Time and Labor
Discussion List
Can we fetch Effs data on timecard entry pageSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there a feasibility to make a particular EFFs data available on time cards? Version (include t…
An employee can belong to more than one OTL HCM groupSummary An employee can belong to more than one OTL HCM groupContent Hello experts, I have a doubt about OTL HCM groups membership. As the documentation stated: Create g…
Set Up a Float Differential Time Type Based on time entries for Regular timeSummary: I need an urgent help setting up a Time Type for our float workers. This time type eg. Float Differential is to calculate based on the time entries for the Regu…
Redwood Team Timecard - Manager is not able to view any timecard dataSummary: Classic page is displaying available timecards, however, redwood page for 'Team Timecard' is showing as 'no data found' & 'Add Timecard' page is not showing the…
Implementing OTL for projects without HCMSummary: Customer is implementing ERP only, however they wish to use the time and labor functionality for projects. They have not purchased any of the HCM licenses, what…
What are all privileges required for Existing Time Cards Redwood UI to workWe enabled red wood ui for Worker Time card Entries. Every thing is working fine but from "Existing Time Cards" when user clicking on Add "+" button it is giving error "…
Why are Time Admin and Managers able to bypass Attestation questions and submit timecardSummary: Hi Team, We have enabled Time Attestation for Workers to attest before submitting the timecard. When a Time Admin or Manager creates timecard on behalf of emplo…
In Redwood, can we disable the Hours from the copy function or save template function?Summary: We would like to be able to copy a previous time card but do not want to copy the hours into the current time card. We do not want to be able to save a template…
Manager is not able to see any population in My Team >> Time>> Team Time Cards ("Redwood").We are facing issue with our Redwood timecard page, Manager is not able to see any population in My Team >> Time>> Team Time Cards Redwood. We cross verified each step m…
Prohibit self-approval by users named in these payload attributesSummary Prohibit self-approval by users named in these payload attributesContent We have a requirement for timecard approvers (Project Managers) to not be able to approv…
Unable to search Team Time Cards (Redwood) consistentlySummary: We are unable to search in Team Time Cards in Redwood consistently. It seems to be a hit or miss when we search for employees. When using the department filter …
How to DISABLE "Generate Entries Using Schedule" in 25A Redwood?We need to disable functionality added in 25A for workers to "generate time entries from their scheduled hours" in Redwood. It's a great option, but City Policy requires…
Redwood - Admin and Manager screens for OTLSummary: With the move to redwood in 25A for time and labor and absence management, what is the recommended process for managers and admins to see an overview of timecar…
How to limit number of hours for calendar year or for specific period in OTLWe have a requirements for one of European country that overtime should not exceed 80 hours in an year. Can anyone help how we can achieve this
Custom Time Attributes overlappedHi, I have a query for Time Entry Layout Component in OTL Module. I created a Custom Time Attribute and added that to the Time Entry Layout Component but that got overla…
Time entry rule for 1 month/1yearSummary: Hello , Need help on configuring timecard entry rule to calculate the maximum hours an employee can submit over a period. For example a employee maximum TOIL ca…
Accessing dependent time attributes in time calculation fast formulaSummary: We have configured a time layout component with a dependent field to capture the Department for costing purposes. While we are able to capture all attributes on…
Table for timecard approval informationSummary: Reaching out for approval information of timecard which we need to fetch from BIP Report. Please advise which table currently holds this information. We underst…Nitish Maheshwari 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
How to enable responsive mobile with Redwood desktopSummary: We have enabled Redwood pages for Time and Labor, but this also migrated the mobile pages to Redwood which is not fully enabled yet, so Oracle is saying to use …JoeSmiski 101 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
email text mismatch with text in alert composer email templateSummary: We are using Alert composer to trigger the e-mail, so defined the email text in the template. But after we receive the email and checked then there is space iss…raikwarn 2 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
In OTL FF, any way to identify the correct order in which the time entries were actually entered?In OTL module, do we have any way to control how time entries should appear when the Fast Formula executes? OR When the Fast Formula executes, do we have any way to iden…
Can any third party biometric clock be integrated with Time and Labor?My client uses various third party web clocks that has biometric features. One such system they use is IKFACE800 ZK tech which has biometrics features. Can any biometric…
How can I tag attestation on web clock when i click on say Clock in or out for mealSummary: We have requirement to add certain question when employee clicks on clock in or say out for meal in real time. We are thinking to go ahead with attestation rath…
Override Time card entry for Public HolidaySummary: Hi, We have set up the public holiday to display on time card automatically. Public holiday hours will be picked up from the work schedule. We have a requiremen…
Planned Schedule Redwood- is it out there?Summary: We have enabled most of the T/L, Absence pages in Redwood, but are still seeing Planned Schedule in classic view. Has Planned Schedule been released in Redwood/…
Redwood OTL Exempt Employees Should not Have Access to Time Card TilesSummary: Redwood for OTL is switched on in our DEV environment. Employees that are not eligible for timecards have the Timecards option available in Me - Time and Absenc…
OTL Redwood Timecard Dynamic SearchSummary: We had the dynamic search working previously where you can type the word in the projects to come up but now it doesn't work, it only picks up the first values i…johnross_r 11 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Gourav Shrivastava-Oracle Workforce Management
Can we change the display sequence in multiple time entry layoutCan we change the Display Sequence of various Attributes in OTL Multiple Attribute Time Entry layout?
Redwood: Team Time Cards - no ability to sort the data and data returned in weird sort orderSummary: Team Time Cards for both Line Managers and Time Managers doesn't provide the ability to sort the data (like in Add Time Card) and the data is returned in a weir…
Time Device Rule MessagesSummary: I am looking at the Time Device Rules to try and meet a client requirement to provide information to users of Webclock. I can see that the seeded rule types pro…