Discussion List
Performance Template sections and Order- placement of overall summarySummary Performance Template sections and Order- placement of overall summaryContent Hi All- We set our Performance template up in this order Performance Goals Competenc…
Displaying other fields in Goal Plan main PageSummary Displaying other fields in Goal Plan main Page apart from status and WeightContent Dear All Please let me know is there a way to display other fields in Goal Pla…
Test to Production configuration migrationSummary Lower environment to production environment configurations movementContent Hello Experts, Please suggest how to migrate final Performance document templete confi…Sudhakar Kaluvala 32 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Karthik K-Oracle Performance Management
Pop-up message to be enabled for specific Task in PDSummary: Hello Experts, We have requirement to enable Pop-up message on specific task level like Worker self evolution, manager evolution and share Performance document …Sudhakar Kaluvala 31 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Sudhakar Kaluvala Performance Management
Questionnaire in Anytime feedback documentSummary: Hello Experts, We have requirement where worker questions can be visible to all but manager questions and responses should be visible only to managers under any…Sudhakar Kaluvala 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Mandala Venkata Naga Rajesh -Oracle Performance Management
Employee Performance Goals not getting savedSummary: Employee adds the Performance Goal and click 'Save & Close' but the Goal is not seen/added to the Goal Plan Content (required): Employee clicks on the 'Add' but…
Unable to move a Performance Document Forward or Back a TaskSummary In the new UI, when the Move Forward and Back Task options are grayed out.Content We have moved to the new UI for Performance and I need to move a document back …User_2025-01-28-20-43-56-568 284 views 11 comments 3 points Most recent by Kamal Pradhan Performance Management
Can the default date format be changed to display MM/DD/YYYY?Summary: Is there a way to ensure the full four digit year remains displayed? Content (required): When start dates and target dates are entered on goals as MM/DD/YYYY, a…Christina Arteaga 41 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Christina Arteaga Performance Management
Performance DFF LOVs missing in RUISummary: Hi Team, We have enabled DFF (HRA_EVALUATIONS) and expected to be visible in provide final feed back on worker page. However field label is visible but not the …
How to hide some tasks to in Performance evaluationSummary: Hello Experts: We have below scenario: For USA Workers we are releasing the ratings not to India workers. when we go for Final task i.e Provide final feedback t…Sudhakar Kaluvala 24 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Maria Croitoru-Oracle Performance Management
Performance Doc. Search Page > Filters Employee and Manager Display ‘No Suggestions To Display’Summary: Performance Doc. Search Page > Filters Employee and Manager Display ‘No Suggestions To Display’ Content (required): Hello All, I will appreciate your support on…
NUX Performance Document: How-to personalize Rating Description LOVSummary This is part of a series of Quick Reference Guide "Frequently Asked Questions and Answers"Content This quick admin user guide shows you How-to personalize Rating…Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle 127 views 9 comments 15 points Most recent by Sumit Upadhyaya Performance Management
Disable or hide Manager Rating to only show Manager Calculated RatingSummary: Hi experts, Within our Performance Documents, we are trying to see if there is a way we are unable to either disable the "Manager Rating" for each Content Secti…David Pham-Oracle 292 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by David Pham-Oracle Performance Management
Can the manager independently reopen the evaluation form after the employee has submitted it?Summary: Content (required): Can the manager independently reopen the evaluation form after the employee has submitted it? Does this function exist? Version (include the…
Visual indicator for Required comments / ratings on Performance evaluation pageSummary: Hello Experts, Is it possible to put a visual indicator for Required comments / ratings on Performance evaluation page (for example, an asterisk)? On the Struct…
How to change the text under Career and Performance like performance and other text within the groupSummary: Hi Experts, How to change the text under Career and Performance like performance and other text within the group. below highlighted region with new text. Thank …Sudhakar Kaluvala 22 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sudhakar Kaluvala Performance Management
How to remove complete and cancel from manager page of evaluate performanceSummary: Hi Experts, We wanted to remove complete and cancel option from evaluate performance page of manager screen. Below is the screenshot. Thank you in advance. Than…Sudhakar Kaluvala 31 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Sudhakar Kaluvala Performance Management
Performance Goals Feedback VisibilitySummary: Performance Goals Feedback Visibility only to Managers Content (required): Hi, We're looking to introduce the Performance Goals Feedback functionality but would…
What are the the most common issues for an employees while adding the Goals?Summary: What are the the most common issues for an employees while adding the Goals? Content (required): Hi Team, I want to know the issues list for goals, While adding…
What are the the most common issues for an employees while adding the Goals?Summary: What are the the most common issues for an employees while adding the Goals? Content (required): Hi Team, I want to know the issues list for goals, While adding…Ashok Gosu 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Suman Chenumalla-Support-Oracle Performance Management
How to enable DFF in Manager evaulation pageSummary: Hello Experts, We are trying to add a DFF in manager evaluation which should not display for employee. however we are not able to find DFF segment in manager ev…Sudhakar Kaluvala 21 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Sudhakar Kaluvala Performance Management
How to approve Development GoalsSummary: Hello Experts, What is the way to approve Development Goals from UI? or move to other status? Using HDL is it possible to approve? if yes, kindly share HDL samp…Sudhakar Kaluvala 11 views 8 comments 0 points Most recent by Sudhakar Kaluvala Performance Management
How to make information section as mandatorySummary: Hello Experts,, We wanted to make information section as mandatory without giving the comments manager should not submit. When we try, once clicking on the cont…
How to remove Image from warning/Error message from the applicationSummary: Hello Experts, We have requirement to remove warning and error images(Not the text message). we have tried using personalization not happening. Any one suggest …Sudhakar Kaluvala 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Maria Croitoru-Oracle Performance Management
Ability to Copy Goals to Goal PlanSummary Ability to Copy Goals to Goal PlanContent Hi, In Responsive UI, can anyone know the navigation to the functionality of copying goals from goal plan to other as a…
Do we have for Development Goals weightages?Summary: Hello Experts, Do we have for Development Goals weightages in the application? seems we have many personalization in the current page hence we can't see that. I…
NUX Manager Talent Overview: How-to enable Faceted Search and modify the Defaults (20C)Summary This is part of a series of Quick Reference Guide "Frequently Asked Questions and Answers"Content This quick admin user guide shows you How-to enable Faceted Sea…Dr Surlina Yin-Oracle 99 views 1 comment 6 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-23-51-35-873 Performance Management
Manager should get the notification if anything change in ratingSummary: Hi Expert, We have received a requirement from the client that if an Employee and a Manger has been completed thier evaluation and the performance document has …
EL to hide worker rating in Overall Summary sectionSummary EL to hide worker rating in Overall Summary sectionContent Hi Is there any EL where, once the Manager sharedsthe performance document with the Worker, Worker sho…User_2025-01-30-21-52-52-008 72 views 12 comments 1 point Most recent by Dev R Performance Management
Responsive Performance Document - Hiding Overall RatingContent Is there a way to hide the overall rating from employee but show ratings for goal section? Thank you! I tried but it's getting hidden from both section... I cann…