Discussion List
BI Reports Do not pull certain mappingsSummary Learn BI Reporting does not show all the mappings for certain ItemsContent I have a Dynamic Group mapped to a single Job Profiles.When I created and ran a simple…
Getting Supervisor Account Info to SFTPSummary BI/Report Manager Data to CloudContent I need to be able to review supervisor relationships outside of manually running supervisor reports in report manager or B…
Hourly scheduled BI report skipping an hourSummary We have a BI report schedule to run hourly into the SFTP but it is regularly skipping 2 am MT.Content We have a BI report which we've scheduled to run into the S…User_2025-01-30-22-34-57-760 8 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shivanshu Santosh-110055 Taleo Learn
BI Reports in iFrameContent We are attempting to share reports with users through an iFrame. When I insert/edit the BI Reporting link on a page, everything works fine. However, when I inser…User_2025-01-30-00-40-24-251 39 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-30-00-40-24-251 Taleo Learn
Learning Plan Remains "Incomplete" After Mapped Items are CompletedSummary Why is this still happening?Content Hello, Why, after 2 years+ , are Learning Plans still showing incomplete, when all mapped items are completed? This happens w…
Report Filters (OR instead of AND)Summary Report Filters (or instead of and)Content I am trying to get multiple enrollments with different names to return on a single bi report. I modified the standard e…
BI Reports not running - anyone else?Content We're on CHK pod and are getting errors when trying to run standard and custom BI reports. So the reports aren't running. Is anyone else getting errors messages?User_2025-01-23-23-20-59-101 32 views 15 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-05-05-35-46-924 Taleo Learn
Anyone else having issues with BI Reports getting stuck In ProgressContent I have attempted Custom and Standard reports. Both have been In Progress for over 30 minutes. We are on CHU. Report Building is working fine. I have opened an SR…
I'd like to report missing standard BI Reports???Summary A search for my standard BI Reports shows 'no results' and around 20 of my custom reports are gone, also?Content I've been working in reports all day; created a …
List of seeded reports available for Line Managers / Learning Administrators in Oracle Fusion LearnSummary List of seeded reports available for Managers / Learning Administrators in Oracle Fusion LearnContent Hi, Do we have any List of seeded reports available for Lin…
Report on Number of Attempts to Complete a CourseSummary I am looking for a way to include the number of attempts each user needed to complete a courseContent Hello, I had a request from a SME to receive reporting on t…
DashBoard Learning planContent Hi, Is there a dashboard where the manager can see the learning plan? Best Regards
Unable to import BI ReportsSummary We are suddenly unable to import reports... anyone able to import a BI report since the update?Content We are suddenly getting the following error message when a…
Report with LC Membership StatusContent I am struggling with a report that list all users in the system and their LC Membership Status. Anybody that can help? Thanks!!
Uneditable Shared BI ReportsSummary Looking to share a report where parameters cannot be changed.Content I have a client who would like to be able to run an Oracle Learning Plan Progress report at …
Google AnalyticsSummary Executive Summary of Google Analytics Reporting on Stats of LEARN usage etc.Content All, We have google analytics set up to our learn center. Now we'd like to ca…
BI Report - Assigned but not CompletedSummary Report of training assigned but not yet completedContent We are trying to get a report of people who have been assigned a specific learning plan but have not yet…
BI Report Skipped consistently.Summary We are getting an error message on a report - what can fix it?Content A scheduled BI Report is telling us that it is skipping because one seems stuck in a queue.…
Found Bug with Sub/nested Learning PlansSummary When using common sub learning plans under other learning plans there is a bugContent Okay, This one has been bugging me for a very long time. We have people put…
BI User Report ModificationSummary BI User Report Modification - Add Category FieldContent Hi, Is it possible to add fields to the BI Standard User Report? I would like to add the field name "Cate…
Export limit - BI Report to Excel fileContent Is there a row limit when exporting data via the BI Reporting tool? I seem to have 65,000 rows in my head but I'm not sure if that's the correct number. In this …
Where Do I Find Assessments in BI ReportingSummary What data view represents Assessments/Surveys?Content I'm trying to create a simple export of Assessments/Surveys, Questions and Answers to proof and review. Whe…User_2025-01-31-18-44-07-384 18 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-31-18-44-07-384 Taleo Learn
One Report that Lists all Online and ILT Course CompletionsSummary One Report that Lists all Online and ILT Course CompletionsContent Hi, I am familiar with the Enrollment, Course and Learning Plan reports but i am interested in…
ReportingSummary Questions about reporting and best practices?Content First, I have several scheduled reports that trigger notifications, forms, and other processes in my compani…
Team Monitor Widget ReportsSummary Team Monitor widget reports tab custom reportsContent Is it possible to add custom BI Reports to the Team Monitor widget Reports tab?User_2025-01-22-20-30-40-036 22 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-22-20-30-40-036 Taleo Learn
BI Report equivalent of Report 49 Users in Report BuilderSummary Trying to run a nightly SFTP report of all usersContent I'm trying to run a report of all users that uploads to SFTP nightly. Report 49 Users would be great, but…
Latency issues?Summary Reports and instances taking a long to completeContent Is anybody else having an issue with latency? Reports are taking a very long time to run and these are sma…
Generating Custom BI Reports: Extremely SlowSummary Generating Custom BI Reports: Extremely SlowContent Hi folks: This morning I created a custom BI Report around two hours ago. Irrespective of clicking Refresh an…User_2025-01-23-20-10-20-068 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Shivanshu Santosh-110055 Taleo Learn
Extra Rows in Course Report with DescriptionsSummary BI Reporting separates Skillsoft course descriptions into multiple rows.Content I ran a BI report for a list of courses with their descriptions. The result was a…User_2025-01-23-20-09-57-823 15 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-20-34-01-843 Taleo Learn
Do learning plans have a unique ID? If they do, can the ID be obtained via a BI report?Summary Need to obtain a unique ID for learning plans.Content We would like to obtain learning plan unique IDs via BI reports instead of using the learning plan title. I…