Letters and Report Processing
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What SFP Report View returns each COA component?For Dept of Ed Financial Value Transparency reporting, there are separate columns for a student's annual costs of "Tuition and Fees" and "Books, Supplies, and Equipment"…Reid from Spring Arbor Univ 44 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Jeramie Ryan Student Financial Aid
BI Publisher report errors out with XMLPGEN-03111 : user requested cancel operationSummary: BI Publisher report errors out with XMLPGEN-03111 : user requested cancel operation our system time out set to 1800 Content (please ensure you mask any confiden…MysticMelody 56 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Desiree Dreszer-Oracle Student Financial Aid
Updated Product Reports, Letters and Data ModelsWith the 24A release we provided access to our new V2 views that pull in data from the 24/25 ISIR, and within 24B we will be delivering updates to our Data Models, Produ…
Funds appearing on Latest Award Letter that are not on Latest PackageSummary: Looking for guidance on how to modify data model for Award Letter to prevent issues where Funds appear in letter that are not on latest package Content (please …
Oracle Analytics Server Static AddressEffective immediately, we have implemented a configuration change resulting in egress traffic sourcing from Oracle Analytics Server (OAS) deployments within Oracle Stude…Pete Cavanaugh-Oracle 52 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Pete Cavanaugh-Oracle Student Financial Aid
How can we change the time zone used by OAS?Summary: OAS uses GMT time. Our business operations and SFP are all based on Pacific time. The 8 hour difference causes gap in our Right to Cancel Letter generation and …JBennett 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Paul L Koch-Support-Oracle Student Financial Aid
Consolidated Appropriations Act: Letter Impacts for ISIR FieldsAs we continue to review the Consolidated Appropriations Act effects on financial aid processing within SFP we are looking into possible updates needed for letter genera…
How will SFP beign reporting Federal Work Study (FWS) wages to COD?Summary: Content (required): We are required to begin reporting FWS wages to COD in the coming months. In a webinar yesterday schools were stating that they will be usin…JBennett 101 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Paul L Koch-Support-Oracle Student Financial Aid
Yearly FISAP UpdateThis year's yearly FISAP updates contain cosmetic enhancements to the file layout as well as updated dates within the report itself. These changes will be included in th…
Updates to OAS SQL for “Failed to Load SQL” errorWhile testing the BI Publisher to OAS migration in 23C, an issue was discovered where certain data models received a "Failed to Load SQL" error. It was determined this w…
July 11th 23C & Beyond CCC Event Q&A Follow UpThank you all for joining our last Cloud Connect Event where we where able to share details regarding the 23C Release, preview our upcoming Automated Selective Packaging…Desiree Dreszer-Oracle 82 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Desiree Dreszer-Oracle Student Financial Aid
What is the best way to export Cal Grant Payment information on CSAC's Grant Roster Layout Format?Summary: Content (required): The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) requires payments of the California State Grant (Cal Grant) to be reported on their website. On…JBennett 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Paul L Koch-Support-Oracle Student Financial Aid
Updated Application Processing Guides for 22/23 and 23/24On March 24, 2023, ED published updates to the 22/23 and 23/24 EDE Technical References, ISIR Guides, and SAR Comment Codes and Text Guides. A major change from these up…