Discussion List
Unable to connect using TCCSummary Unable to connect using TCCContent Hi, I am unable to connect using TCC and getting below error. I can login to application using browser. Please assist. Thanks!
Modification userSummary I can't find modification userContent Hi. I use TCC to extract requisition data and check it. I need to know who create or modify requisition to send notificatio…
How to extract all the enity fields with their entity name.Summary How to extract all the enity fields with their entity name.Content Hi, We have huge tokenized PDF's in Legacy onboarding that needs to be transformed to Transiti…
Export of Onboarding Documents using TCCContent Hi. We are in the preliminary phase of our Onboarding project (we have the Taleo Recruiting app live). I need to determine how to extract the Onboarding document…
Getting Error after TCC 15A SHA2 Upgrade - Unexpected line format : The data in row #2, column #1 isContent Hi, We are getting below error message after upgrading our TCC to 15A SHA2 version in one of the export script. Same export script is running fine in another env…
What is the technology stack behind the native integration between HCM cloud and taleo.Summary I need to understand what is the technology stack behind the native integration between HCM cloud and taleo.Content Hope to hear from Integrations experts.
Calculating number of hires in TCCSummary Is it possible to calculate the number of hires in TCCContent Has anyone ever been able to on an export for requisitions have a count of number of candidates in …
What is the technology stack behind the native integration between HCM cloud and taleoSummary What is the technology stack behind the native integration between HCM cloud and taleoContent I would like to understand What is the technology stack behind the …
Taleo Connect Client UsesSummary What do you use TCC for?Content We have very limited use of TCC. We have a new hire export and 1 import for rehire eligibility. We are very interested in doing m…
# of Openings using TCCSummary Need to pull Requisition specific # Openings data using TCCContent We are working on replacing an OBI report related to our Requisitions with a TCC export. We ha…
Education Mapping from Taleo/HRISSummary Has anyone mapped Education Data from Taleo to PeopleSoftContent Hello We are looking to pull our education data from Taleo into PeopleSoft. I am interested in t…
Best Practice for building a data migration with non-TEE partnerContent My recruiting team uses a non-partner for a fitness assessment and would like to be able to create a process mimicing background or job board request. They want …Michelle Graham-29105 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Kristine Kukich-Oracle University-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Need to increase field length to 11Summary I have an Employee ID field in TCC I need to increase to 11 charactersContent Hi there, I am trying to make the length of a field always =11 by adding leading ze…
Filter TCC Attachments export by last date modified?Summary Need to export candidate attachments and script is working, but timing out when we run for too many recordsContent Hi all, I have found great information here on…
TCC - Requisition history extractSummary Number of open positions on requisition modified after initial creation, how to capture changeContent We are are exporting Requisitions daily which uses the crea…
TCC script to pull multiple values from checkboxSummary How can I get all values from a multiple value checkbox to be returned on one line?Content I need to modify a TCC script to pull the values from a custom checkbo…
How do you export the contents (fields) of a User Defined Form in TransitionsContent There are several User Defined Forms in Transitions. I want to be able to export the fields from each of the forms. Using Transitions 14A. Any tips or links to d…
How do I export the active Screening services for a given requsition?Summary I am unable to find the Requsition Screening enitity fro exporting the active screening services for a requsition. Is there a way to accomplish this?
Exporting the Creation date for the latest Requisition History log using TCCSummary I am trying to export requsitions that are currently open and need to include the Creation date for the last action on the requisition. Is there a way to accompl…Reena Sharma-10705 57 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Jean-Louis Couturier-24106 Taleo Enterprise