is: Processing Data File: ArUploadCustomers.csv Data files cannot be processed due to incorrect file name prefix. You must provide the Data Files having valid …
Support Incremental is not enabling for BICC extractSummary: Hi Team, we are using application composer custom objects and looks like supports incremental is not getting enabled to this like it happen for seeded ones. Can…PrasadN 33 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Cristian Bilibou-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for ERP
receivable adjustment amount column to add in OTBI ReportIn our report we are using OTBI subject area Receivables - Transactions Real time our users want to see the adjustments in the report. So we added Receivables - Adjustme…priyankarao 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sairam Surampalli-Support-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Is there any predefined report showing customer wise trial balance ReportSummary: user requires Customer wise trial balance as well as Receivable balances customer wise. Do we have any predefined report? Content (please ensure you mask any co…Jeetesh Singh 3 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sairam Surampalli-Support-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Condition to display active customer accounts/sites in Customers extract OTBI ReportSummary: Hi, We used subject area named "Receivables- Customer real time" to create an OTBI to extract customer master. however, we couldn't find a column in any folder …
We are trying to obtain a Audit report which captures audit for customer bank account changes.Summary:We are trying to obtain a Audit report which captures audit for customer bank account changes. The business need is to capture the following details for audit: I…
How increase limit of rows in otbi analysisSummary: How increase limit of rows in otbi analysis Content (required): Customer have some Analysis created and he want to know if there are some possibility to export …Adriana Martins 681 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Eros Mario Nicotra Receivables & Collections
Issue finding PVO'S for the listed columnsTrying to add these columns to AR Transactions SA from the Fusion cloud application to FDI D&B Customer Number Account Profile Class Account Status Account Termination D…
Is there a list of tables where the "Manage Geographies" setup is stored?Summary Looking for SQL Tables for the Manage Geographies setupContent Someone has setup some Geography data in the Manage Geographies setup pages which include some hie…
How to resolve time out error in running a Fusion BI report specific to an user account?Summary: A specific user is getting time out error after running a report with specific parameter. But the same report with same parameter is working for another user. P…Sneha Kathirendran 4 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sneha Kathirendran Receivables & Collections
How to extract ship to customer and ship to site name?Hi, How to extract ship to customer and ship to site in a receivables table? We only found id. Thanks, Regards
Receipts created in spreadsheet are not getting applied to the AR invoices automaticallyI am trying to load receipts from the ADFDI "Create receipts in spreadsheet". I do pass the customer name, account number and reference as transaction number and transac…
UPDATE RECEIVABLES RECEIPT DFF using APII tried to update receipt DFF with the following Payload: single…
Is it possible to use FBDI for adding some sites to an exiting customer?We created a customer but we need to add many sites to him, so we are thinking about using FBDI, but is it possibile for an existing customer to use FBDI just for create…
Export Manage Receivable ActivitiesIs there a way to export the results in Manage Receivable Activities setup & maintenance screen? Or is there a back end table I can create a data model and report off of…Matthew - Town of Aurora 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Matthew - Town of Aurora Receivables & Collections
Print Receivables Transactions but don't emailSummary: Hello, We want to be able to run the aforementioned request but rather than have email the documents out, simply generate a PDF document. I know that we can rec…
Receivables Aging by General Ledger Account ReportSummary: We are trying to develop a new custom aging report as to ease the reconciliation and make some custom column but we are not able to match the report with the st…
All AR transactions excluding vat and remaining balanceSummary: We need a report showing all AR transactions excluding vat and remaining balance including vat as at a date. If there is no remaining balance no need to be in t…
OTBI Report that includes oustanding BalanceI am trying to build an OTBI report for customer ATR transactions including outstanding balances (Remaining Balance). But I couldn't find out the customer Outstanding Ba…jgrahamavanti 27 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sairam Surampalli-Support-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Migrated AR report returning an error which has DFFsSummary: I have migrated 3 AR OTBI reports from one instance to another and earlier I was not able to find those DFFs in OTBI though it was configured but post running t…Rahul Kumar Gupta.-Oracle 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by Rahul Kumar Gupta.-Oracle Receivables & Collections
Philippines Statutory Report - Cash Disbursement JournalSummary: Philippines Statutory Report - Cash Disbursement Journal Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We are trying to get the details on …D Mandal 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
How to record more than 350 Character in DFF fusion AR Cloud ?Summary How to record more than 350 Character in DFF fusion AR Cloud ?Content Hello This is the business requirement , we need to store QR code string in DFF which is gr…gabriel kinovisques-163562 50 views 4 comments 2 points Most recent by User_F7IX4 Receivables & Collections
Due Date field in Receivables Transaction Real Time is not displaying any valueSummary: Even though we tried with the most basic fields but the Due Date value is not getting displayed (Screenshot 1). Only when we are adding due date field from Rece…Rahul Kumar Gupta.-Oracle 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Rahul Kumar Gupta.-Oracle Receivables & Collections