Discussion List
TinyMCE WYSIWYG Pasting/Retaining Word FormattingSummary: Content (required): We've received some feedback from our recruiting team about spending time re-formatting text from MS Word to Taleo Recruiting when posting a…
Where is Requisition Field located under Internal Description in RequisitionSummary: I am trying to find where one of my fields is located in Configuration. The field in question is in the below screenshot and is located under the Internal Descr…
Multiple ATSs / APISummary: We will have two ATSs - possibly Taleo and definitely Oracle Recruiting Cloud soon. Does any other organization have more than one ATS, and if so, how do you ha…
Preview no Supported for the given file format .docxSummary: We just upgraded to 22B.0.1 and are unable to Preview .docx formats in the Attachments tab in the Submission view of the Candidate. We tested this before we wen…
TCC - Add prescreening questions to Job TemplateSummary I am looking for assistance in adding questions to job templates via TCC or any other method.Content I am looking for assistance in adding prescreening questions…
Activating Spanish LanguageSummary: Hello, I posted about activating languages previously but I'm hoping to get some more eyes on this, specifically activating Spanish. Has anyone activated Spanis…
Taleo load issues?Summary: Hi, has anyone experienced any load issues with Taleo? Content (required): I have not experienced this myself but I had a recruiter reach out saying that over t…
Streamlining/Optimizing Job ApplicationsHi, everyone. I'd love to hear from you if you have worked on streamlining or optimizing your applications to provide candidates with an improved applying experience. Di…
Embed a Video into a Job DescriptionSummary: Does anybody know if it is possible to embed a video into a job description? If it is, is there any documentation around it? Content (required): Version (includ…
How to create a notification that sends to an applicantSummary: We are looking to create a notification that would be sent to an Applicant that applies to a Driver position and where either the Requisition is located in Mary…
Merged: We invite you to attend a ⭐️ LIVE ⭐️ webinar to deeply understand your Oracle Cloud Applica…This discussion has been merged.
Onboarding & Implementation Cloud Applications LIVE Webinar EventsContent We invite you to attend a LIVE webinar to get started with your Oracle Cloud Applications. This is a perfect start to your Cloud journey where you will learn abo…Jennifer Hinh-Oracle 4 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Jennifer Hinh-Oracle Taleo Enterprise
Taleo Mobile Career Section - Branding File & GuideContent Great news - the new mobile career section branding file is now available! The attached branding file includes several updates that will transform your mobile ca…David DeAngelo-14557 1.1K views 35 comments 8 points Most recent by Ashleigh Conkey Taleo Enterprise
Entering Page Breaks in Customized Offer LetterSummary Entering Page Breaks in a Customized Offer LetterContent Hello, We currently use customized Offer letter's that can be edited by the recruiter before they send t…
Grid/Table Not Showing Correctly in Custom Offer Letter EmailSummary Custom Offer Letter Email Grids Not Showing Correctly When Emailed to Candidate in PDFContent We have a few custom Offer Letters that go out to the Candidate in …
Fluid Recruiting - Investment Strategy and RoadmapSummary This article provides users with an understanding of how to think about Fluid Recruiting, the overall investment methodology, strategy for building out Fluid, an…
Filter For Filled Requisitions in FluidSummary Filter for Filled Requisitions That Were Filled During a Certain Time PeriodContent Hello, Does anybody know if it is possible to search for filled Requisitions …
Fluid Recruiting & Internet ExplorerContent Hi All - I've heard for some time now (and have experienced) that Taleo should be used with Google Chrome, Firefox or MS Edge and to avoid using IE as it's not v…Nicole Gray 88 views 27 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-23-20-51-59-640 Taleo Enterprise
20B.4 Career Section issueSummary Candidates applying through career sections with custom branding files were receiving a pop-up errorContent When applying for roles - if certain Branding files w…
Can we hide 'Legacy Recruiting' option from Home Page of TaleoContent Hi Team, Since we have migrated to 20B now, Can we hide 'Legacy Recruiting' option from Taleo Home Page? If so, please give option on hiding the "Legacy Recruiti…
Upgrade to 20B - Testing Results/Issues?Content HI I believe 20B is available on May 18th. We will be upgrading our staging zone the last week in May. Thought I would start this thread for testers to post test…User_2025-01-28-20-42-41-981 189 views 138 comments 0 points Most recent by Nicki Neesen Taleo Enterprise
Fluid: Looking for Department numberSummary Some of our staff are dismayed that now under fluid they only get a department Name and no longer have view of the department number.Content Under Flex recruitin…Graeme White 49 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-25-03-46-12-869 Taleo Enterprise
Error when trying to access candidate submissionContent We have noticed error when trying to access candidate applications. Irrespective of Requisition when I click on Candidate count I get the error. Has anyone come …
Fluid Parallel ApprovalsSummary Wondering if I am missing a settingContent Hi, Currently we are in 20B3 and have no option to set approval paths in parallel (i.e. multiple approvals at the same…
Change Tab or Text on Tab Color for Candidate Onboarding TasksSummary Change Tab or Text on Tab Color for Candidate Onboarding TasksContent How to you Change Tab Color for Candidate Onboarding Tasks? Instead of Red we would like to…
19D vs 20B - Requisition Status FiltersSummary Change in filter detailContent Am I missing something? Requisition Quick Filters Fluid under 19D (which we currently have in Prod) is much different to that in 2…
Arabic Support for Taleo UI using site builderSummary We want to build a UI for the Taleo for Arabic languageContent Hi, we were told that taleo doesnt support arabic language. But the customer needs Arabic for thei…
Need Help - changed in form does not show - still using old formSummary Need Help - changed a form and made it active with same code and name - no changes seen when usingContent We have a form with a field that needed to made read on…
Testing RUX - Convert a Pending WorkerSummary Worker only Found in Hiring Manager Tasks to CompleteContent Hi Experts - We are testing RUX, and on the Convert a Pending Worker process, the transaction landed…
Mobile Responsive Branding File Template for Career Section and Onboarding Task ListSummary This post provides customers with a mobile responsive branding file template for the Career Section and Onboarding TasklistContent This post is to distribute Ora…Ali Moosvi 989 views 61 comments 22 points Most recent by Trishna Agarwal-Support-Oracle Taleo Enterprise