Tax Configuration
Discussion List
IC Taxation for AP and AR ModuleSummary IC Taxation for AP and AR ModuleContent Hi, Business would like to perform Intercompany taxation as below based on Natural account. Requirement as follows: IC - …
Not able to edit Tax rate on Intercompany AP InvoiceSummary: Hi All, We have a case wherein the user wants to edit the tax rate on IC AP Invoice but system does not allow it. User wants to have different tax rate for AR a…
Does anyone have any documentation on Tax Reporting Using Tax Box Allocation?Summary: Does anyone have any documentation on Tax Reporting Using Tax Box Allocation? Content (required): Hello Will you please share with me any documentation to setup…Gabriel Kinovisques 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Tax & Global
Newbie in Tax here. there is a requirement that WHT will be based from the selected PO Category.Summary: Newbie in Tax here. there is a requirement that WHT will be based from the selected PO Category. Any steps/ comment is appreciated. Content (required): Version …
Cain i confirm if the list of countries below, are supported by Tax configuration. Thank youSummary: Confirmation if the list of countries, are supported by Tax Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add an…
I created a new Tax Jurisdiction but it's not showing up when I search for it to add a new tax rate.Summary: I created a new Tax Jurisdiction but it's not showing up when I search for it to add a new tax rate. Did I miss a step to create the new jurisdiction? Content (…
How to Disable "Allow Tax Applicability" Check box at Supplier or Supplier Site LevelSummary: How to Disable "Allow Tax Applicability" Check box at Supplier or Supplier Site Level Content (required): We are creating supplier/Sites through REST API and sy…Kumar 57 103 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Rasheed - Fusion Support Engineer-Oracle Tax & Global
"Upload Tax rates from a spreadsheet" is creating Jurisdiction with wrong countySummary: Content (required): "Upload Tax rates from a spreadsheet" is used to upload Tax rates. The tax rates are created correctly. But, the Jurisdiction is creating wi…
Exclude 0 amount tax boxes from tax box allocation (e.g. cancelled tax lines or invoices) and xml ouContent Hi everyone, I am finishing implementation of JPK (Polish SAFT file) in our instance. Allocations and rules work perfectly with one exception. We should not repo…
Change Tax Configuration from User-Defined Fiscal Classification to Geography-drivenSummary: Content (required): We originally configured tax rules with Tax Condition Sets that used a Tax Determining Factor Name of "User Defined Fiscal Classification". …
Tax setup/configuration needed for Punchout SupplierSummary Tax setup/configuration needed for Punchout SupplierContent Hi, We have 3 punchout suppliers in our project, Whenever requisition gets created after selecting an…User_2025-02-10-05-51-05-868 62 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jenson Samuel-Oracle Tax & Global
In Download Tax Rules to a Spreadsheet, where is the spreadsheet generated?Summary: In Download Tax Rules to a Spreadsheet, where is the spreadsheet generated? Content (required): The customer needs to download existing Tax Rules into a spreads…User_2025-02-11-06-12-35-024 312 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-11-06-12-35-024 Tax & Global
Configuration Owner Tax Options: Unable to allow offset tax calculation for receivablesSummary: Why are we unable to allow offset tax for Receivables? Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any cod…
What caused the tax rate not to show in AP Invoice but correctly shows in tax simulatorSummary: AP Invoice does not show tax rate code but the tax simulator using the same AP Invoice shows correct tax rate code. This is related to foreign registrations whe…
delate the inactive tax registrationsSummary: delate the inactive tax registrations Content (required): I have several tax registrations in the "manage tax registration" task that I would like to delete as …
Inclusion of determinants in a set conditionI wonder what the rule is to allow new determinants in a set condition, I have a case that a set condition is allowing editing and others do not allow. What would be the…
Product Non InventorySummary: What is the difference in Transaction Input Factor->Purchasing Category and Product Non iNventory linked- >Fiscal Classification Code Content (required): Versio…
Can we use Tax regime created under Transaction Tax for WHT tax Tak Manage TaskSummary: We have created Tax regime under Transaction Tax.While creating Taxes for WHT regime from Transaction Tax is populating but not able to select any Geography typ…
Tax calculation on requisition transactionSummary: No tax is calculated on requisition Content (required): Tax is not calculated on Internal requisition or Purchase requisition. However, tax calculation is happe…
In which order are the various tax rules called?Summary: I'm struggling to see in which order the various tax rules a called. I would like to ensure the correct tax code is defaulted :-)' Is there a document which des…
How to Override Canadian GST on a Purchase OrderSummary: How to Override Canadian GST on a Purchase Order Content (required): How to Override Canadian GST on a Purchase Order. We have configured Canadian GST for our p…
Bill from tax qualifierSummary: I have configured a tax rate rule where condition is 'bill from' is outside EU. A supplier has an address in US. The tax rule is not used. Is the tax qualifier …