Workforce Health and Safety
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How to disable redwood pages in Heath surveys, assignment rules, inspection pages in HNS Module?Summary: How to disable redwood pages in Heath surveys, assignment rules, inspection pages in HNS Module? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): …Narendar Rao Naineni 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Glen Walton-Oracle Human Capital Management
Error while adding only certain employees as 'Incident Event Owner'Summary: Hi Experts!, We are encountering an issue when adding certain employees as 'Incident Event Owner' under Health and Safety Incidents. And the same issue follows …
Ability to login to Health & Safety Module as anonymous userHello, We have a requirement to enable user to log into workforce health and safety module as anonymous user and be able to raise incident. Can you please let me know if…
How to use Manage Environment, Health and Safety Attachment Address taskSummary: Using the workbook, exist the next task: Navigator-> Setup & Maintenance -> Manage Environment, Health and Safety Attachment Address Attachment Email username@d…Juan Davila-Oracle 31 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Glen Walton-Oracle Workforce Management
Seeded report on Health and SafetySummary: We need to know if there are any Oracle delivered Health and Safety reports available. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (i…
Workforce Health and Safety AORSummary: Is there are setup in "Workforce Health and Safety", if employee from one location has raised the incident, the same location "Environment Safety and Manager" s…
Can we configure EFF (Extensible Flex Fields) in Incident Page of HealthSummary: The requirement is to create multiple dependent fields in Incident Page of Environment Health and Safety Module. There is a list of 8 questions to be added to t…Iswarya Lakshmi Priya-Oracle 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Iswarya Lakshmi Priya-Oracle Workforce Management
During Create Incident, Incident Details are not showing based on Event TypeSummary: During Create Incident, Incident Details are not showing based on Event Type. Example: As a an Employee, I should enter Incident Details based on Event Type say…Rajesh Vodapelly 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Narendar Rao Naineni Workforce Management
Workforce Health and Safety QuestionsSummary A few questions in regards to the Workforce Health and Safety ModuleContent Hi All, I have a few questions in regard to health and safety: 1. When an incident is…
Can we secure a particular event within an incident by a certain role via security configuration?Summary: In our project we have 3 EHS Manager role based on departments and location, we have requirement to show event list of values (which is a lookup value) to be vi…
How to configure Approvals when an employee reports an incident?Summary: How to configure Approvals when an employee reports an incident? For Ex:- When an employee reports an incident, it should go for manager approval Content (pleas…Narendar Rao Naineni 22 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Narendar Rao Naineni Workforce Management
Based on level of severity, incident owner should allocate to the incident in Health and safety?Summary: Based on level of severity, incident owner should allocate to the incident in Health and safety? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): …Narendar Rao Naineni 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Glen Walton-Oracle Workforce Management
While submitting an health survey facing this error Exception During Rest actionSummary: When an employee is submitting an health survey he is facing the issue Exception During Rest action and the survey is not shown up to the screen. Health survey …
Assignment rules Object Name LOV is blankSummary: Object Name LOV is blank in the 'Assignment Rules' page. Anything missing or to be enabled? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Versi…Sreenivasa Subramaniam 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Narendar Rao Naineni Workforce Management
Assign Ineligible User Popup coming in Health and Safety Assignment Rules Risk ManagementSummary: While trying to click save in Health and Safety Assignment Rules in Risk Management, the below popup is coming ie., Assign Ineligible User? Please suggest way f…
Employee unable to Provide Event Specific Details when creating a new IncidentSummary: When creating an incident, employee is able to choose event type(s) however the employee is able to provide only the highlevel details which is common for all i…Sreenivasa Subramaniam 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mihaela Cojocariu-Oracle Human Capital Management
How to disable Health SurveySummary: Hi Glen Walton, Customer doesn’t want “Health Survey” option in the EHS Manager search page and this needs to be removed Under the Manage Incidents look up even…Shivayogi-Oracle 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Simona Stoian-Support-Oracle Human Capital Management
Tokens for Bell Notification for Health and Safety AlertsSummary: What is the correct token to trigger alert for health and safety using Alert Composer in recipient to trigger notification for users in Bell Notification? Conte…
Survey Responder Name in Health Survey is showing Pending Workers Record tooWhile completing a Health Survey, in the Survey Responder Name field, the dropdown is displaying both Employee record and Pending Worker record. How can we remove the pe…Sheetal Shedbalkar 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Sheetal Shedbalkar Human Capital Management
Can we hide tabs in workforce health and safety?Summary: how can we hide the tabs in oracle workforce health and safety? for example can we hide the tabs like risk assessment, inicdent reviewer etc? please assist can …
Getting Error as soon as I select Survey Location for Health SurveyThe user has seeded employee role and even HR Specialist role is facing the same issue.
Inspection Add Item Issue - Health and SafetySummary: Hi, I configured the module following the steps from the books, but when i tried to add a item the page show Blank. Did anyone face this issue before ? Please l…
Stake Holder and Safety coordinator are getting assigned by defaultSummary: Stake Holder and Safety coordinator are getting assigned by default to incident reporter. we didn't setup any Assignment rules but still safety coordinator and …
File upload Max Size Limit for Health & Safety IncidentWe would like to know what is the maximum limit of the attachment can be attached to Health and Safety Incident.
how to disable to health surveySummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
How to print an Incident report from UI from Manage Incident UISummary: Incident report to be printed and shared it to OSHA. Do we have such feasibility to print Incident as a Form from Manage Incident UI. Content (required): Versio…
Incident Owner and Approver email disrepancySummary: An employee received the incident owner email but additionally he got the incident approver email which is actually sent to a higher level manager (who approves…
When will be the Redwood pages become available for Health and Safety?When will be the Redwood pages become available for Health and Safety?
Unable to add Terminated Employee to InjurySummary: We have a Injury to enter but the Employee is Terminated and will not populate in the drop down. Is there a way to resolve? Content (please ensure you mask any …
Uploaded SCORM and Videos via REST API remain in New Status Instead of Changing to Active StatusSummary: We have uploaded SCORM and Videos content files using REST APIs and their status is still as New instead of changing to Active but working fine when manually up…