Discussion List
Sorting in Complex ProjectionSummary: Hello, I want to add a sorting in a complex projection in an export Taleo Connect Client script, but I get the error 'Missing right parenthisis' Content (please…
Configuring XML Feed from Taleo (TCC) to LinkedInSummary: I am trying to get my XML data from Taleo via TCC to export in the correct formatting for a LinkedIn job postings XML feed. I can get the correct data to export…
How to get .xsd file for export and import xml?Summary: How to get .xsd file for the corresponding TCC export or import xml specific to entities, example- candidate? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential i…
Hello Everyone, how we can get Agent and Agencies details in Requisition Export scriptSummary: Im trying to export all Agent and Agencies details mapped to RR's from Requisition entity. But im getting data duplication and when i tried paging duplicates sc…
Taleo Export UDFsSummary: How do I export user defined fields as part of my partial candidate export? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): I am looking to expor…
TCC - How to identify deleted submissions for a candidateSummary: Hello, I am exporting applications and would like to know how to identify deleted submissions in TCC. I have tested on last status that shows as deleted in the …
How can TCC deliver a file over the Google Cloud platform Bucket?Summary: How can TCC deliver a file over the Google Cloud platform Bucket? Content (required): N/A Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): N/A Code S…
TCC concatenate job description and job qualificationsSummary: How can I concatenate the job description and job qualifications when exporting the file? I'm getting this error: oracle.sql.CLOB@570250a3
OBI: "Requisition Tracking History"."Req. History Transaction By User"When pulling "Requisition Tracking History"."Req. History Transaction By User" data in OBI, how can I pull the username or email address instead of the NAME (last name, …
Advanced Grouping on Aggregate functions - TCCSummary: Need assistance in exporting number of CSW status updates taken place in a day Content (required): Hi, I am working on exporting number of CSW status updates th…
How to export/download all applications in Taleo in PDF/Word format?We need a way to export Applications in a PDF or Word format from since we started using Taleo. Is there any process (using TCC or other means) to fetch that? What we ar…
TCC Export of Requisition External DescriptionSummary: Need to get one description per requisition. However, I'm getting multiple copies in my output. Content (required): This ought to be really simple. (I'm an HR g…
TCC export and import business unitSummary: Is it possible add business unit using tcc. I would like to import and export? Content (required): Trying to deactivate or delete business in Taloe Version (inc…
TCC export error (subquery involved): Table 'RCAPPLICATION02' not foundSummary: I get the error "An error occurred during the query execution: Table 'RCAPPLICATION02' not found" when running an export with a subquery Content (required): Hel…
Is It possible to pull a report by using TCC. Report must contain users who use taleo in March 2023Summary: I need to know how many members used taleo in the month of March 2023.So I have to pull report by using TCC. Is It possible to pull a report by using TCC. Repor…
Taleo Connect Client: New Hire Export - 'Post From' field information from "Application" EntitySummary: I am trying to effectively access following information from 'Application' Entity. Content (required): Could you please help me to find which field can provide …
How can we restrict the decimal values via TCCSummary: Is there any function we can use in the complex projection to restrict the decimals to 2 digits without Round off via TCC. Example: If Pay basis is 2345.666666 …
I need help with TCC export for candidate education (need 1 row per candidate, getting multiple)Summary: Hi All, I am not very experienced with TCC so pardon me if this is a simple question. I searched and didn't see anything that helped solve my problem. I have be…
Unix server issuesSummary: Looking for list of issues with unix server for TCC integrations Content (required): Hi, If anyone using/used Unix server for TCC, can you please list out the i…
Complex Projection combining part of two fieldsSummary: I am currently extracting attached files information from transitions. I would like to create as a part of my extract a new field by combining two fields. Conte…
Requisition Screening Services - ExportSummary Need to extract the active screening services on a requisitionContent Hi, Can any body help me extracting active screening services on a requisition. I referred …
How do I extract all 6 levels of our Org Structure for a Job Req using TCCContent I'm trying to extract Req level information in an export script. More specifically where I'm getting hung up is trying to extract all levels of our Org structure…
How to export offer related documentsSummary How to export offer related documentsContent Hello, I am able to export attachments related to submission or general profile but unable export attachments relate…
TCC LRD and CRD Time OffsetSummary Offset time of the CRDContent Hello I'm using Custom TCC PreStep "com.taleo.integration.client.customstep.lrd.LRDPreStep" to configure the LRD and CRD for a Betw…
Exporting disqualifications questions in a requisitionSummary Exporting disqualifications questions in a requisitionContent Hello Experts, I am trying to export the disqualification questions, possible answers and disqualif…
How to export "Visible to Candidate" field for attachmentsSummary How to export "Visible to Candidate" field for attachmentsContent Hello Experts I am trying to export all the attachments to candidates general profile or submis…
Remove Special Characters from personal phone number in TCC OutboundSummary Remove The Special Characters from Personal Phone Number Then Compare Length And Place NULLContent Hi All, Need advice on below requirement in TCC outbound file.…
Hide Projection in TCC ExportSummary Need to find out if it is possible to hide a projection column in a TCC ExportContent Hello, I have a projection in a TCC Export which I am using to filter the d…
Extracting Data (TCC) Into a Table is generating duplicate RowsSummary Once the TCC.sh script is run and completed the target-export table contains duplicate entriesContent Hi there, I was wondering if anybody can help me out with t…
How to Filter on Self-Withdrew from Career Section in TCCSummary How to Filter on Self-Withdrew from Career Section in TCCContent We are building an Open Position report in TCC to mimic an OBI report. One of the requirements i…