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Required sample HDL to load salary data for employeesSummary: I need sample HDL file to load salary data for employees. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any …Lakshmi Prasanna Aaula-Oracle 81 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by MandeepGupta Human Capital Management
Gobal searchHi Team, How security applies for the global search? We would like to enable search options for certain actions and person number or name search as employee for their ow…
what is the use of 'update role assignment' under actions in manage user account pageSummary: I want to know the purpose of 'update role assignment' under actions in manage user account page Navigations : home > my client group > show more > employment >…Lakshmi Prasanna Aaula-Oracle 71 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Lakshmi Prasanna Aaula-Oracle Human Capital Management
Not able to get any role in role delegations while searching rolesSummary: we are not getting roles in role delegations while searching roles home > my client group > show more > employment > manage user account > search for a person[s…Lakshmi Prasanna Aaula-Oracle 61 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Lakshmi Prasanna Aaula-Oracle Human Capital Management
Required documents related to how to set Proxy/Delegation in case of employee is on leaveSummary: I need documents related to proxy like how to set proxy in case of leave. How to set role delegations and approval delegations. what is the use of delegations a…Lakshmi Prasanna Aaula-Oracle 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mairina Human Capital Management
Is it possible to sent an approval request to the security administrator if a role will added/deleteSummary: Is it possible to sent an approval request to the security administrator if something changes. Especially if a role will be added or removed. Content (required)…Lakshmi Prasanna Aaula-Oracle 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mairina Human Capital Management
How to disable 'Edit user name', 'Synchronze with Identity Store' under actions in user account pageSummary: I want to disable 'edit user name', 'synchronze with Identity Store' options under actions in manage user account page. Navigations : home > my client group > s…Lakshmi Prasanna Aaula-Oracle 51 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mairina Human Capital Management
Unable to search dependent/emergency contacts in person managementSummary: Unable to search dependent/emergency contacts in person management Content (required): HR Manager unable to search employee's dependent or emergency contacts in…
Requirement to display person display name in custom formatSummary: Content (required):We have a requirement from customer were we need to display the person display name considering the values from person global and local name …Lakshmi Prasanna Aaula-Oracle 62 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Chris Borsh-Oracle Human Capital Management
Getting error while trying to add start time and end time for employees through HDLSummary: we are getting error error while trying to add start time and end time for employees through HDL Navigation : Home > my client group > person management >search…Lakshmi Prasanna Aaula-Oracle 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Lakshmi Prasanna Aaula-Oracle Human Capital Management
For Termination DOR, can we create dependency based on the answer chosen.Summary: Bullet points below We want to see the feasibility of having inside the DOR If voluntary is chosen -- certain question are displayed Has Resignation Prevention …
Department details with BU and LE InfoHi Experts, We had a requirement to fetch the department details( name , status, effective start date & effective end date) along with its business unit name and legal e…Yuvraj S-Oracle 51 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Yuvraj S-Oracle Human Capital Management
Actions in resignation page is auto-populating as -1Summary: Content (required): When an employee is trying to resign, the action is auto-populating as -1 and list of values is showing no records. What can be the issue? V…
Workforce Directory: Access only by BUContent Hello every all, Does any one have idea how to restrict the directory access by Business Unit?, we are created organization, position and person (custom criteria…
The Line Manager is not able to see the assignments(LOV) under My TeamSummary: Hi, The line manager is not able to view the assignment details under my team. Please find below on the Navigations log in as a Manager Navigate to My Team->My …
How to correct country name for locationSummary: In the system for one location wrong country added.We have to correct country name for location. I have tried to correct country name in manage locations page b…Lakshmi Prasanna Aaula-Oracle 61 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Neelakanta-Oracle Human Capital Management
getting error while adding manager details for pending workerSummary: we are getting error while adding manager details when creating pending worker. Kindly guide how to fix this issue. Content (required): Version (include the ver…Lakshmi Prasanna Aaula-Oracle 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Yaswanth_Pappu-Oracle Human Capital Management
22C DFF search not workingSummary: Hello - we are currently testing 22C in our test pods and noticed an issue where our assignment DFFs are not allowing us to search in the value set on the UX re…Shanna Oppenheim 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Iulian Brinzoi-Nuta - Oracle-Oracle Human Capital Management
Multiple Assignments Appear in Workforce Directory Search ResultsSummary: When searching for a person using the directory, the results will include all assignment records. This can be confusing or misleading information. Content (requ…
adding new fields to lookupHi everyone The user asks us if it is possible to add a field in the searchable lookup of a position. This is the succession plan page, the user wants to add location af…Luis Fernando Lat 41 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Parag Hiremath Human Capital Management
How to change display name of Table Value Set?Summary: In search and select created by field, we can search by Name in Value (as per the query). However, how to change the label of field (Value and Description) Cont…Simran Gulani 111 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Deaconu Constantin Valentin-Oracle Human Capital Management
How to limit worker visibility by Supervisor HierarchyContent Hello, I have created a custom area of responsibility by Supervisor Hierarchy Type. In the Top Manager field I have entered the person name who is manager of sev…
Can you hide specific actions from global search?Summary: We know we can just turn off the "Actions" section completely, but is there a way to not return specific Actions (i.e. "Employment Info" or "Compensation Info")…Dustin Goldman 91 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Rambabu Laveti-Oracle Human Capital Management
postal code needs to come automatically once enter city name in address sectionSummary: while adding address details to employees if we select postal code city name coming automatically.But my requirement is if we enter city name postal code needs …Lakshmi Prasanna Aaula-Oracle 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by ShawShankk Human Capital Management
Unable to do Person Search on Competencies, Languages, skills etc in DirectorySummary: Unable to do Person Search on Competencies, Languages, skills etc in Directory Content (required): Hello, As per Oracle Documentation Person-Record Keyword Sear…
Is there any impact if we delete jobs and departments in the system?Summary: we have to delete some jobs and departments in the system.some employees having this jobs and departments. If we delete jobs and departments in the system is th…Lakshmi Prasanna Aaula-Oracle 61 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Monica Vijayashanker -Oracle Human Capital Management
Required Sample HDL to load promotion data for employeesSummary: I need business object name and Sample HDL file to load promotion data for employees. Kindly provide me sample file if any one having. Content (required): Versi…Lakshmi Prasanna Aaula-Oracle 201 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by DavidBlake Human Capital Management
How Can I get a report or data of People assigned on Specific Areas Of Responsibility?Content I need to know the current employees assigned on AOR representatives like: location manager, department manager...etc. I also need to know how to assign/upload n…
Deep Links for Explore Careers pageSummary: I trying to create a deep link for Explore Careers for the user to be able to directly click on this link instead of Me>Career and Performance>Career Developmen…Revanth.Rondla 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Mihai Gherghe - Support-Oracle Career and Succession
22B HCM Design Studio Search Configuration ChangeSummary: With 22B, we are seeing additional options in HCM Design Studio under Search Configuration. I reviewed the 22B notes and cannot find any information regarding t…Aja Nealley 51 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management