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Is there a way to disable Actions from Global Search?Summary Our company does not allow managers to conduct self service transactions (like terminations, salary changes, etc.). We want to hide the actions on the right from…Matthew Grillo-95429 207 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Magdalena Kurantowicz-Oracle Human Capital Management
Inquiries about enterprise structureSummary LDG and COAContent Good morning everyone, I have a question : I have only one currency but I have two charts of account Can I do 2 LDG and connect each LDG to a …
Directory - Configurable Search ItemsSummary We are looking to see if via the Directory we are able to search for skills, qualifications, competencies etcContent Hi all, Haven't seen this request in the thr…Andrew DellaPosta-Oracle 82 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by Chris Borsh-Oracle Human Capital Management
Data Loader for Manage Worker UnionsSummary New Data Loader Needed to Create Worker UnionsContent Good morning everyone, I would like to build a data loader for uploading worker unions into HCM. Does anyon…Daniel McMillian 37 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Daniel McMillian Human Capital Management
Seeded role for creating security profilesContent I need to know the seeded role which is giving access to create security profiles in HCM. I need to create a custom role and some custom security profiles. I cou…Ayesha Thilakarathna 37 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Ayesha Thilakarathna Human Capital Management
Position Sync Process - Terminated EmployeesSummary Position Sync Process - Terminated EmployeesContent We have a number of terminated employees (who terminated last year) where upon running the position sync proc…Junade Shujaat-160775 49 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Joao Gaspar-Oracle Human Capital Management
Global Transfer Impact with eBiz Co exist with CloudSummary If we transfer an employee from One Legal Employer to another Legal Employer what are the challenges going to faceContent One of our client have multiple legal e…
Old EIT Extra Information - but attached it to a new value setSummary EITs and New Value Set AttachedContent I have 4 existing EITs that we track on Manage Person - they all shared the same Common Lookup Value Set. But, I decided t…Katie.Buchanan 35 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Chris Borsh-Oracle Human Capital Management
Workflows - Identify Mexican EmployeesContent Hi all, There is a workflow that if a transaction is submitted by a Mexican employee it should route for approved. I used these rules however, it's not working. …Neha_Takkar 20 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Rambabu Laveti-Oracle Human Capital Management
COVID-19 HCM Configuration Guide: Reorder NewsFeed and Quick ActionsSummary COVID-19 HCM Configuration Guide: Reorder NewsFeed and Quick ActionsContent Summary: We realise many of you are incredibly busy responding to the current COVID-1…
Pending workers how can we remove from selected candidate ?Summary Pending workers how can we remove from selected candidate ?Content Hello, We have pending workers that are in Fusion (under new person - > new person dashboard -…Revital Mefano 73 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Yaswanth_Pappu-Oracle Human Capital Management
Checklist Template CategoriesSummary Checklist Template CategoriesContent Hi, What is the main difference between: Enterprise Onboarding & Enterprise Onboarding Step We have an over arching Checklis…
Onboarding New Hire Completes Policy FormSummary Cannot enter information and electronically sign formContent I have a customer that has a Conflict of Interest policy and it requires that the new employee answe…
Transation console is Not Working?Summary Dear All, We can only see the implementation of user transactions in the transaction console. How to fix this problem? Is there is any Duty role or privilege we …Mithun Abhisheka 63 views 12 comments 2 points Most recent by Mithun Abhisheka Human Capital Management
Manage US EthnicitySummary 20A - Edit EthnicityContent Hi, Has anyone been able to successfully make personalizations to Edit the Manage Person (HR Specialist) so HR can continue to Edit t…
Job Profile - Work RequirementsSummary What are all the work requirement fields associated with a job profile?Content Hi Everyone, I am looking to understand what are all the work requirement fields t…
Primary Contact field not visible on Manager Person ScreenContent Hi Team, when we try to Edit Contact or Create New Contact using the Classic page (My Client Groups > Person Management > Manage Person > Contacts -> Pop up wind…Viviane Herrera 31 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Viviane Herrera Human Capital Management
Person EIT Extensible Flexfield - Responsive UXContent Hi Team, I can see our Person EIT Extensible flexfield (Code:PER_PERSON_EIT_EFF) via "Additiona Personl info" quick action on Responsive UX page. However, I coul…Viviane Herrera 85 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Viviane Herrera Human Capital Management
Steps to enable contexts and flexfields in assignment pageContent Hello experts, I should create a new context in the assignment page. I have created a new context, but what are all the steps to follow in order to get the attac…
Cannot massively load jobs to employees (Core HR page)Content Hello experts, I should load job codes for around 2000 workers by HDL. I already loaded the employee in the system in the past; but I have to update their record…
Promotion WorkflowContent Hi Expert, I am doing a configuration for Promotion workflow and there are 2 conditions for 2 different job roles in the workflow. And we are assigning both the …Afghan Khair-184611 31 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Challa Vidyasagar Human Capital Management
How to massively assign Areas of ResponsibilityContent Hello experts, is there a way to massively load Areas of Responsibility (by HDL for example)? Kind Regards, ValerioValerio Curzi 75 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Stephanie Moxley-Oracle Human Capital Management
20A Upgrade - Enterprise Onboarding Checklist not attaching automatically and not triggered WelcomeSummary 20A Upgrade - Enterprise Onboarding Checklist not attaching automatically and not triggered Welcome emailContent Hai all, we had 20A upgrade last week and after …
Can I upload the Full "Local Name" in first name field only?Content My client asked me to upload the Full "Local Name" in one field only, and not splitting it into First Name, Middle Name, Last Name. This requirement is for the l…Walid Hamdy 52 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by Mahmoud Mostageer-Oracle Human Capital Management
Is it possible to change the hire date?Content Hello experts, is there a way to change the hire date without deleting the work relationship and creating it again with the correct hire date? Thanks in advance …Valerio Curzi 135 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Girish Singh-Oracle Human Capital Management
Hide all quick actions for employeeSummary Hide all quick actions for employeeContent How can I hide all Quick Actions for an employee role and remove Tools and Others tabs from the same employee role ? V…Junade Shujaat-160775 129 views 14 comments 0 points Most recent by User_XQR20 Human Capital Management
Workflow Approvals: Issue with FYI NotificationSummary Workflow Approvals: Issue with FYI NotificationContent Hi All, We have a scenario where we have to set 4th and 5th Level of manager as FYI. Below is the scenario…
How Find the details link of a pubblished sandbox?Content Hello Guys,I would like to reset a sandbox that I have published, but I have not downloaded the .jar file, and i have not kept the details link. Is there any oth…
GROOVY for HCMSummary GROOV for HCMContent Good morning Everyone, We would like to perform some validations on the front end in various HCM UIs. Is Groovy available in HCM for this ty…Daniel McMillian 154 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Daniel McMillian Human Capital Management
How to hide irrelevant country options in setup pages at a single timeSummary How to hide irrelevant country options in setup pages at a single timeContent Hi All, In setup pages like JOBs/DEPARTMETNT/POSITION/LOCATION and also person mana…Vamsi Krishna Pendela 29 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Vamsi Krishna Pendela Human Capital Management