Discussion List
Createandassign assetSummary Createandassign assetContent The Createandassignasset excel sheet should the cost be entered for the project in the excel. I need some info on the function and h…
Limit Requisition Creation on ProjectsSummary Is it possible to limit who can create requisitions on projectsContent We have a requirement to limit who can charge to a project when creating purchase requisit…Sai Pavan Kumar Gadagandla 120 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Paul Fernandez Project Management
Project Costs and OTBI Report access to project accountant through project role instead of Job RoleSummary Does a user assigned as Project Accountant on a project gets access to costs work area and OTBI to access costs with out job role and data access?Content We only…Sai Pavan Kumar Gadagandla 166 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Pradeep Balakrishnan Project Management
Role and Previlage required to upload Project and Budget FBDI Template onlySummary Role and Previlage required to upload Project and Budget FBDI Template onlyContent Hi Team, I have a bussiness case, where i need to create a Custom role and pro…
Project Manager access to "Manage Project Costs" and "Manage Project Invoices"Summary How to provide access to PM to review project specific Costs and Invoices?Content Project Manager wants to review the project costs and invoices what they are re…
Data security policies to create read only OTBI roles in PPMSummary Are there any data security policies that enable access to just OTBI reporting in PPMContent 1. Are there any data security policies exist now or planned for fut…
Can SLA do allocation function?Summary Can SLA do an allocation function?Content Use case: ( We are not using grants) A project is funded/sponsored by multiple internal organizations. Say a project wi…Preetham Tadiparthi 76 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Andy May-Coates-Oracle Project Management
Previlage for role Project Application Administrator - to submit "Submit Process to Maintain ProjSummary Previlage for role Project Application Administrator - to submit "Submit Process to Maintain Project Organizations" processContent Hi Team, As per the business ,…
Cannot find persons to define them as a resource from Manage resources workareaSummary Cannot find persons to define them as a resource from Manage resources workareaContent am trying to add some resources from Manage resources work area , but when…
Licenses for Project ManagersSummary Do any user with the Project Manager Duty needs a full PJF license?Content Hello PPM community, Regarding licensing of PPM Cloud: When I assign an employee as a …
How to restrict data access by project typesSummary How to restrict data access by project typesContent One of our customers has requirement to have data access to various roles standard and custom roles based on …Lalkrishna Rath-Oracle 46 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Andy May-Coates-Oracle Project Management
Restrict duplicate record creation for Project labor costSummary Restrict duplicate record creation for Project labor costContent Hi, We are receiving the Project labor cost data file from external systems. There may be chance…
How To Restrict Entering Transactions the ProjectSummary How To Restrict Entering Transactions the Project expect assigned users to itContent Hello, We created a project and assign a project manager and team members. W…
Restrict buyer to raise PR/PO based on project organizationContent Hi All, We have below requirement from our client to restrict the buyers to raise project related purchase requisition or purchase order based on project organiz…Avesh Ganodwala-57885 60 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Mohamed AttiaAllah-Oracle Project Management
Batch Actions To Create/Update/Get PPM Projects/Tasks DetailsSummary Have anyone used Batch Actions To Create/Update/Get PPM Projects/Tasks DetailsContent We are trying to use Batch Actions REST API for Project Portfolio Managemen…
Future Project Start Date - Project details for Project manager not been foundContent Hi All, We have issue where in the project start date is in Future , lets say 1- Jun - 2020 and the project manager is also assigned to the project. Now when we …Avesh Ganodwala-196407 54 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sampath Banda-Oracle Project Management
Making more than one Approval group for Contracts ApprovalContent HI , is it possible to make more than one approval group for each Contract Organization / Contract Type ? if possible would you please discuss the action plan ne…
Create Baseline option disabled with custom project manager roleSummary After copying standard project manager role, create baseline option is disabledContent I see that Create Project Baseline Version role is inherited by Project Ma…
Restrict buyer to raise PR/PO based on project organizationContent Hi All, We have below requirement from our client to restrict the buyers to raise project related purchase requisition or purchase order based on project organiz…Avesh Ganodwala-57885 64 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Andy May-Coates-Oracle Project Management
Provide access to Review Project Performance WorkareaSummary Provide access to Review Project Performance Workarea for Project administratorContent Hello, Using Project portfolio management cloud - Project financial manage…Xavier Martinez-140430 57 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Dustin Grabowski-Oracle Project Management