Global Human Resources
Discussion List
Custom Excel to HDL LoadSummary: Looking for any readily available custom excel which loads data into HCM Cloud either by using WS or REST API Content (required): Looking for any readily availa…
Creating custom Integration User with RolesSummary: Hi , I am trying to create an integration user "Integrate_User" in Fusion HCM . Our company network administrator needs this user from us so he can call webserv…
How to call data extract using the REST APISummary: Is it possible to call the custom data extract using the REST API? Content (required): We have built a custom data extract to pull the Employee info(Person, Ass…
hcm rest api - how to remove fields from responseHI, I wonder if there is way to remove specific fields from response. For example, I need to exclude DateOfBirth from response. Please advise. https://{pod}.fa.ca2.oracl…
Error in creating pending workerSummary: Not able to create a pending worker from REST API. Content (required): I am following this tutorial to create a pending worker. I am getting the bellow response…
Unable to add temporary assignment using REST APISummary: Followed the steps elaborated in the documentation - but it is n…
Extracting work relationship data using REST APISummary: I need to retrieve start date and termination data for an employee using worker REST API.But when I use the worker API ,I have to further use the link for work …
Technology Training Summit - Rest API SamplesContent This postman collection contains samples for * Public Workers * Payroll * Assign a Payroll * Create a Bank Account * Personal Payment Method * User Management * …Rachel Martorelli-Oracle 363 views 2 comments 4 points Most recent by Rachel Martorelli-Oracle HCM REST APIs