Workforce Health and Safety
Discussion List
Auto assing the incident owner as the line manager of incident reporterSummary Auto assing the incident owner as the line manager of incident reporterContent Hi All, We have a requirement where in they wanted the incident owner to be auto a…
DFF SEGMENT added not visible in Vehicles EventSummary: Added a new global segment to 'HNS_VEHICLE_INCIDENT_EVENTS_DFF'. The segment is not visible in Incident / Vehicles Event page. This also haapens with Issue even…Sreenivasa Subramaniam 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sreenivasa Subramaniam Work Life Solutions
Environment, Health and Safety Manager - Custom Role not workingSummary: Copied the standard role 'Environment, Health and Safety Manager' and assigned the custom role to an Admin user. User is unable to see any incidents where as th…Sreenivasa Subramaniam 21 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Glen Walton-Oracle Human Capital Management
Inspection Page Issue - Health and SafetySummary: Hi, I am trying to create inspection in 23D but it's throwing an error ( attached error image) the moment I go to add inspection. Did anyone face this issue bef…Chandani Mukesh 141 views 13 comments 0 points Most recent by Glen Walton-Oracle Workforce Management
incident reviewers SoD conflictSummary: We want to make sure Incident Reviewers ONLY see the incidents and data related to the person they have been assigned to review. The current state is when an In…Faizhan.Tanvir 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Glen Walton-Oracle Human Capital Management
Can we configure Event Types as mandatory when EHS Manager raises safety Incident?Summary: We have a business requirement for our client that they want to make events mandatory when EHS Manager is creating or raise a Safety Incident. As event is not m…Pankti Shukla 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Glen Walton-Oracle Human Capital Management
OSHA 300 A Form Year not correctSummary: We started using Oracle 2023 - this is the first year that we have to change the Form Year on the OSHA300 Report. When we change the year parameters to find 202…
Stakeholder is not set when the incident is created via REST ApiSummary: The Profile Option ORA_HNS_ALLOW_ACCESS_BY_INCIDENT_REPORTER_AND_LOGGEDIN_USER is set to "Y" but the Reporter is not set as a Stakeholder when creating an incid…Martina Iovino-Oracle 61 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Martina Iovino-Oracle HCM REST APIs
Automatic Investigation to be created for Sev-2 IncidentsSummary: Hi All, Below is the explanation- Login as Employee > Go to Me > Report Virus and Safety Incidents > list of incidents seen to be reported > Click any > Employe…
How employees view a Safety Incident they created?Presently employees can only create the safety incident but there is no way for employees to go back and view incidents. Would like to know if there is a way for employe…
Is it possible to exclude deleted records from Incident Kiosks GET REST API?Summary: The "get all incidents" and "get all incident events" REST API return all the records, even those that have been removed by the user. However, there is no "Stat…Martina Iovino-Oracle 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Martina Iovino-Oracle HCM REST APIs
Line Manager view Direct Report Health and Safety IncidentSummary Line managers to be able to manage the incidents raised by their direct reports and add investigations, actions and eventsContent Is it possible for line manager…
Assignment rule for HNSSummary: Hi , I have written assignment rules to assign approvers/reviewers/incident owner etec for Incident details but its not getting assigned.
Location Name is defaulting to the location of the Incident reporterWhen the Incident reporter is creating the incident, the Location Name field defaults to their location. Is there a way to prevent that so that it does not default to th…
Notifications not getting trigerred for username for Health and Safety notifications when a user isSummary Bell notifications are not getting triggered for employees when an employee is assigned as an incident ownerContent Hi, Under the Alerts Composer > HNS_Worker_No…User_2025-01-31-00-25-15-275 85 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Pankti Shukla Workforce Management
Health and Safety - Cannot Access Questionnaire in Health SurveySummary: Need to know which roles/privileges, etc. to be able to access the Health Survey. This one row is called Survey Location. I created the questionnaire template a…David Zajac 21 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Sreenivasa Subramaniam Workforce Management
Incident Reporter cannot Edit IncidentSummary: Hello, I have changed ORA_HNS_ALLOW_ACCESS_BY_INCIDENT_ REPORTER_AND_LOGGEDIN_USER to Y. Where do employees go to see the events they have created? Do I need to…
Employees not able to see their reported incidents through incident linkSummary Employees are not able to see their reported incidents through the link provided in their incident reported mailContent Employees report the incident and they re…
Is there a way to set the Incident/Event number start/format for safety incidents ?Summary: Can we set the event/incident number generation for safety incidents ? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Is there a setup where we …
how we can check the history of uploaded hdl after one monthSummary: I need to check the uploaded hdl history in data exchange. i was uploaded the hdl in October month but i need to check the ucmcontent id's but in data exchange …
Tracking Requests for Disability AccommodationSummary: Has anyone created a journey or used other functionality within Oracle HCM to track an employee's request for reasonable accommodation? Content (required): We w…
Health and Safety Report for AdministratorSummary: Can anyone please share any catalog files for the report which shows all the incident, events, investigation and actions Content (required): At the current mome…AbhishekLahoti 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
How to add new risk level in risk assessments - Health and Safety?Risk Assessment Navigation: Setup and Maintenance -> Functional Area -> Workforce Deployment -> Workforce Health and Safety Incidents -> Manage Environment Health and Sa…
How can we change free form text to auto populate the address detailsSummary: In Health and Safety Module->Employee Self Service->Report an Incident-> 1) Incident Details -> 1) Change Was it on-site or off-site? -> After Selecting Off-Sit…
Assigning Environmental Health and Safety Manager role to a non HR managerSummary: We have 2 safety employees who do not have access to regular HR data, but we need them to have access to the professional area of EHS. Content (required): How d…
Can we default a person name to 'Who was notified' field during Create IncidentSummary: Hi Glen, Could you please let me know, can we default a value to be populated in 'Who was notified' field using Page Composer or any other source. Example: Name…
Can we capture the incident location using GPS in HSE?Summary: We have a requirement where we need to capture the incident location while reporting the incident using GPS functionality. Where can we enable this functionalit…Ayushi Sethiya 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
If the incident owner is not defined where will be the incident gone?Summary: Firstly, I need to know if the employee raised an incident but doesn't tag incident owner, than which incident owner will get the notification regarding that in…Rumaisa Khan 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Srikanth Mandapati Panduranga-Support-Oracle Workforce Management
Can we create alert for descriptive flex field in Health and Safety ModuleSummary: I created a DFF field which allows Person LOV. I would like to send notification to person captured in that Person LOV. Do we have such mechanism to send notifi…Rajesh Vodapelly 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by ROOPESH MADAN-Oracle Workforce Management