Talent Acquisition
Discussion List
Taleo Day Chicago - Nov 7, 2019Content We're at it again! Join us for Taleo Day Chicago. We're going to focus on Fluid readiness and will get an early peek at 19D. Register here: https://lnkd.in/ePRW7…
Welcome Center usageSummary Would like information on how companies are using Welcome CenterContent We are working on activating Welcome Center so that users land on this page when they fir…
Taleo and Windows X EnterpriseSummary Taleo and Windows X EnterpriseContent Has anyone experienced any issues with Taleo using Windows X Enterprise? One of our hiring managers upgraded to Windows X E…
19B Anyone else experiencing major bugs with Req and Offer Approvals?Summary Req & Offer Approvals being "hung up" in 19B - Approvers approve, but Req/Offer still shows as To Be ApprovedContent We recently upgraded to 19B and have been ex…
Background Check/I-9 VendorSummary Feedback on a Background Check/I-9 VendorContent Hi, We are currently in the process of looking for a background check and I-9 vendor that can be integrated with…
Ease candidate application process - best practicesContent Hello, We are looking for ways to improve the candidate experience and ease the application process on our website. Do you have any best practices to share? We a…
Using Education & Work History Fields in OnboardingSummary Does anyone have any use the standard Education & Work History Fields in Onboarding?Content We recently began using the standard Education and Work History field…
What are the user permissions needed to access Smart Org via web services API?Summary Exporting data with SplashBIContent Hello, Exelon is starting a project to aggregate all of our data from disparate systems into a unified reporting platform - S…
RPA in Taleo?Content Hi, Has anyone used Robotic Process Automation/bots in Taleo? We are considering doing so to set up phone screens for our Recruiters and was curious if anyone ha…
TCC - Calculate Time Between DatesSummary TCC - Calculate Time Between DatesContent I am trying to build a Complex Projection that will generate a field containing the # of days between two date fields. …
Average Time to Create a RequisitionSummary Average Time to Create a Requisition in TaleoContent Hello, Can other companies please share what their average time to create a requisition in Taleo is? We real…
Difficulty editing offer lettersSummary Recruiters are sometimes unable to edit offers lettersContent Hello, Some of our recruiters are reporting that they are unable to edit offer letters when they ar…
Taleo Auto-RegistrationSummary Capability to skip registration and submit the resumeContent We have a need to allow candidates a way to submit the below information without having to first sel…
Is it possible to hide info on the Referrer Tab in Recruiting?Summary Is it possible to hide info on the Referrer Tab in Recruiting?Content Hello! Is it possible to hide or remove any information on the Referrer Tab while viewing c…
TCC for Evaluation ManagementSummary TCC to build question and skills library in Evaluation ManagementContent Has anyone used TCC to build your question and skills library in Evaluation Management? …
DISREGARD - Remove Candidate from Personal FolderSummary Is there a way to "unfile" candidate from a personal folder?Content Hello. How do you remove candidate from a personal folder? For example, I have a folder for "…
Use of Taleo API To Validate AddressesSummary I am looking to see if anyone has ever used the Taleo API to validate addresses with an external service.Content Have there been any TEE users who have been able…
Candidate Survey ToolsSummary Looking for recommended tools to conduct candidate sat surveysContent Hello, everyone. We are looking for recommendations for a candidate satisfaction survey too…
Export Values related to Multiselect field in one rowSummary we are trying to export values related to Multilselect field in single row, currently we are getting multiple rows for these valuesContent Hi, Does any one have …Eshan Sharma-167267 18 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Eshan Sharma-167267 Taleo Enterprise
TCC Projection Function to find Position of CharacterSummary In an Export Projection, how can I find the position of a character in a string?Content In a TCC Export Projection, how do I find the position of a character in …
How username gets generated when a candidate profile is created manuallySummary How username gets generated when a candidate profile is created manually by using "Create candidate" optionContent Hi All, I have a question where I want to unde…
TCC - Import Multiple Answers for QuestionAnswerSummary Trying to determine how to set up the Behavior for Questions with multiple Answers for an importContent I am trying to import multiple answers to a question. I a…
Talent Acquisition Cloud Quarterly Update Model EvolutionSummary Oracle is shifting exclusively to a quarterly update model to deliver more frequent updates to the Oracle Talent Acquisition Cloud.Content Quarterly Update Model…
Recorded Taleo TrainingSummary Looking for recommended tools to record Taleo Training/DemosContent Hello, looking to get feedback on what software you have used to record your Taleo Training/d…
My Coverage area what does it stand for?Summary My Coverage area what does it stand for?Content Hello, We would like to know please what does 'My Coverage area' stands for in Taleo? and what are its uses ? ple…
Candidate selection workflow how to add rejection reason under additional information?Summary Candidate selection workflow how to add rejection reason under additional information?Content Hello, We would like please to add reason to the rejection reason i…
Candiate Selection WF-how to restrict manager from one step to the hire ?Summary Candiate Selection WF-how to restrict manager from one step to the hire ?Content Hello, For the candidate selection workflow ,we would like (but didn't manage) t…
How to add a link candidate profile in a Message to Manager?Summary How to add a link candidate profile in a Message to Manager?Content Hello, We would like to have in a message that in intendent to the MANAGER - a link to the ca…
Ability to customize the withdraw submission messageSummary Ability to customize the withdraw submission messageContent Hi All, We want to customize the message that comes up in the career section when a candidate withdra…
How can we restrict manager from the all candidate selection workflow steps but enable him to view tSummary How can we restrict manager from the all candidate selection workflow steps but enable him to view the candidates ?Content Hello, For the candidate selection wor…