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25A Feature : Lease Amortization Schedules ExtractSummary: Clarification on 25A Feature : Lease Amortization Schedules Extract Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): 25A Release Notes describe a …Janelle Azimullah-Oracle 42 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Donna Bardunias Lease Accounting
Lease Options tableSummary: What FLA table contains Lease Options? Content (please ensure you mask any confid…
Deep Link Issue in Oracle Lease Accounting moduleHello, I am reaching out to raise an issue regarding the deep links in Lease Accounting module as we are facing with the issue of Lease accounting deep link is not avail…
what is the formula or calculation logic for lease revenueSummary: what is the formula or calculation logic for lease revenue? In lease details report for revenue lease, we can find the lease revenue column on Payment Amortizat…
Revenue Leases accounting subledger to GL drill down report or sql querySummary: Need to know if there is report existing for Revenue Lease accounting subledger to GL drill down report. If the report is not existing can someone please help w…
Link Lease Accounting to General Ledger Journal Lines TableSummary: Hi, Trying to create a BIP report that pulls the lines from Lease Accounting (can be accessed via Lease Accounting module, Review Journal Entries from Tasks) to…
Predefined Reports for Revenue LeasesGood day, What are the predefined reports or subject areas that are related to the revenue lease, as the I found on the task panel are related to expense leases only? Re…
Lease Accounting - CWB + Test Scripts + Business Process ModelSummary: Lease Accounting - CWB + Test Script + Process Flow Content (required): We are looking at replacing our legacy system for Lease with Oracle Lease Accounting, an…
Lease Detail Report & Leases Schedule IssuesIssue: The back-end table data is available until the Leases are in the draft Stage. The stage data is deleted once the leases are booked (and finalized). So the Future …
Lease Disclosure ReportSummary: I need to know what formula is used in the Standard Lease Disclosure Report for Section 4 in order to calcualte figures of below two rows Weighted Average for R…
Lease Details Report Layout ChangeSummary: Change in the Lease Details Report layout? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have noted a change in the Lease Details Report lay…
is there any forecast report for projection of liabilities and expense payment in coming 10 years?Summary: is there any forecast report for projection of liabilities and expense payment in coming 10 years for leases? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
Lease Accounting Reports Required for Month-End CloseSummary: Which of the following reports must be ran at the end of the period in order to populate Lease Accounting tables? When creating an integration to ARCS, it was o…
We have requirement to schedule the Quartz Program for Lease Details Report for every 5 minutesSummary: Hi Team, Requesting to help us in scheduling and enabling the Quartz program that runs the background for every 5 minutes and picks up all the booked leases and…
query to retrieve lease detailsSummary: need to extract some Lease Details like the Location Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): from the existing Leases, I need to know the…
Query to retrieve Opening Lease Liability calculations for Migrated LeasesSummary: Query to retrieve Opening Lease Liability calculations for Migrated Leases Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Per the Lease Migratio…Janelle Azimullah-Oracle 71 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Swetha Manupati-Oracle Lease Accounting
How can we associate multiple Leases to each other?Summary: We have a customer requirement to group Leases together, e.g. multiple car hire leases grouped through a Master Hire Agreement. I have thought of some potential…Janelle Azimullah-Oracle 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Janelle Azimullah-Oracle Lease Accounting
is it possible to build data segregation by one level down the BU level? For example by department?Summary: Is it possible to build data segregation by one level down the BU level? For example by department? The current security segregation is by BU in Lease, but by d…
Scheduled job to apply before BIP output in LA moduleHi team, For BIP output in FA, applying "Extract Assets Reporting Data" scheduled job is necessary. Are there any scheduled job to apply before BIP output for LA module?…
Duty role to access report related tasks in LA moduleHi team, We are creating readonly role, with access to generate report tasks for LA module. Are there any duty role that grant access only to report related tasks in scr…
cannot select any BU from BU LOV.Summary: Navigate to Create Discount Rate Index, click New to create discount rate index, but cannot select any BU from BU LOV. Note: AP Invoice Options setup completed.…
Custom BIP Report - Lease Accounting ForecastingHi, Need to create a custom BIP report that sends Opening Liability, Payment Amount, and Closing Liability to our EPM team as they need this information for forecasting.…
Could we run lease reports by intercompany flag?Summary: We need to run lease reports (lease liability, disclosures etc.) by intercompany and non-intercompany leases for various tasks. Even though we have flagged all …
How can I join FLA_PROPERTIES_ALL or any other FLA lease table with HZ_LOCATIONS table?I am trying to get the address which we can see under the Assets tab for a particular lease I tried joining INTERNAL_LOCATION_ID and EXTERNAL_LOCATION_ID from the FLA_PR…
is there any lease standard report for data conversion validation?Summary: is there any lease standard report for data conversion validation? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version y…
is there any payment due notification and schedule payment notification?Summary: is there any lease payment due notification and is there any schedule payment notification? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versi…DL003 11 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
What Lease Accounting table stores lease term?Hi, Lease Accounting UI has Lease Term in addition to Lease Start Date and Lease End Date. I am not finding Lease Term, which table is this in? Screenshots below:jess-izumi-234 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Lease Accounting
What are all the Privilege required to run the Standard ESS job of the Leasing moduleWhat are all the Privilege required to run the Standard ESS job of the Leasing module Ex: Lease Reports 1.Lease Liability/ Analysis Report 2.Lease Transactions and Balan…
Is anyone experiencing an issue with attaching the Lease Details Report to a lease?Our accountants have a Lease Accountant role and when they try and run the process to attach the Lease Details Report, they receive the following: The lease detail repor…
How are calculations being made in the predefined Lease Accounting reports?Summary: Analysis of the reports at the functional level is currently complex being that there is not much information on the fields, formulas, and other details in the …