Core HR
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spreadsheet to update the departmentSummary: i have add flex filed to the department creation and we have 337 department need to be updated so i build spreadsheet to do the update i keep facing the error Y…
OTBI Report - How to get the expiry date on the Accrual plan periodContent (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, I am working on an OTBI report and need to extract the expiration date of a specific absence plan p…
EL Expression based on date validationSummary: Can we write an EL expression based on date field so that a date entered before or after 10 days from current date will make other field read only or EL to stop…
Purge Hong Kong Information when an Employee has been Inactive for 7 years in HCM ProdProblem Description --------------------------------------------------- It’s a Regulatory Requirement in Hong Kong to Purge Information when an Employee has been Inactiv…Ravi Krishna Velchuri 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Ravi Krishna Velchuri Human Capital Management
OTL UE FOR HCM EXTRACT FOR RESUBMISSTION DATE, RESUBMISSION STATUS HCM GROUPSummary: Hi, I am creating a changes only HCM Extract for OTL. In which dbi or table can i find the resubmission status, resubmission date, subimission status, and date.…
HcmTopModelAnalyticsGlobalAM.GradeAM.ValidGradesPVOSummary: We have a data augmentation requirement in FDI - Job valid grades are not found in any delivered subject area and the PVO of that object is not pulling Data aug…Prasad Deshpande 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by community-dw-integration Human Capital Management
When adding Additional Attributes, only Cost Center shows upHuman Resources > My Client Groups > Show More > Team Time Cards Click Additional Attributes icon When adding Additional Attributes, only Cost Center shows up, the Progr…
In OTL approval rules what does RL.contains operator meansSummary: Hi Team, While configuring Approval rules for OTL, we came across operation called' RL>contains' .Please let me know what does it mean. Thank you Content (pleas…
Fast Formula DBI Item for Assignment Action reasonSummary: Hi Team Could you please help me with DBI item name to be used in Fast formula to pull assignment action reason used when performing Local and Global transfer t…
How to identify the Line manager's manager in approval workflowSummary: We have client requirement where we need to write a rule if the Line Manager's +1UP (Manager) is a requestor then go for an approval. I Know below condition che…
Add a new section to the hire processSummary: Hi, I want to add Skills and qualifications section to the process of hiring a new employee. Currently the available options are Content (please ensure you mask…Catherine Abi Samra 15 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by ROOPESH MADAN-Oracle Workforce Management
EL expression to hide a DFF based on another DFFHello Experts, Is it possible to use an EL expression to control the visibility of a Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) based on the value of another DFF? For example, we have …
Where can managers see the timecard approval statusSummary: There is a requirement for managers to see the approval status like "assigned to", "submitted by", "who's approval is pending". These details can be seen at Tra…Riya_Maithani-Oracle 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Riya_Maithani-Oracle Workforce Management
How to update prior period accrual values of an absence plan for an employeeSummary How to update prior period accrual values of an absence plan for an employeeContent Hi All, We have a requirement where we have to update the accruals calculated…Sovan Mishra-61387 54 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Krishna Priya-Oracle Workforce Management
Securing Absence ReasonSummary: We have requirement to secure absence reason(specially for sickness absence) for third party vendor. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informatio…
Can't we assign other country employee as a line manager for different country employee.Summary: Example: there is one employee from India and there is no active line manager for that employee so as per business requirement HR needs to assign different coun…
Rescind Termination Same Effective DateSummary: Our HR Admin team has provided us an issue they received. The admin set a termination date for an employee as of 7/28, but then the term was rescinded with an e…Robert Gallagher 5 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by BogdanFarcasanu-Oracle Human Capital Management
can we change the time based on Location of countrySummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, can we change the time based on Location of country ? For eg : Like India should have IST …Aishwarya_15 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by BogdanFarcasanu-Oracle Human Capital Management
After enabling Redwood theme not all fields are coming up in the Convert Pending Employees page.Summary: When Redwood Theme is enabled in DEV2 pod - a lot of the fields are missing from the Assignment section of Convert Pending Employee page. I have enabled the fie…
Position Incumbents validation when using hdlHello, Does the incumbents validation works also when uploading position to employee with hdl ? When adding position manually to employee, it works well and I get messag…
Is it possible to make the home email as primary email after termination automatically without HDLSummary: We are facing an issue in ORC for rehires , as there is no duplicate check in the ORC configuration , as per the system default the ORC checks the candidate per…
Way to use Job Function in change assignment approval ruleSummary: Hello Good Day!, We have a requirement to use route an approval rule to respective Approver using the Job function value in Job, this currently working on Job O…
Phone Number: How to change Primary Flag for Work PhoneSummary: Admin user has to change the primary flag for the work phone using Contact Info. Is there any way an Admin can change the primary flag for work phone? Content (…
how to change holiday dateSummary: hi , I just need to change the existing public holiday in hcm to 23 sept Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the ver…
Is the Team Schedule page already configured in Redwood?Summary: Is there already a Team Schedule page configured in Redwood? I know that the calendar page for ESS already has the Redwood option. I am also looking for this op…Martijn van den Berg 36 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by ganesh_b-Oracle Workforce Management
Need to pull error details from ESS jobs log file and send notificationSummary: Hi Team, We have a requirement where we need to pull error details from ESS jobs log file and send notification We run scheduled ESS jobs in Oracle under Schedu…
The accrual date selected must be during an active enrollment period. (ANC-3405140)Content Hi there, We are currently migrating employees using the Create Mass Legal Employer Change to another Legal Employer. The process fails with errors and I'm getti…User_2025-02-05-10-38-08-223 293 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Lee O'Donnell Workforce Management
Unable to activate absence plan (ANC-3405146)Summary: People Leader incorrectly added termination date for employee as January 2024, now all past absences are withdrawn from system and After correcting termination …
Delete grades in Core HRHello experts, We have the following requirement: to delete/remove some grades (the ones ended with -C and -P) from jobs, positions and assignments. So far we deleted/up…GeorgianaB. 26 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Madalina Danis-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Change primary flag through HDLWhen we change the primary assignment flag from one assignment to another one on the user interface - Employment info - and we then delete the the history where the new …