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Absence Responsive UI - Not Able to See End DateContent Hi All, I have enabled RUI for Absence and I don't see the end date while taking a vacation plan. I see it in simplified UI. I checked Display Features and it's …
Combined timecard for HCM Time and Labor to enter multiple funding source from ERP ProjectsSummary HCM Time and Labour does not currently allow Projects funding source to be allocated in timesheetContent Hi all, We are working with a Higher Education customer …Dan Kelleher-Oracle 48 views 0 comments 1 point Most recent by Dan Kelleher-Oracle Workforce Management
Carryover Expiration PeriodContent Hi Team, We have got a new requirement for annual leave expiration period. For a set of people carry over value should get expired after 3 months and for another…Nivya Mathire 80 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by VijayaBaskar Ranganathan Workforce Management
Time and Labor Time Entry RuleSummary Time and Labor Time Entry Rule TemplateContent Hello, I am creating a timecard components/layouts. I currently have 'Overtime' as a time type that appears for no…
Partial Period Accrual - using months of serviceContent We are trying to build a Partial Period Accrual Rate fast formula to calculate the accrual in first year of service, where depending on the month of the year you…
Absence - minimum request amountSummary Absence - minimum request amountContent For an accrual plan with UOM of days how can we set a minimum employee absence request amount of 1 day - or does it defau…Junade Shujaat-138047 46 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Junade Shujaat-138047 Workforce Management
Time card Status differs between transaction console and time managementSummary Employee time card Statuses are listed as In progress in the transaction console and approved in time managementContent Hello, When I navigate to the Transaction…
Carryover Limit Rule - UnlimitedSummary Carryover Limit Rule - UnlimitedContent In Manage Absence Plans for an accrual plan we require carryover to be unlimited, so do we leave 'Carryover Limit Rule' a…Junade Shujaat-138047 62 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Junade Shujaat-138047 Workforce Management
Compensatory bank balances and expiry datesSummary Looking fo rideas on others have handledContent We are using the compensatory banks to store banked hours that have expiry dates. The administrator cannot see th…
Absence Approval Notifications Emails - Missing body details in the notification email after 18C upgSummary Absence Approval Notifications Emails - Missing body details in the notification email after 18C upgradeContent Hi Friends, We have an issue with upgrade to 18C …
Employee replacement during absenceSummary Employee temporary reassignment to the absent employeeContent Dear Community, I have a case where I need to reassign an employee in place of the one being absent…
How to enable Withdrawn Record Deletion?Summary How to enable Withdrawn Record Deletion?Content Hi experts, Does anybody know how to enable Withdrawn Record Deletion function? Kind regards, Volodymyr Version 1…
Time card approvalSummary Setting a reviewerContent Hello, Is there a possibility for an approver to add a reviewer (or a watcher) for the time card approval notifications? Time card appr…
Accrual Balance is 0 days with no balance calculation dateSummary Accrual Balance is 0 days with no balance calculation dateContent We have an accrual plan where for all employees on it the accruals balance is showing as 0 and …Junade Shujaat-138047 340 views 25 comments 1 point Most recent by Rakesh Ankusham Workforce Management
Is it possible to overlap two leave type?Content Scenario: If an employee takes Outdoor duty type leave for 10day(1 april - 10 april) and he want to take sick type leave at 4 april. Please help me for this scen…
Accrual Band - Employee's of record as of Jan 1Summary Looking for creative ideas for accrual bandContent Hi, I think I need a fast formula to achieve the following accrual requirement: For employee's of record as of…
Time Entry Rules aren't fired for generated time cardsSummary Time Entry Rules aren't fired for generated time cardsContent Hi experts, We have faced the issue that time entry rules aren't fired for the time cards that were…Volodymyr Faranosov 48 views 7 comments 2 points Most recent by Jitendra Yadav-20984 Workforce Management
Print Time Card ActionSummary Print Time Card ActionContent Hi experts, Do you know how to make to work this feature. I just got an empty modal window. Thanks, VolodymyrVolodymyr Faranosov 59 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by VijayaBaskar Ranganathan Workforce Management
My Team > AbsenceSummary My Team > AbsenceContent Hi Experts, How to enable 'Absence' under my team. #1. Is there any profile to set or #2. New page is needed.? I tried to create new Pag…VijayaBaskar Ranganathan 83 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by kumarprads Workforce Management
What does OTL time category track usage field stand for?Summary What does OTL time category track usage field stand for?Content What does time category track usage field stand for? Hi experts, Can anybody explain what the tra…Volodymyr Faranosov 64 views 2 comments 3 points Most recent by Yal Prabhakaran-28110 Workforce Management
Accrual Adjustment through HDLSummary Accrual Adjustment through HDLContent Created accrral plan and initialzed balance as of 01-Jan-2019. Accrual calculated for Jan and Feb. Now there is a one time …VijayaBaskar Ranganathan 953 views 1 comment 2 points Most recent by VijayaBaskar Ranganathan Workforce Management
Calendar Events not pulling through on Employee work schedule unless you attached a Geography HierarSummary Calendar Events not pulling through on Employee work schedule unless you attached a Geography Hierarchy to the work locationContent Calendar Events not pulling t…
DBIs for referring Work Day Information attached to the employeeContent We are unable to find any DBIs for accessing the workday information(and its details) attached in Manage Employment. It would be helpful if anyone can share how …
Is possible to see the planned scheduled hours as a manager being worker?Summary See planned scheduled hours as a managerContent Dear friends, It is possible to see as a manager my own planned scheduled hours with a employee? I created a data…Pablo Martinez de Villa De las Heras 56 views 6 comments 1 point Most recent by Pablo Martinez de Villa De las Heras Workforce Management
Creating 2019 public holidays in MENA Region for Absence ManagementSummary Creating 2019 public holidays in MENA Region for Absence ManagementContent As part of the Absence International go live we are going live in the MENA region (UAE…
Weird issue with Time Card: Work entry hours flexibility issueContent Dear friends of Oracle Customer, Today we detected an strange issue with the time cards: Our client has a flexibility work entry hours and we have some rules for…Pablo Martinez de Villa De las Heras 30 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by kumarprads Workforce Management
Special pre-holiday working daySummary special pre-holiday working dayContent Hi experts, According to the legal requirements in a working day before a legal holiday it is allowed to get out of a job …
Daily time limit for time entrySummary Daily time limit for time entryContent Hi experts, Could I a ask you for a favor? I have to setup daily time entry limit for time cards (12 hours - total time fo…Volodymyr Faranosov 96 views 4 comments 3 points Most recent by Volodymyr Faranosov Workforce Management
Shifts created in Manage Shift Properties task are not available for adding to a work patternContent We have created work shift from 'Manage Shift Properties' task and we are unable to find the same shift in 'Manage Work Shifts' task and also unable to attach th…
Employees who work on HolidaysSummary In the retail industry, there are some employees who work on holidaysContent In the retail industry, there are some employees who work on holidays and paid time …