Workforce Health and Safety
Discussion List
What is the purpose of Health Survey?Summary: What is the purpose of health survey in workforce health and safety? Could you please elaborate the functionalities of health survey? @Glen Walton-OracleRumaisa Khan 21 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
HCM 23D Release Readiness Published 9/1/2023Summary: Hello Everyone! I wanted to let you all know that the 23D New Feature Summary and What’s New are now published to the Readiness site. You can access them from: …Cindy Klymov-Oracle 122 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Cindy Klymov-Oracle Workforce Management
HCM Release Readiness Updates Published 6/2/2023Summary: Hello Everyone! I wanted to let you all know that the 23C New Feature Summary and What’s New are now published to the Readiness site. You can access them from: …Cindy Klymov-Oracle 121 views 3 comments 2 points Most recent by Cindy Klymov-Oracle Workforce Management
EHS manager role does not have access to Questionnaires in Setup and Maintenance using search & OTBISummary: Assigned EHS roles to employees in Risk Management department yet they are unable to access Setup and Maintenance to access the Questionnaire/Questionnaire temp…
Reassign approvals to those users' managersSummary: Expense Approval Workflow - Reassign approvals to those users' managers Definition of the manager Content (required): Our organization uses Expense Approval Wor…
Do we have alert notification for 'Who was notified' filed during creat incidentSummary: During Create Incident via Employee Self Service, I could see a filed called "Who was Notified". What is the use of this field and did it support alert function…
Can we have a separate task for Risk Assessment in Health and Safety ModuleSummary: In Health & Safety Module, Currently Risk Assessment is part of Incident. It can be addressed as part of Incident. Do we have feasibility of Separate Page for R…Rajesh Vodapelly 21 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Aman Desouza-Oracle Workforce Management
How can we track Inspections in Health and Safety ModuleSummary: In Health & Safety Module, we could see only Investigation but not Inspection. Please let us know how we can track Inspections. Content (required): Version (inc…
Can we add a new person LOV (DFF) field and notify regarding Incident?Summary: In Health & Safety, Currently Who was Notified field allows only one Person and send Notification regarding the Incident. Do we have an option to add more perso…
How can we hide or disable Non-Employee category under Stakeholder sectionSummary: How can we hide or disable Non-Employee category under Stakeholder section. Please attached screenhsot for reference Note: Its a System Look Up and does not hav…
How to capture Withness Statment in Helath and Safety Incident?Summary: During Managing Incident, How an Incident Owner can send a form to withness (employee) to fill the withness details and update back into Fusion HCM incident, al…
Can the audit for the location be done in Health and Safety?Summary: Can we create an audit for each office location with set of task checks, example - Wall paint, floor cleaning, toilet clean, desk status, chair status, Pantry c…
Do we have an option to display the costing methodology after closing the incident?Summary: Do we have option to display the costing methodology after closing the incident. Example: An Employee injured during an Vehicle Incident in Office Premises, we …
Need to remove list of values from the lookup type which is system generated?Summary: Need to remove list of values from the lookup type which is system generated, I've tried by using page composer but it didn't work. Content (required): Version …
Approval transaction to trigger when Health and Safety manager initiate transactionSummary: Approval transaction to trigger when Health and Safety manager initiate transaction Content (required): Hi, I have a requirements for one of the absence type (T…
Oracle Health and Safety integrationHi @Glen Walton-Oracle, Can you please help me by providing the Health and Safety dummy config book. Also It would be helpful if I get the documents related to integrati…
How can we create an incident type for the workforce health & Safety incident?Summary: As I got the requirement from the client that we need to create the customized incident type? can we create the incident type other than the seeded? @Glen Walto…
Line manager to have access to employee's EH&S incidentsSummary: Hi, I have a custom Line Manager role and assigned the privilege the HNS_REVIEW_ENVIRONMENT_HEALTH_AND_SAFETY_INCIDENT_PRIV and I also made the line manager as …
Updating a Health and Safety incident for an inactive employeeSummary: When trying to update a Health and Safety incident for an inactive employee, the required "Name" field value is removed, and we are unable to add the original i…
How could be segmented Environment health and safety module by company?Summary: We currently have a client, which has several companies, the implementation of one of its companies was carried out and they are already in production, therefor…Juan Davila-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Glen Walton-Oracle Workforce Management
OSHA 300 Dashboard in OTBISummary: The OSHA 300 Dashboard in OTBI is asking for an Establish Content (required): Is this a template that will obtain information from incidents in Health and Safet…
HCM Implementation Guides Now Have a Table for Implementing Tasks in the Beginning of the GuidesSummary: As of Update 22C all of the HCM Implementing guides now have a table at the beginning of the guide to help you get a head start on implementing the HCM Products…Cindy Klymov-Oracle 161 views 1 comment 9 points Most recent by Kaustav_Ray-Oracle Workforce Management
New Ideas Lab and Notifications of Release Readiness PublicationsSummary: We have a new Idea’s Lab for HCM User Assistance Documentation. Our user assistance team wants to hear how we can help you learn and manage your Human resource …
23A New Feature Summary and What’s NewSummary: 23A New Feature Summary and What’s New are now published to the Readiness site:…Cindy Klymov-Oracle 91 views 1 comment 3 points Most recent by Durga Prasad Tavva Workforce Management
Who is currently using Health & Safety module?Summary: We are looking at implementing the Health & Safety module for manage our reporting for safety incidents. We would like to speak with a company who is using the …
Q: Can a Line Manager view his directs Emergency Contacts?Content Hi All, Can a Line Manager view his directs' emergency contacts? As per help docs (…
Need Help on Absence validation formula for paternity LeaveRequirement: Paternity leave for employees -- two days per week, during the four weeks counted from the date of birth of the child. Total leaves should not exceed 8 days…Praveena Mundrathi 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Need to populate a message with Yes or No button when clicking on Time and AbsencesSummary: Need to populate a message with Yes or No button when clicking on Time and Absence Content (required): We need to populate a pop up message with Yes or No optio…
Health and Safety what are the safety staff levels? organizational?Summary Health and Safety what are the safety staff levels? organizational?Content Hello, Regarding the new module : 'Health and Safety' (Health & Safety Incident Manage…
Workforce Health and Safety Incidents - security role for Event Owner, Investigation Owner etcSummary: How to create security roles for Event Owner, Investigation Owner etc in Workforce Health and Safety Incidents? Content (required): Has anyone created a version…