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Ranged child value for parent value in an account hierarchyContent I have recently tried to create a ranged child values for a parent value in an account hierarchy tree. The child range does not allow further creation of nodes u…Chow Ka Ming Jason-Oracle 33 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Dirk Blaurock Financials – General (READ ONLY)
Issue creating netting agreement (ORA-28115: policy with check option violation)Content Has any come across the issue where one receives an error message while creating a new netting agreement? I recently setup Netting on our environment and am now …Geert Buyckx 146 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Pratap Ball Financials – General (READ ONLY)
Default good received date in "Goods Received" field in the invoiceSummary: Content (required): Hi, The requirement is to autopopulate the "Goods Received" field in the invoice (all PO matched invoices) based on receipt date of the PO. …Sheneli98 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ramalingam Muthaian Pillai- Support-Oracle Financials – General (READ ONLY)
how to set user approval on an account ?Dear all I am having a request to add user approval for accounts in COA How to do it ? RegardsMickel.Rmeily 43 views 2 comments 2 points Most recent by Melissa UCM Financials – General (READ ONLY)
ERP - Simplify Lease Compliance with Oracle Lease Accounting, 16 September 2020, 9 a.m PT - Submit QContent Submit your questions for the ERP - Simplify Lease Compliance with Oracle Lease Accounting session to have them answered during the live event. Post your questio…Maria Centeno-Cloud ERP-Oracle 85 views 16 comments 0 points Most recent by Siddhant Aggarwal-Oracle Financials – General (READ ONLY)
While creating the customer the Country is defaulting as US and LOV is not appearingSummary: While creating the customer the Country is defaulting as US and LOV is not appearing Content (required): While creating the customer ,in the address field the C…Sravan Beeram 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Siddhant Aggarwal-Oracle Financials – General (READ ONLY)
ERP Cloud - Restrict value set by Data Set / Business UnitSummary: Create a value set that restrict values based on Data Set / Business Unit selected. Content (required): I am trying to create a value set that only displays val…
Question about Pre-Upgrade Tasks: Necessary or Overkill?Summary What tasks should be performed before a QPB?Content Hello, Before every Quarterly Patch Bundle, we take these precautions and we are just wondering if they are a…User_2025-01-28-02-37-02-772 45 views 9 comments 1 point Most recent by Melissa UCM Financials – General (READ ONLY)
SR Support DelaySummary: Our team had an SR open since February for Account Misclassification and until now it has not been resolved. The tickets were escalated to 24/7 but there was co…
ADFDI issues 22BContent (required): After 21D to 22B Update, we are seeing frequent connectivity issues in ADFDI. Anyone else facing this issue after 22B Version (include the version yo…Uma-M 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mihaela Cozma GL-Oracle Financials – General (READ ONLY)
LLP/Partnership Implementation in OracleSummary: LLP/Partnership Implementation in Oracle Content (required): Has anyone implemented LLP/Partnership Firms in Oracle. We want to know how the Partners Accounts w…Agarwal Tarun 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Agarwal Tarun Financials – General (READ ONLY)
ERP – BI Publisher Introduction: How to configure EFT templates, 3 June 2020, 9 a.m PT - Submit QuesContent Submit your questions for the ERP – BI Publisher Introduction: How to configure EFT templates session to have them answered during the live event. Post your ques…Maria Centeno-Cloud ERP-Oracle 72 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by TarunAggarwal Financials – General (READ ONLY)
Tag number and serial number from receipt DFF segment should be populated on respective asset in FASummary: Tag number and serial number from receipt DFF segment should be populated on respective asset in FA automatically apart from updating manually or FBDI. Content …User_81HC1 33 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by Mohammed Boucanna Financials – General (READ ONLY)
Password should never expireHi , Integration user password should never expire, is there any options?? Thanks,Leela 41 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Jeff Hare CPA CISA CIA Financials – General (READ ONLY)
PO Number in "Apply/Unapply Prepayments" windowSummary: Content (required): Hi, From where does the PO numbers get captured to the "Apply/Unapply Prepayments" window? A prepayment with the PO number in identifying PO…Sheneli98 101 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Eugeniu Jomir-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
When a P2T refresh is done how to ensure that no payment transmission is generated from Test systemSummary: When P2T refresh is done is there a way to ensure that no payment transmission file is generated from test system. Is there any inbuilt checks in the product to…Govind Srinivasan-Oracle 32 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Govind Srinivasan-Oracle Financials – General (READ ONLY)
Approval for supplier profile changeSummary: Content (required): Hi, We have a requirement of enabling approval for the following instances; When supplier is created internally with the Business Relationsh…
VAT SoftwareSummary: Customer is looking for some feedback on how other customers on Oracle Cloud are handling VAT for EMEA. Which TAX software is being used by other customers to m…
Loading high volume of transactions using FBDISummary: Has anyone tried loading high volume of transactions using FBDI ? if yes what are your recommendations?
Russia LocalizationSummary Russia LocalizationContent Good People, What is the perspective of Russia Localization from the point of Oracle ERP Cloud ? How the gaps are being fulfilled now …Soumya Prakash Parhi 65 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by user8049289 Financials – General (READ ONLY)
Not able to search Expense report using 'Manage Expense Report Templates' taskSummary: Not able to search Expense report using 'Manage Expense Report Templates' task Content (required): We have assigned custom admin role to user with BU access but…
Do all regions have Cloud Local Solution (CLS)?Summary: I am looking for a Cloud Local Solution (CLS) for EMEA & APAC, as there is for LATAM. Content (required): I believe there is a Latin America Cloud Local Solutio…