Discussion List
Oracle Eloqua 25A Release Info [Feb 2025]Visit our Oracle Eloqua Release Center for more information about Eloqua's releases, Product Notices, and other important product information. Highlights Redwood UX: Add…
New Free Oracle University Overview > Introduction to Redwood Experience in EloquaNew Overview: Introduction to Redwood Experience in Oracle Eloqua Marketing Discover how the Eloqua Redwood platform can transform your user experience. This course will…
Oracle Critical Patch Updates and Security AlertsWe have received 'Oracle Critical Patch Update for October 2024' and 'Oracle Security Alert for CVE-2024-XXXXX'. There is not mentioned Marketing Cloud in Affected Produ…
Product Notice: Gmail Sender Guidelines & Eloqua's List Unsubscribe Header Changes [Nov 2024]As we have been receiving inquiries about Gmail's Sender Guidelines and Eloqua's 24D Release enhancement related to List Unsubscribe Header Change from global unsubscrib…
Oracle Eloqua 24D Release Info [Nov 2024]Visit our Oracle Eloqua Release Center for more information about Eloqua's releases, Product Notices, and other important product information. Highlights Guided Campaign…
On-Demand: Marketing Automation Innovations - Eloqua Edition [October 2024]Marketing Automation Innovations - Eloqua Edition, October 2024 Eloqua customers will want to check out our recent session where we talk about Marketing Automation, bund…
eloqua data encryptionI was wondering if the data (ex. Contact) stored in eloqua is encrypted by default without using any add-ons. If it is encrypted, what protocol/method is used?
POD3 Data Center LocationI want to know the data center locations for each of Eloqua's PODs. If you can't provide all of that information, I'd like to know the data center location of POD3. This…
[UPDATE] Product Update: Oracle Analytics Server(OAS) Upgrade for Eloqua Insight Reporting [2024]⚠️ Global Search Restored ⚠️ November 5, 2024: We are pleased to inform you that Global Search has been fully restored in Insight. You can now search across folders and …
Let's Get Ready for Eloqua's 24D Release! [Live Webinar: Oct 3, 2024]Our Eloqua Product team is excited to walk you through the features and enhancements included in the upcoming 24D release arriving in November 2024. ⏰ Thursday, October …
Oracle Eloqua 23D Release Info [Nov 2023]Visit our Oracle Eloqua Release Center for more information about Eloqua's releases, Product Notices, and other important product information. Highlights for Eloqua's 23…
Oracle Eloqua 24C Release - Auto Response is still classified as SoftbounceHi there, users with Out of Office Auto Reponses are still classifed as Softbounces for us. We checked the Oracle Eloqua 24C Release notes and there it was mentioned tha…
Oracle Eloqua 24C Release Info [Aug 2024]Visit our Oracle Eloqua Release Center for more information about Eloqua's releases, Product Notices, and other important product information. Eloqua 24C Highlights incl…
Where can we see a thorough view of Eloqua's System Status?Where can we review a "complete" list of Eloqua System Status information, including upcoming, current and prior planned/unplanned outages, system maintenance and upcomi…
OBIEE Metrics: Auto Opens and Auto Clicks ExplainedSince introducing Auto Opens, in the Eloqua 22A release, we’ve continued to enhance reporting for Auto Opens and Auto Clicks. We’ve updated this page (previously 'New In…
Oracle Eloqua 24B Release Info [May 2024]Visit our Oracle Eloqua Release Center for more information about Eloqua's releases, Product Notices, and other important product information. Eloqua 24B Highlights incl…
Oracle Eloqua 24A Release Info [Feb 2024]Visit our Oracle Eloqua Release Center for more information about Eloqua's releases, Product Notices, and other important product information. Highlights for our Eloqua …
Multi-Factor Authentication for Oracle EloquaIs Multi-Factor Authentication available for Oracle Eloqua?
Eloqua's Guided Campaigns Add-onNot to be missed ➡️ Watch our Eloqua Customer Webinar: Learn More About Guided Campaigns for Eloqua [Nov 2024] available on-demand now! Curious about Eloqua’s Guided Cam…
Eloqua Webinar: Register Now - Oracle Eloqua 23D Customer Overview [Oct 19, 2023]Oracle Eloqua 23D Customer Overview Join us on October 19, 2023 and hear from our product experts as we share the upcoming updates expected with our Eloqua 23D release a…
After the opportunity is won in sales coming back to Eloqua not display Contributing Campaigns?hello everyone I have integrated Eloqua with Sales using cx Sales integration app after the creation of campaign from Eloqua to Sales and after creating lead and contact…
Eloqua Webinar: Extending Eloqua - Introduction to the New Webhook App [Sept 2023]Please join us for an upcoming Eloqua Product Webinar on Tuesday, September 26th where we'll dig into our new Webhook App that helps you extend Eloqua. The Eloqua Webhoo…
Oracle Eloqua 23A Release Info [Feb 2023]Visit the Oracle Eloqua Release Center for more information about Eloqua's releases, Product Notices, and other important product information. Highlights for Eloqua's 23…
Oracle Eloqua 21A Release: Customer Release Information [Feb - March 2021]New: What's New (Release Notes) in Oracle Eloqua 21A is now available! Be sure to visit the Oracle Eloqua Release Center for more information about Eloqua's Releases, Pr…
Email Groups in EloquaPlease help me with Setting up the Email groups in Email, & how the backend part work. After the Unsubscribe button clicks in Footer Section, how it was unsubscribed fro…
Oracle Eloqua 21B Release: Customer Release Info [May 2021]Be sure to visit the Oracle Eloqua Release Center for more information about Eloqua's Releases, Product Notices, and other important product information. Oracle Eloqua 2…
Oracle Eloqua 23C Release Info [Aug 2023]Visit our Oracle Eloqua Release Center for more information about Eloqua's releases, Product Notices, and other important product information. Highlights for Eloqua's 23…
Oracle Eloqua 22B Release Content [May 2022]Visit the Oracle Eloqua Release Center for more information about Eloqua's releases, Product Notices, and other important product information. Oracle Eloqua 22B Release …
Oracle Eloqua 21D Release: Customer Release Info [Nov/Dec 2021]Visit the Oracle Eloqua Release Center for more information about Eloqua's releases, Product Notices, and other important product information. Nov 12, 2021 - UPDATE: Ple…
Oracle Eloqua Feature Availability ProgramsThe attached document provides information about Eloqua features and functionality that are available by request. Updated for Eloqua 22B. OracleEloqua_FeatureAvailabilit…