Discussion List
TCC: Extract Active User AccountsSummary TCC: Extract Active User AccountsContent Hi, I am trying to extract active smartorg user accounts from Taleo using TCC. The catch here is that i need to extract …
TCC/Taleo connect Client - Concatenation CLOB Data with Number/Integer data typeSummary TCC/Taleo connect Client - Trying to Concatenate External Job description which is a CLOB data with Number/Integer data typeContent Hi Team, I wanted to concaten…
Latest TCC Custom StepSummary Can anyone help me to get the latest TCC Custom Step. When I try to run i'm getting the error as in the attached Image.
Taleo - EBS Integration OptionsSummary Taleo - EBS Integration OptionsContent Hello Experts We are looking for possible options for integrating Taleo with On-Prem EBS. We mainly deal with Cloud HCM so…
Column Filter projection for GPASummary Column Filter projection for GPAContent I need to filter between 2.0 and 4.2 then send anything outside of that range as blank. My projection is valid, but I am …
TCC Complex Projection : Cast as DateSummary Need help in converting concatenated string into a date formatContent Hi All, I am using complex projection to concatenate YYYY from sysdate with a string (-07-0…
Extract candidate resume using TCCSummary I'm looking to know if someone has extracted candidate resume using TCC.Content Any quick help will be appreciated. Thanks, Sumit
In need of a column projection that Filters then DecodesSummary In need of a column projection that Filters then DecodesContent Hello, I'm in need of a column projection that Filters then Decodes values. I tried the projectio…
Taleo TCC - User Accounts field - External User IDSummary Can the External User ID from the Accounts Information section be exportedContent Hi, Is it possible to export the 'External User ID' found in the Accounts Infor…
TCC(Taleo Connect Client)- Export data from Same Product and Multiple entity fields in one scriptSummary TCC(Taleo Connect Client)- Export data from Same Product and Multiple entity fields in one scriptContent Hi Team, I am trying to create an extract using Product …
Idea - Taleo Recruiting: Export Requisitions / Submissions as PDF ("Print View") via TCCSummary Taleo Recruiting: Export Requisitions / Submissions as PDF ("Print View") via TCCContent Hi, we would need a possibilty to Export the Print Views (PDFs) in Taleo…
Number Left to Fill based on Accepted Offers - ProjectionSummary Need a Projection to provide the Number Left to Fill based on Accepted OffersContent In OBI there is an object to provide the "# Openings Left To Fill (Accepted)…
TCC Export for Latest Education details of candidateSummary TCC Export for Latest Education details of candidateContent Hi Team, i have one requirement to export the latest education details(Only Latest Education details …
Exist function in TCCSummary Exist function in TCCContent Hi, We have been trying to understand the logic/syntax of the 'Exists' function in TCC. Has anyone tried to use the same function as…
EEO - TCC ProjectionSummary EEO - TCC ProjectionContent I'm trying to see if we can can pull two different EEO questions into a column. Meaning there are two different Gender Questions from…
How to add 2 entities in One export script of TCCContent Hi, I want to add Application Entity and EntityDeletedReport Entity to export some data according to the filter value . Can anyone please help me with this that …
How to update a field in TCC export with other values (say blank).Summary Need to update the value of a tcc export with other values.Content Hi We have a export script that takes out the data of New Hires. The requirement is to update …
TCC to export self identify diversity informationSummary TCC to export self identify diversity informationContent hi, we have the attached form set up for candidate to self-identify. I'd like to export the diversity qu…
TCC Export script running but no output file getting generatedSummary no output file generated when trying to extract attachment of candidateContent Hi all, I am running a export TCC script to extract attachments at candidate level…
Offer Close Date - concatenate OfferAccepted and OfferRefusedSummary Offer Close Date - concatenate OfferAccepted and OfferRefusedContent I'm trying to one result of Offer Close Date by concatenating OfferAccepted and OfferRefused…
TCC Export file exporting incorrect dataSummary Export script should be exporting candidates ONLY in certain Step/Statuses, however, it's exporting beyond those triggersContent I have rebuilt a script which a …
TCC: Complex Filter - Max DateSummary Filter based on Max DateContent Hi Community, I have an export script that exports data from the Candidate Profile, the Offer and the Requisition all in 1 export…
LRD Filter for Daily runSummary Complex LRD for change recordsContent Hi All, I have a TCC file that is created with Requisition entity that extracts values like LatestApprovedDate, LastPositio…
Most Recent Work Experience - TCCSummary Profile Experience Is Most Recent Based On Start Date - replica in TCCContent Hi, I need a complex query that can replicate the OBI field "Profile Experience Is …
Onboarding Documents started failingSummary ORA-00001: unique constraint (BSWHEALTH.W$AKSENO_PASS_NO_UI) violatedContent Onboarding Documentation export has been working for sometime and just started faill…
Requisition Historical StatusesSummary Extracting requisition historical statuses similar to OBIContent Hi All, Has anybody tried extracting Historical statuses using TCC. I know there are no correspo…
Remove from Description fieldsSummary I would like to know how to automatically remove [en] from my TCC exportsContent HI All, Hopefully this is a quick one for someone with the knowledge, I am wanti…
How to prevent duplicate rows in TCC exportSummary I'm having TCC 14A Application entity script. I'm exporting all historical step/status but for Hire/Hired status alone, TCC generating duplicate rows. How can i …
Decode Null valueSummary Decode if phone number field is null or notContent Hello - I'm having trouble figuring out to output a value if a persons phone number is null or not. I'm writin…
Newfound Issues Deleting Accounts via TCCSummary Newfound Issues Deleting Accounts via TCCContent Hello, We've been experiencing more issues/errors when attempting to remove/inactivate/delete user accounts in S…