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ENHANCED ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE FOR CHECKLIST TASKS: Signing details are not capturing the into the doSummary ENHANCED ELECTRONIC SIGNATURE FOR CHECKLIST TASKS: Signing details are not capturing the into the document after completing the checklist taskContent Hi Folks, P…Mahendra 126 views 21 comments 0 points Most recent by Shweta Ganguly-Oracle Human Capital Management
Onboarding: eSig BI Publisher Report SQL QuestionsSummary Need assistance with BI Publisher Report FunctionatliyContent Hello- I'm referencing the guide 'Native Electronic Signature and Transfer to Document Records', to…
Approval Rule - check if worker is in initiator's hierarchySummary Can we check if a worker is in the submitter's hierarchy in an approval?Content I know that we can check for the case when the submitter is a direct line manager…User_2025-01-22-18-30-18-571 66 views 11 comments 2 points Most recent by Gouthami Human Capital Management
Assignment change Approval - Grade and salary onlySummary how to trigger approval process only when there is a salary or grade step changeContent Hi all, i have a complicated requierment to make approval flow for assign…Eyal Nachtstern 56 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Eyal Nachtstern Human Capital Management
Different Approval Workflow for same ManagerSummary Different Approval workflow for same ManagerContent Hi - We have a requirement , one Manager 1 handling two Practices ( Practice A and Practice B) . Though Manag…
How to restrict the inserted "Text Box" message flowing into other TilesContent I have inserted a "Text Box" with message on the "Family and Emergency Contact" page (Me>Personal details>Family and Emergency Contact). When you add the Text Bo…
Configuration MigrationSummary Migration of Navigator , Springboard and Page composer customizationContent Hi, We are trying to migrate the navigator, springboard and page composer changes to …
checklist not allocating in 20CSummary checklist not allocating in 20CContent This was working just fine in 20b, but with 20C has stopped. We got 20c this weekend. Config is attached. Any help appreci…Sheena Sidhu-78025 25 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Shweta Ganguly-Oracle Human Capital Management
20B: Resignation Reasons are not displayed when the LOV has more than 24 valuesSummary 20B: Resignation Reasons are not displayed when the LOV has more than 24 valuesContent Hi All, Hope you are well. On the employee self service pages in responsiv…
can't delete a row in EFFSummary can't delete a row in EFFContent HI, I Created a new EFF calls Student Info" in the assignment page. I want to delete the data I added but I get this error: "The…Renana Merimi 9 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Person Identifiers for External Applications pageContent Hi All, Is there a way for Employee role to have access to view only access of the "Person Identifiers for External Applications" page? thanks, ViviViviane Herrera 43 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Viviane Herrera Human Capital Management
autocomplete functionality documentSummary where can I find autocomplete functionality optionsContent Can anyone point me in the right direction to find information on autocomplete functionality. The only…Graham Waterhouse 117 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Jayakrishna Paleti Human Capital Management
Edit my public profileSummary where can I add edit my public profileContent I saw on an oracle demo when accessing the 'Directory' app under 'Me' there was org char and and edit my public inf…
Cannot add new Communication types as employeeContent Hello experts, I have just noticed that the employee cannot add new communication methods (phones; email addresses) when accessing personal information work area…
Revert Published SandboxesSummary I need to revert urgently a published sandboxContent Hi, I need to revert urgently a published sandboxes because of I needed to delete ratings and comments in th…Riccardo Beretta 69 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Raghavan p-Oracle Human Capital Management
How to load Geography by HDL for a specific countryContent Hello experts, I should enable geographies for Italy. At this moment I cannot find them in the system. How can I load them by HDL? Could you share with me all th…Valerio Curzi 81 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Sourav Mazumder-172207 Human Capital Management
Fields like Building, Floor appear for certain legislation and especially for Pending workers loadedSummary This issue occurs while converting pending worker. Issue does not occur for users created manually for the same Legislation as HDL- created pending workerContent…
quick actions steps need to remain openContent when we use the quick actions processes, and go from one step to the next one, the previous step closes. see for example:first step: when we do Continue the firs…
Enterprise onboarding checklist - MessageContent Hi Team, How can we add the pending worker's name in the message of the onboarding checklist. I found the image attached in some oracle document and want to util…
which table stores user information on approval rules like last_updated_bySummary which table stores user information on approval rules like last_updated_byContent Hi team, which table stores user information on approval rules like last_update…C.R.Balaji 223 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by Jayakrishna Paleti Human Capital Management
Deep link to Notifications pageSummary We are looking for a deep link to notifications page to include in email.Content Hi We are looking for a deep link to notifications page to include in email. I w…
Disability Info page updatesSummary How to update Disability Info pages without adding a record to personal accountContent We are making several edits to the Disability Info page (Me > Personal Det…
Submit Resignation from Manager Self-ServicesSummary Is it possible to submit resignation by the line manager on behalf of worker?Content Hi Experts! Client requests for "submit resignation" action to be granted to…
Is it possibile to massively update Person Address information without using SourceSystemID?Content Hello experts, I should massively update Person Address data for a lot of workers. Is it possibile to massively update Person Address information by HDL without …
RUX Employment Info PageSummary Setting rules for employees vs HR usersContent Hello, We have a need to hide certain fields on the employment info task for employees, but then have them visible…Whitney Van Way 44 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Whitney Van Way Human Capital Management
How can I add a multiple choice question in DOR?Content Hi, We have a requirement to have a DFF field with an option of multiple choice answers in DOR. How can I achieve this? Regards, NivyaNivya Mathire 45 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Enable compact search - PositionsSummary Enable compact search - PositionsContent In release 20b there is a new feature 'PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENTS OF WORKFORCE STRUCTURES LOVS' to enable compact search t…
Assignment EIT Information EFF flexfield in OTBIContent Hello experts, I know that flexfields under Assignment Attributes (PER_ASG_DF) can be visible in OTBI. However, I don't know if the same is possible for Assignme…
Getmanager function with Action conditionContent Has anybody tried to add an action condition along with GetManager function in Approvals? Requirement - We have multiple Actions within Change Assignment Transac…
Termination action via Manager - LOV is not populatingSummary Lov is missing in termination action .How to retrieve the LOVs .Content Hi Team, When manager try to perform termination for direct report,he will not be able to…