Discussion List
How make Accrual plan that accrual based on complete leaves in a another absence plan?Summary How make Accrual plan that accrual based on complete leaves in a another absence plan?Content Hi All, We have a requirement that when an employee hires to the co…
Is there a list of known issues with 19D Responsive UI?Summary Is there a list of known issues with 19D Responsive UI?Content Hi Experts, Wondering if there is a consolidated list of known issues for 19D Responsive UI. By th…
Accrual CalculationSummary Need some help figuring out why an Employee's vacation accrual is not calculating correctly!Content I have an employee who was hired 01/01/1993. He should be eli…
How to run the “Update Accrual Plan Enrollments” schedule Process for all the employees according toSummary How to run the “Update Accrual Plan Enrollments” schedule Process for all the employees according to their hire dates?Content How to run the “Update Accrual Plan…
Can we use Time Layout without Absence TypesSummary Can we use Time Layout without Absence TypesContent Hello Experts, Can we use Time Layout without Absence Types when Absence, Time and Labor and Payroll Modules …
Postpone the hire date when employee used unpaid leaveSummary How can we postpone the employee's hire date when employee use unpaid leave?Content Hi, As an example, let's say employee's hire date is 20.01.2019. If employee …User_2025-02-04-18-26-11-309 41 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-04-18-26-11-309 Workforce Management
How to Create Absence Approval Rule in according to Absence Type Wise?Summary How to Create Absence Approval Rule in according to Absence Type Wise?Content Hi All, We have Requirement to create Absence Approval Rule According to Absence Ty…
How to Generate Primary element classifications?Summary How to Generate Primary element classifications?Content Hi all, How to Generate seeded "Primary Element Classifications"? when I Search Sri Lankan Element classi…
Absence withdrawn only by HRContent Hi Gurus, We have a requirement from our customer that only the HR's should be able to withdraw the absence on behalf of the employee. Employees should not able …
Absence Approval HistorySummary Absence Approval HistoryContent Once the Manage approves the Absence request, the Manager gets the notification saying "Withdrawn" and even the Approval history …VijayaBaskar Ranganathan 59 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by AvaneeshJain Workforce Management
How can we restrict employees from editing the completed Leaves only older than 30 DaysSummary How can we restrict employees from editing the completed Leaves only older than 30 DaysContent Hi Experts, we have requirement to not allow employees to edit/wit…User_2025-01-30-23-59-27-880 47 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Vidya Raju-19672 Workforce Management
Absence restrictions for every monthSummary We want to put restrictions for specific absence typeContent Hi All, We have one requirement about pregnant employees. We want to create new absence type which w…User_2025-02-04-18-26-11-309 33 views 8 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-02-04-18-26-11-309 Workforce Management
Administering Organization GoalsSummary No way for HR Admin to administer Organization Goal in 19CContent We are not seeing the option to administer Organization goals for HR Admins. We used to be able…
Delete Time Cards in bulkContent Hi All, We want to delete time cards in bulk for a particular week. I want to quickly know if there is any simple way to achieve this process. Does anyone know a…PankajRK 59 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Absence Notifications duplicate in Bell Notifications/Things to FinishSummary Absence Notifications duplicate in Bell Notifications/Things to FinishContent Hi, We have an issue with our notifications. We see multiple approval notifications…
Quarterly accrual based on employee hire dateSummary Quarterly accrual based on employee hire dateContent Hi Team, We are trying to achieve one of our client's requirement where in client wants leave accrual to be …User_2025-02-06-09-41-56-955 39 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-06-09-41-56-955 Workforce Management
How can we restrict employees from editing or deleting retrospectively Applied/completed leaves oldeSummary How can we restrict employees from editing or deleting retrospectively Applied/completed leaves older than 90 days.Content How can we restrict employees from edi…User_2025-01-30-23-59-27-880 75 views 5 comments 3 points Most recent by User_2025-01-30-23-59-27-880 Workforce Management
How to ensure that "Special Conditions" under "Absence Recording" should not have a default valueSummary UNDEFAULT 'ALL' CONDITION WHEN BOOKING MATERNITY ABSENCEContent Hi Team, While booking "Maternity Leave" the Special Conditions field always defaults to "All". I…
Shared Parental leaves for UKSummary Shared Parental leaves for UKContent Hi Team, I am currently working on an Implementation project for United Kingdom. For UK, there are different types of Shared…
Absence Type Hide from Hourly Employee but Display to HR to updateContent Hi all, We have an absence type Vacation. We want to display this to salaried employees but not the hourly employees, however, we want HR to update the balance f…
Calculate Accruals and BalancesSummary Calculate Accruals and Balances for all employeesContent Hi Everyone, We've created an annual leave absence plan. Our Balance Frequency Source is the Repeating p…User_2025-02-04-15-37-53-401 213 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by User_2025-01-31-22-49-44-230 Workforce Management
Different Approval process when Absence is initiated by Employee, Line Manager and AdminContent Hello All, We have a requirement to define a separate approval process for Absence when it is initiated by Employee or Line Manager or HR. Have anyone configured…
how to customize or change the Absence entry error messageContent Hi , I am using validation formula so that the person does not enter more than 40 hours in a year. Formula works but the issue we are facing is the error message…
Accrual Balances does not include Carryover balance as of the plan end dateSummary Accrual Balances does not include Carryover balance as of the plan end dateContent Hi All We have an issue going on with Accrual balances where the total balance…
How does RBAC works in Oracle Fusion Applications?Summary Do privileges under roles work as Union or IntersectContent Hi Experts, Just wanted to get some clarity on how RBAC works in OFA. Say I have Role A which has pri…
Bulk upload Absence Types & Absences Plans ConfigurationSummary Based on the number of absence plans and absence types and number of countries, we need to spend considerable time in configuring absence management. Looking for…Suren Palaniswamy_Deloitte 149 views 4 comments 4 points Most recent by Suren Palaniswamy_Deloitte Workforce Management
How to load prior applied historical absences as a single value using HDLContent We have a new site going live and these people have absences applied history in legacy application. Now we are going to load initial balances for these people us…
Stop toolbar from collapsing down and forcing user to 'float' itSummary Prevent table top toolbars from collapsing downContent Has anyone had an experience where the application tries to 'collapse' down a toolbar and gives you the tw…
One Day Repeating time periodSummary Can we add Period type as 1 day and Period length as One Day while checking the accrual ProcessingContent Can we add Period type as 1 day and Period length as On…User_2025-02-04-18-46-55-983 50 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-31-22-49-44-230 Workforce Management
accrual balance for a new employeeContent Dear community, We have the following requirement for our customer: We have an accrual balance plan during all the year for the employees, but we need to find a …JAVIER COLLADO-125113 73 views 11 comments 0 points Most recent by AshishERPCloud Workforce Management