Reporting and Analytics
Discussion List
OBI TEE - Exclude Reqs with specific questionSummary Filter still shows reqs with excluded questionContent Need some help finishing this statement it should be simple, I'm just not getting there. I am not figuring …
Multiple Rows into Separate ColumnsSummary We are trying to extract job submission work experiences into Separate ColumnsContent Example Data-Work Experience Recent Position Start Date End Date Job Title …
OBI is stuck on the "Signing In" screen after selecting Oracle Business Intelligence from the WelcomSummary cannot access OBI (SR: 3-14964633401)Content Hello, I tried logging into OBI this morning and was stuck on the "Signing In" screen. I have entered SR: 3-14964633…
What is this statement missingContent The entire report results in an error when I use this statement, does it have something to do with the result format? The UDF is a date as well. CASE WHEN MAX("S…
REQ Openings Over Time Line GraphSummary Looking to create graph to display the number of total req openings over timeContent Hi, we are trying to automate a report via Taleo that would show via a line …
Formula for # of candidates in Inteview stepSummary We currently have a formula to count the number of candidates in the interview step (not including those rejected) but we have added a new status and need to upd…
Most advanced candidate reportSummary We have designed a report to provide the details of the most advanced candidate. The report pulls the candidate's step and status and also the candidate's name, …Sarah Niemeyer-30169 93 views 9 comments 2 points Most recent by Sarah Niemeyer-30169 Taleo Enterprise
Users who uncheck an auto reject checkboxSummary Can users who un-select one of the auto-reject checkboxes be identified?Content (In OBI) Is there a way to identify users who have un-checked one of the check-bo…
Taleo Production Incident #17-0825Summary Sub-optimal performance or downtime with Analytics and ReportingContent Hello, We have been receiving PIN notifications since yesterday (Thursday, 5/11/2017; 5:4…Alice Kim, SPHR-SCP 59 views 21 comments 6 points Most recent by Alice Kim, SPHR-SCP Taleo Enterprise
Scheduling Customization - Series - #2 - Same Day in Next MonthSummary Scheduling Customization - Series - #2 - Same Day in Next MonthContent Dashboard Prompt - OBIEE Syntax: TIMESTAMPADD( SQL_TSI_MONTH , 1, CURRENT_DATE) Regards, R…
Scheduling Customization - Series - #1 - Same Day in Previous MonthSummary Scheduling Customization - Series - #1 - Same Day in Previous MonthContent Dashboard Prompt - OBIEE Syntax: TIMESTAMPADD( SQL_TSI_MONTH , -1, CURRENT_DATE)
Need to preserve text formatting of job description column in excel reportSummary Report is pulling job description as plain text. Line breaks and formatting are lost. Admin report of message templates preserves formatting. Why not job descrip…
Offer Accept DateContent This issue has been causing me a lot of headaches since we first started using Taleo. I need an easy to show the first time an offer was accepted. Our recruiters…
Time to Offer - excluding weekendsSummary How do I calculate the TTO for business days only?Content Hi, How do I calculate the number of business days for the Time to Offer? Is there a formula that can e…
How to limit reporting results to return only the top 10 highest aggregated numbers?Summary Trying to run a report of the top 10 schools where staff have degrees listedContent I would like to see a pie chart graph of the top 10 schools where our staff h…
Required Prescreening Questions and Answers ReportSummary Report on question responses that met and did not meet requirmentContent Hopefully I am just missing something simple, but can someone help me with the following…
Interview Evaluation ReportingSummary Looking for different reports that we can create for Interview EvaluationsContent While I have a very specific need to pull out time and data for Interview Evalu…
Reporting on Interview EvaluationsSummary I would like to have the questions on an interview evaluation questionnaire appear as columns rather than multiple rows per question.Content Currently we have th…
Competency subject area in recruiting ?Summary Competency subject areaContent Hi everyone, Do we have competency subject area in Recruiting ? Thanks, YalYal Prabhakaran-28110 24 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Yal Prabhakaran-28110 Taleo Enterprise
Folder Permissions settingSummary OBI folder - permission settingContent Hi there, I have changed the permission setting to a folder and selected No access to Taleo BI Admin role by mistake. Now …
Capturing 'Bypass' action in CSWContent Hello, I've been searching but unable to find where i could find/measure how many times a user selected the 'Bypass' action in our Candidate Selection Workflow (…
What am I doing wrong with this statement?Content MONTH(MIN("Submission Dates"."Offer Accepted Date" BY "Submission General Info"."Submission Identifier")) Results in error, if I just want the Min date it works …
TEE requisiton template report query - additional fieldsSummary TEE requisiton template report query - additional fields requriedContent TEE requisiton template report query - additional fields requried Within OBI there is a …
Add Functional Roles reporting to AnalyticsSummary Functional Roles not reported on in OBI under AdministrationContent Anyone found a way to get around my issue below, outside of manually tracking these details i…
Merged CandidatesSummary Need to build a report of merged candidatesContent I am looking to build a report for all merge candidate activity. I need to be able to find both records though…
Fast Formula HelpSummary Formula Help- Time Stamp FormulaContent Hi All, This formula works but provides all "0" results. I think I am probably missing or need a different combination of…
Reporting on Correspondence SentContent I am attempting to pull all entries that have the following Detail in a candidate's submission history: "Supplemental Application Request (Manual) - Additional I…
Returning only one row when the person ID is duplicatedSummary If a Person ID is on 2 rows, can one of those rows be eliminated from the results based a different field?Content Hello, If a candidate (Person ID) is listed on …
Calculate average number of days 6th external candidate moved to specific step/statusSummary Calculate average number of days 6th external candidate moved to specific step/statusContent We are in need of a formula to calculate the average number of days …
OBIEE: Performance Management Universe - Goal ReportContent Hi! I'm wondering what other clients have done in the space of Goal Plan reporting. After doing some research, I've learned that the performance management table…Natalie Andrek-27262 59 views 12 comments 1 point Most recent by Michele Bizjak-Yenulonis Taleo Enterprise