Learning Cloud
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REST API - how to create multiple records in one payload?Summary: I tried to use REST API to create multiple learning content in one Payload, I did exactly the same as Oracle support document 2644754.1 or 2746047.1, but I got …
REST API call tracking and logs for Timeout issuesSummary: Hello All, We are facing intermittent timeout errors with LMS REST API call, third party team said the timeout issues observed only from the last week. I would …
How to bulk upload learning content items using APISummary: I have a requirement to process 25,000 records from OIC , but currently, the available API only supports creating or updating a single learning content item per…
Performance issues observed with learnerLearningRecords REST APISummary: Good evening All, We are trying to fetch assigned courses for an employee/contractor using the "learnerLearningRecords" REST API call, with the filter criteria …
Getting 500 Internal Server Error when trying to update few learning content itemsGetting 500 Internal Server Error when trying to update few learning content items from Postman. API used is "/hcmRestApi/resources/{Con…
PO_WC_HEADERS PVO name inSummary: what is the PVO name to fetch the PO_WC_HEADERS and PO_WC_LINES tables from BICC in oracle fusion Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
Learning REST API for Create an assignment recordSummary: We are trying to create learner assignment record using Learning REST API hcmRestApi/resources/ We want to assign learners to…
Actions after Integration of Oracle Learning with Microsoft TeamsSummary: Actions after Integration of Oracle Learning with Microsoft Teams Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi to all, (Step 1) We made the…
How can i create multiple HCM Lookup Codes using REST APIs that have been provided by Oracle?Hi Everyone, I am currently trying to achieve automation for Lookup Type and Code creation using REST APIs. I came across the REST APIs that have been mentioned in the d…
Actions after Integration of Oracle Learning with Microsoft TeamsSummary: Actions after Integration of Oracle Learning with Microsoft Teams Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi to all, (Step 1) We made the…
How can we use email for Cloud Learn and MS Teams integration?Summary: We have successfully validated and connected Oracle Cloud Learn and Microsoft Teams/Calendar. We also want to be able to allow instructors to give credit for at…
What business objects are available in remove person information?Summary: Business objects available in Remove Person Information and can flexfields for these business objects be removed as well Content (required): What specific busin…
How to configure prerequisites and learning outcomes for specializations and coursesSummary: Hi I have enabled skill advisor for learning but now I have to configure prerequisites and learning outcomes for dynamic skills Content (please ensure you mask …
Oracle Learning Content Item - REST API GETAPI payload issueHi , We are getting '500 Internal server Error' when we are accessing the GET API call for Learning content Item. /hcmRestApi/resources/…
HSummary: Hello, I created an alert to trigger e-mail when people exit from the waitlist. The alert runs successfully, but I can see two errors as in the screenshot below…
what is the length of course number or offering numberSummary: Course number length or offering number Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable…Harish.devalapura.subbacharya 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MandeepGupta HCM Integrations
REST API to get the latest Payroll Relationship NumberSummary: We are using this Rest API , /hcmRestApi/resources/ but we are not able to fetch the latest Payroll Relatio…
How to test/view Atom feeds are working ?Summary: Hi There, Hope you are good! We have turned on Atom feeds for 'Person Terminated' and Employee Feed>Other Events >Check boxed Trigger on termination event in or…
I have to perform a Mass load to load certificates for 800 associatesSummary: I have to perform a Mass load to load certificates for 800 associates is there any way to do this using HSDL or Hdl Content (please ensure you mask any confiden…
Offerings load created new records with sysdate as effective start dateSummary: Reloading the same offerings rows updated the offerings with new effective start date instead of correcting the existing record. Content (please ensure you mask…
How to get all the learning records of a department (REST API for Oracle Fusion Cloud HCM)Hello community, I'm using the hcmRestApi/resources/ to get learning records of a certain department. But I've seen only 'assignedToNum…
Modify/Cancel Scheduled alertSummary: We're trying to modify/cancel a resource alert scheduled by another learning admin. We received the error below when we tried to change the run option from Sche…
Error while loading instructor led activitiesSummary: We are trying to load Instructor led activities and getting below error: 'An error occurred. To review details of the error run the HCM Data Loader Error Analys…
Uploaded SCORM and Videos via REST API remain in New Status Instead of Changing to Active StatusSummary: We have uploaded SCORM and Videos content files using REST APIs and their status is still as New instead of changing to Active but working fine when manually up…
Getting error to use v3 business objects even though activity sequencing is not turned onSummary: We are try to load courses using HDL non V3 business objects as activity sequencing is not turned on but still getting error to use the V3 business objects. Con…
REST API to Add Employee to Global Access GroupSummary: Is there any REST API available to add an Employee to a specific Global Access Group? We have an integration where the Worker profile is created using a REST AP…
API to send custom Apex Notifications to Standard Fusion HCM notification listSummary: We have integrated the Oracle APEX application within Fusion HCM. We have a client requirement to enhance user experience by routing APEX notifications to the s…
Create an attachment for a candidate using REST APIHello Team, We are working on a project , where requirement is to pull the candidate details from external vendor and create them into our HCM application using REST API…Saurabh_Mharolkar 52 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM REST APIs
How to Upload Bulk Video Learning Content Via Rest APISummary: The client is struggling to upload a large number of learning content videos via the Rest API due to its inability to support simultaneous loading of multiple v…User_PBUXA 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle HCM Integrations
Adjusted FTE calculated automatically when updating assignment managerWe are using REST API to update manager in an assignment while updating manager adjusted FTE also gets changed automatically how to stop it or what are the impact regard…