Redwood Components
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Redwood - Performance Management - Restricting Manager to view only reports(direct and indirect)We enabled redwood UI for performance management. when manager logs in and check for his reports ,manager is getting all employee list(instead of direct and indirect rep…
Can we create DFF in redwood pagesSummary: Hi All, Is that possible to create a new DFF in Redwood screen. Currently we are working with Hire an Employee Screen, lot of Dff are not supporting it is not v…RamkumarKadhiravan 51 views 0 comments 1 point Started by RamkumarKadhiravan Visual Builder Studio for HCM
Redwood UI changed Value Set Description behaviourSummary: Hi Community, We have enabled our Redwood Department page and we have noticed issues on UI with the Value Set Description behaviour and visualization. We have a…
Redwood profile optionsIt has been said that 25B HCM ESS and MSS will have profile options mandatory. Does that mean ONLY those profile options related to 'Me' and 'My Teams' will be set to 'O…
Add pop up message on person details redwood pageWe have a requirement to pop up a message when there is a change in the name in personal details redwood page.
Adding the person number and the legal entity to the Connections search pageSummary: Hi All, Here the user requirement is to add the employee’s Legal entity and the person number of the employee to the connections search card. Navigation Me > Co…Malindu Atapaththu 21 views 1 comment 4 points Most recent by Kaveen Kapuruge Visual Builder Studio for HCM
How to add a warning message in redwood page?There is a requirement to add a warning message in Careeer and Performance page under Me tab. How can we add it in redwood?
Issues with Field Values on Redwood Jobs PageHi Team, After converting our jobs page to a Redwood page, we have encountered an issue with the Management Level field. We can see the Management Level field value when…
Administer Workers page and Workforce Compensation pages for RedwoodSome Workforce Compensation pages are available in Redwood (Global Settings, Active Plans), but not all as of 24B. Will below pages for Workforce Compensation be availab…Randall E 45 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jennifer Mitchell Visual Builder Studio for HCM
Can we revert back to Responsive screen from Redwood screenSummary: Hi all, Recently we have enabled Redwood experience for Hire an Employee Screen. For testing purpose when i try to revert the profile option by setting no. ORA_…RamkumarKadhiravan 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Damian Teczar Visual Builder Studio for HCM
ESS(Employee Self Service) Customizations not working for Redwood Pages.ESS(Employee Self Service) Customizations not working for Redwood Pages. Not able to customize fields on ESS Redwood Pages. For example: Religion, Highest Education Leve…Shrutika_Chauhan0901-Oracle 43 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Firoz B Shaik Visual Builder Studio for HCM