Discussion List
How to translate Actions and Action Reasons into several languages in Release 20DContent Hello experts, I have noticed that the Manage Actions and Action Reasons pages have changed, but now I cannot see the option to translate existing actions and ac…
Release date set for Autocomplete?Summary Has a general release date been set for Autocomplete?Content We are looking forward to the functionality available for defaulting of values on various pages, but…Karla Dixon-Proactive Support SPA-Oracle 114 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Matt Malvezzi Human Capital Management
employment info doesnt give advance search optionContent Hi all, Most of the quick action searches provide the advanced search option to use to modify filters and effective dates. Our employment info does not show this…User_2025-02-05-20-24-10-848 50 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Export/Import HCM Experience Design Studio rules between environmentsContent Hello, Do you know if there is a possibility to replicate Design Studio rules between environments (Dev/Test/Prod) ? Today we do it manually which represents low…
Document of Record WorkflowSummary HR Administrator with Area of Responsibility submits Document of Record to EmployeeContent HR Administrator with an Area of Responsibility, adds and submits a Do…User_2025-02-06-05-48-04-804 60 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-06-05-48-04-804 Human Capital Management
Calculate Seniority DatesContent Hi all, I have configured seniority dates however, when I am running the Calculate Seniority Dates, I don't see the rules that I configured under "Available Seni…
End Temporary Assignment Action Type - Approval WorkflowContent Hi Experts, We have an action associated with End Temporary Assignment Action Type viz. Return from Temporary Assignment. Generally, when this action is applied …Puneet Shukla 47 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Aliasgar Khambhaty-Oracle Human Capital Management
Updating change assignment in transaction design studio not working for some fieldsContent Hi all, I'm trying to add job, business unit, department and work location to assignment in the change assignment rule. I made the fields visible, but they are n…User_2025-02-05-20-24-10-848 34 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-20-24-10-848 Human Capital Management
How to add Translations to DepartmentsSummary I don't know where to add the Translation for departmentsContent Hello, I have to add translations for Norway with their departments but I cant see where the blu…
Approval chain selection (top down vs bottom up)Content Hello! We have a scenario that is quite hard to explain so have made the image below to try and explain the scenario. The workflow is built with the following ru…Kevin M Storrie 47 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Kevin M Storrie Human Capital Management
Ability to assign Sandbox to user roles before its being publishedSummary Ability to assign sandbox to different roles, for instance if I make a config change for a Employee role , i would like to assign this sandbox to the employee ro…
Table Name which stores the Information captured in Train Stops during Employee HireSummary Table Name which stores the Information captured in Train Stops during Employee HireContent Hi , Can you please help me in knowing the table which stores the inf…Damodar Peddakotla 48 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Prashant Kumar - 2103 Human Capital Management
19d Local and Global transfer approval setup with Single stage participant for AOR representativesSummary Approval notifications routed to multiple workers proposed AOR representatives does not have claim button in Local and Global TransferContent We have rules to se…
termination field recommended for rehire can we add a new value to the list?Summary termination field recommended for rehire can we add a new value to the list?Content Hello, In Termination screen ,responsive UI, we have a field called "recommen…
Hiding Blood Type from Biographical info popupSummary Hiding Blood Type from Biographical info popupContent Hi Does anyone know how to hide the blood type field from the Biographical information popup window on the …User_2025-01-23-20-20-03-126 68 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-06-12-01-09-908 Human Capital Management
How to have Page Entry OTBI link work independent of environmentSummary OTBI report link on homepage should for stage environments, not just ProdContent Hello, We added a Page Entry icon to our homepage that links to a report created…Aja Nealley 50 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-09-09-02-489 Human Capital Management
How to make gender a mandatory field for a contact in classic pages (person management)Content Hi all - We currently have both RUX and classic pages still enabled. I have a requirement to make gender a mandatory field for contacts. I did so in the RUX page…User_2025-02-05-20-24-10-848 30 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-20-24-10-848 Human Capital Management
Assignment Name Not ChangingSummary Assignment Name Not ChangingContent For a couple employees we have found that the Assignment Name has not changed even though they had a job title change. The as…
Document Of Record Approval Rule for Employee and Line ManagerSummary Need the to configure the DOR approval rule condition when raised by Employee for itself and when raised by Line Manager on Behalf of the EmployeeContent Hello O…
Role Delegation Notification is not workingSummary It is my understanding that in 20A a new feature was rolled out allowing a notification to be sent when a delegation is set up.Content PER_USER_DELEGATION_SEND_N…User_2025-01-28-20-43-56-568 104 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Anshu R Human Capital Management
Delegating Approvals AccessSummary Delegating the approvals access to other userContent Hello Experts, Hope you'll are doing well! Our client is on R13 (18B) currently. I've come across the requir…
Discrepancy between Employee and HR inputs to US Disability recordSummary Employees updates to an existing form is shown as a correction while HR have the option to correct or insert a new row on a single disability record.Content Whil…User_2025-02-08-11-38-23-622 34 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Chris Borsh-Oracle Human Capital Management
Full Time or Part Time eligibility criteriaContent Hello experts, is it possible to configure an eligibility criteria based on Full Time or Part Time field? I cannot find it when creating the criteria. Thanks in …
Areas of Responsibility on ESS / MSS screenSummary Areas of Responsibility on ESS / MSS screenContent Hi - We are planning to leverage AoR for first time. I see "Contact US /Helps US " screen appearing to ESS on …
Comments field lengthContent Hello, What is the length of 'Comments' field inside the quick actions. It is in the Comments and Attachments section. Thanks
Enterprise Onboarding: Eligibility Profile based allocationSummary How can we make the Eligibility profiles look at Retired/Inactive Employees as "Non Employee" recordsContent We learnt that in an eligibility profile based Check…
Transaction Rules - BMP TaskSummary Transaction Rules - BMP TaskContent hi Is there any documentation that shows the mapping between the Transaction Rules with the corresponding BMP Task? if not av…Pablo_Bolzon 47 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ritwick Chatterjee Human Capital Management
Person Address HDL template without EffectiveStartDateContent Hello experts, I should update or load new person address records. However, the EffectiveStartDate is mandatory when using the HDL file. Is there a way to load o…
Simplified UI Landing Page in Global Human ResourcesSummary Looking for examples of Landing Page Designs for Simplified UIContent We are currently looking to make some enhancements on our landing page within the Simplifie…User_2025-01-22-18-30-13-108 150 views 9 comments 1 point Most recent by Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle Human Capital Management
Emergency Contact - Approval to ManagerContent Hi Folks, We need to send the Approvals to Line Manager when an Employee adds contact for himself/herself as Emergency Contact. We tried different methods/rules …Puneet Shukla 28 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jayakrishna Paleti Human Capital Management