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TCC 22A Compatibility with Oracle Enterprise Linux 8 and 9(OEL8 & 9 )Summary: Hi , We are using Taleo TCC interface 22A installed and being used on OEL7 server and would like to know will be compatibility with Oracle Enterprise Linux 8 & …
How to keep track of candidates who you no longer want to engage with in the future, after deletionHow do other companies keep track of a ‘do not hire’ candidate or someone who failed a recent interview and has requested to have their profile deleted? Looking for some…
How to make Job field non mandatory under structure in oracle taleo requisition creation pageSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
Can we monitor when someone changes or load emails after email masking ?Summary: Hello All, Can we assign an alert notification for Support persons when someone changes/loads email ids after Email Masking Done. ? After P2T we have masked ema…
Paging Customstep with LrdPrestep and LRDPoststepSummary: For an integration I need to extract resumes based on an LRD, however as resume size could vary and is causing a Java heap space issue although I have increased…HimanshuBansal 41 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kev Carly-Support-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Fields needed to create OBI reportSummary: We had issues on the time stamp when DST happened during the Fall one hour back. We would like to come up with an OBI report to capture all the time stamps in o…
OBIEE configuration changes-OBI 24A deployment-Unable to find any information on this PNC-2401821-1Summary: I am not finding any information regarding the upcoming maintenance for PNC-2401821-1 to preform OBIEE configuration changes - OBI 24A deployment. Can someone p…
Agent Run As Specified UserSummary: Currently, our Taleo OBI agents are running as specified user. The specified user is usually the employee who has created the agent. The risk we have identified…
Licensing Usage of Taleo Recruit if Moved to ORCSummary: How the licensing will be handled if we moved to ORC from Taleo Recruit? Content (required): We are currently using Taleo Recruit and are planning to move to OR…
How to restrict allowable digits in Onboading Transitions UDF form?Summary: We have the requirement to restrict a UDF field under Onboarding to accept only less than or equal to 2 digits. We learned that earlier there was an issue when …
TCC to Cancel Employee ReviewsSummary Looking for the field labeled Employee Review ID in OBI to cancel large amount of performance reviewsContent I am looking to create a TCC script that cancels emp…
Taleo and DocUSignSummary Taleo and DocUSignContent Hello, our organization is looking to use DocUSign for some or all of the Advanced eOffer process to collect signatures on offer letter…
TCC UpgradeSummary How often should you upgrade TCCContent We were always told that you should upgrade TCC every 2 years. However, we are wondering what the impact would be to the …Jeff Callahan-189700 44 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Gopi Purilla-157569 Taleo Enterprise
Exist function in TCCSummary Exist function in TCCContent Hi, We have been trying to understand the logic/syntax of the 'Exists' function in TCC. Has anyone tried to use the same function as…
Job Portal IntegrationsSummary Redirection settings in TEE for redirection from Job PortalsContent When a new requisition is created in TEE, there is an option to post it. When these are pushe…
Loading multiple instances of a JobTemplateContent Hi, Our customer is filling a file to load JobTemplates thru Taleo Connect Client and they want to restrict a JobTemplate to a list of Departments. According to …Mirtha Antequera Borges 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Stephan Belanger-38234 Taleo Enterprise
Taleo APIsSummary Sending Taleo requistion information to a third party via APIContent We have new requirements to send Taleo data to a third party and they only integration metho…
Remove welcome center content to a specific user typeSummary Remove welcome center content to a specific user typeContent Hi There, I want to remove a welcome center content to a specific user type i.e. we have general wel…
17.2 Upgrade WatchoutsSummary Any upgrade watchouts for Taleo version 17.2Content We're starting to do testing on our staging environments and noticed that the folders are all jumbled. For ex…
TCC Export Configuration: Post Processing Steps - Add a new XSL based transformation stepSummary Post Processing steps - Add a new XSL based transformation stepContent Hi All, Have you ever tried the step "Add a new XSL based transformation step" in export c…Murali Krishna-38861 69 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Murali Krishna-38861 Taleo Enterprise
Create Open Requisitions Script using TCCSummary Have anyone created a TCC script on bulk open requisition export? How can we extract only the most recent status for all open reqs?Content Have anyone created a …
Importing Locations in Taleo RecruitContent In our Taleo Recruit instance we have locations upto level 5. I am trying to perform an import into using the Taleo Connect Client with the follwong columns: Rec…
Advance eOffer process through Onboarding TransitionSummary We are about to use the Advance eOffer set up in our Organization - Need some helpContent Hi All, I would like to know about Advance e-Offer Process through Onbo…Tanushree Mukhopadhyay 36 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Tanushree Mukhopadhyay Taleo Enterprise
Link requisition UDF field into offer gridSummary Link requisition UDF field into offer gridContent hi there, I have created an UDF (worker location) in the requisition and made it as a mandatory field. Also, I …
Link / image in taleo - welcome centreSummary Add a link or an image onto taleo - welcome center contentContent Hi there, I get an error message when I try to add a link or an image onto taleo - welcome cent…
Oracle Fusion UI customizationSummary Oracle Fusion UI customizationContent Hi, I need to do customization on cloud fusion User Interface. For eg: For a given movement order user select an item and a…