Discussion List
how to extract the relationship between courses and classes from BI reporting?Content Hi, we would need the list of all the courses defined in Taleo Learn with the related properties (like name, code, status, duration, ecc.). we don't need the sco…
Scheduled reports did run today - I had Monday offContent Silly me ... I thought reports didn't run but I only have a few that run daily and I ran new versions. Now to delete my post.
Courses/Classes: BI Reporting in Taleo LearnSummary Way to not extract deleted courses/classesContent Hi, we have a question about the BI Reporting of Taleo Learn. We have made a report from BI Reporting > Create …
BI Reporting "Oracle Learning Plan Progress Report" is showing LP completion dates but the LP statusSummary Oracle Learning Plan Progress Report in BI Reporting is showing LP completion dates but the LP status is "Not Attempted"; the completion date is accurate based o…
Taleo Learn: questions about fields to be extractedContent Hi, we have two questions about fields that we should extract from the Reporting BI of Taleo. The first field regards the Instructor Led Training: in particoular…
Automated Report Links Producing an Unexpected Error messageSummary All the links in the emails for any automated report are failing to open the report and producing an unexpected error messageContent We have a series of reports …
Easy correct answer points - Audit trail - Post Status #s equal what named statuses?????Summary I know the answer is somewhere out thereContent But I think some of you actually like knowing some of this stuff off hand. Or interacting with people like me....…
Exporting attachments and completion certificatesSummary Exporting attachments and completion certificatesContent We are moving from Taleo Learn to OLC and we need to export the attachments from external training and c…
Here is a new one - BI Reports brainfart - Cannot open database "LearnScheduler" requested by the loSummary Full error recorded down below - but the report seems ok?Content The weirdest error showed up for us: "Cannot open database "LearnScheduler" requested by the log…
Include Manager in "My Team"Summary When managers run reports for their teams, they themselves are not included in the resultsContent When we run report or view information from the My Team Monitor…
Back end processing hungSummary Reports not processing, Groups and Catalogs not SyncingContent Good Morning, Is anyone else on Pod CHM experiencing issues with BI reports being hung in processi…
Supervisor accountsSummary Removing the Supervisor accounts who are no longer employedContent Hello Team, We have supervisors who are are no longer employed. When I run the supervisor repo…
Learning Plan Progress report NOT opening in Excel, but works in CSVSummary Learning Plan Progress report customized to allow multiple LPs started failing to open today (6/15)Content In CHK, we have a customized BI report based on the Or…
User Permission ReportSummary Can we create a report with User permissionsContent Team, We have 3 different roles assigned to different employees but even those roles the permissions are diff…
Audit Trail Report - Learning Plan Name / Learning Plan IDSummary How to determine what Learning Plan Name goes with a Learning Plan IDContent I am running the Audit Trail Report (User Learning Plan Mapping History) to identify…
Issues Scheduling Custom Reports in 20B?Summary We are unable to schedule any of our custom reports in 20BContent Is anyone else having issues scheduling reports in their Stage environment after 20B? We are un…
Too many days at home - drive me to dive into BI ReportingSummary Anybody know....where that audit field for WBT when you manually mark a completion lives?Content Somebody got to know this one. Extra points if you can share wit…
Report for certificatesContent Before I reinvent the wheel, does anyone have a report that shows which certificates are associated with which courses/ILTs that they would be willing to share? …
Create a report on all files in the Resource ManagerSummary Is there a Resource Manager reportContent Does anyone know if there is a way to generate a report on all files in the Resource Manager?
BI Report - InstructorsSummary Need Report on List of Instructors in SystemContent All, I'd like to know if there is a way to build a BI Report that contains a list of all of the instructors t…
Oracle Taleo Learn Best Practice Coming UpSummary Best Practice on ReportingContent This is open to all Taleo Learn Administrators and is a free training for you to access. eSkillz offers a monthly best practice…
ILT Enrollment ReportSummary ILT Enrollment ReportContent All, We would like to set up an ILT Enrollments Report. While we have standard BI reports set up today, we are anticipating that we …
Learning Plan and Training Offering (2 enrollments) and 1 Learning Plan - not reporting correctlySummary We have created a Learning plan consisting of a Training Offering (2 enrollments) and 1 Learning PlanContent Learning Plan shows the completions are there for th…
REST API CommandsSummary How to limit export to only Active usersContent I have a Rest API request for anyone who is currently using this function. We turned it on because we are trying …Connie Castillo-Winkler 28 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Connie Castillo-Winkler Taleo Learn
Training Offering ReportsSummary Is there away to report on the most recent attempt in a Training Offering?Content Hi, We have a Training Offering setup that is placed into a Learning Plan for r…Stephanie Calkins-82159 28 views 0 comments 0 points Most recent by Stephanie Calkins-82159 Taleo Learn
Learn Plan due dateSummary The learn planing due date is showing the past due dateContent Team, We have created a learn plan with due date 10/1 initially and changed it to the option "By D…
BI ReportSummary BI Report to include course, offering and items mapped to offeringContent Hi Everyone, We have a learning plan that has a training offering mapped to the plan. T…
BI Report access to Learn User without Control PanelContent Hi All, Please advise is there any way to give specific BI Report access to Learn User acting as ‘Instructor’ . without Giving ‘Manage BI Reporting’ access throu…
Output Format Shared ReportSummary Output Format of report is not what user is selecting on Output tabContent As an Admin I have created several reports shared to a group of users. It appears the …
Enrollment Selector Status: Close Date vs. Start DateSummary Enrollment Selector Status is based on Event Close Date, not Event Start DateContent I created a report to generate a Roster (because we really need it sorted by…