Time and Labor
Discussion List
Timecard Entries with Payroll PeriodSummary Reporting on the Payroll Period that Timecard Entries are paid inContent We have a requirement to report using OTBI, the Payroll Period that Timecard Entries are…User_2025-02-06-14-40-18-938 56 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-06-14-40-18-938 Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Expenses Employee Number to Worker - Person NumberSummary Cannot connect 2 subject areas to merge data in OTBIContent Using OTBI I am attempting to merge subject areas Workforce Management -accruals real time with Expen…User_2025-02-10-15-06-52-222 31 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Who hasnt submitted a TimecardContent Hi all We have been live with HCM for a year and i have been tasked with providing a report that shows who has not submitted a time card. The seeded reports dont…Dawn Cawston - CPS 74 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by SameerJain Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Fusion HCM OTBI/BI report usage analytics?Summary How to get OTBI/BI report usage analytics?Content Is it possible to get OTBI or BI report usage analytics? VIZ., input - Report Name Output - list of users who r…User_2025-01-25-04-02-13-126 325 views 24 comments 1 point Most recent by AshishERPCloud Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Bank Holiday Time Element EntrySummary Bank Holiday Time Element EntryContent Hi, We are trying to report on Employees who are looking to get their Personal Contribution for Bank Holiday Time worked a…User_NSURV 31 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Response UI : Workflow Notification Report parameter valueSummary How to get the parameter value of TimeCardApprovalNotificationBulkReportContent Hi All, We are trying to customize TimeCardApprovalNotificationBulkReport workflo…Badresh Pottabathini-248836 26 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Karen Costakes Reporting and Analytics for HCM
How to report on Unsubmitted Timecards?Content Has anyone been able to produce a report showing which employees haven't yet submitted a time card in a given period? Any help would be much appreciatedUser_2025-01-28-05-35-00-925 122 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by Raghavendra Raghunath-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Time Card Status and Hours for AuditSummary Audit Time Card Status and HoursContent Hi, Can you please help me on time and labor audit details. I have a scenario where, 1. Employee First Entered 24 hours f…User_2025-02-04-13-27-19-123 249 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Akash Kiran Jana Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Report not showing own itemsSummary An report from timecards does not show own itemsContent We use time and labour to claim overtime as well as to record our flexi. With all our reports in OTBI, th…Dawn Cawston - CPS 44 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Dawn Cawston - CPS Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Time entry hours by various time codes otbi/reportSummary Time entry hours by various time codesContent Hi, We have some time codes which are not payroll time types specifically. Either they are part of 'Regular Hours' …Anuradha T 60 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
How to fetch the time card exceptions using OTBI/BIP report?Summary How to fetch the time card exceptions using OTBI/BIP report?Content Hello Team, We are trying to build a report where we need to show the details of person and t…Harish Kumar Kovi 68 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Sai1654 Reporting and Analytics for HCM
OTBI Report for OTL - Subject Areas with Dimensions and NavigationsContent Dear Team, Kindly share the documentation / useful link for below details. 1. OTL - OTBI report with Subject Areas and Dimensions with Navigations. Thanks, ArunArun Kumar Krishnan [AK] 67 views 5 comments 2 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Time Card Cost Center in OTBIContent I'm trying to fetch All Approved Time Cards where the Employee hours are charged to a different cost center than the employee home cost center in OTBI. Which Sub…Nithin Channa 33 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Nithin Channa Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Need inputs to display data under "Calculated Time" section in OTLContent Hi All, As per the OTL setup we are referring two layouts while displaying OTL data. Initially employee will enter hours , Payroll time type, Hours and related f…Visu 41 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-06-14-40-18-938 Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Effective Date Issue?Content Hi Experts, I've built an analysis in OTBI to extract Work Schedules doe Employees. Even though my report has the P_DATE effective date SQL prompt, it is bringin…User_2025-01-28-05-39-23-766 114 views 7 comments 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Created a Time Card dashboard and want to the Manager prompt to default to the manager pulling the rSummary Is there a way to default a prompt so that it is automatically set to the person that is pulling the reportContent We have a Time Card dashboard with a prompt fo…User_2025-01-28-20-43-56-568 73 views 8 comments 2 points Most recent by User_2025-01-28-16-10-52-033 Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Work Schedules in OTBIContent Afternoon all, Has anyone managed to report on all of the details that sit within Fusion Work Schedules from OTBI? I've built a fairly simple report, that pulls …User_2025-01-28-05-39-23-766 312 views 6 comments 3 points Most recent by Emily Robinson Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Time & Labor Default ReportsSummary There is a Time & Labor BI Publisher Reports and Dashboards natively delivered by ORACLE HCM Cloud?Content Hi Community I'm trying to find and enable Time & Labo…CRISTHIAN JAVIER OBREGÓN LAZARTE 91 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by CRISTHIAN JAVIER OBREGÓN LAZARTE Reporting and Analytics for HCM
need a table name to get the "Payroll Transfer Status" field in time and laborSummary need a table name to get the "Payroll Transfer Status" field in time and laborContent Hi Team, i am looking for a table to get the "Payroll Transfer Status" fiel…User_2025-02-04-07-00-18-658 147 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-10-25-07-624 Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Joining Batch Processes table and Time Card DetailsSummary I need help with joining the tables associated with Batch Processes and Time Details.Content Hi All, I have a requirement to get the Time Load Batch Id for a tim…User_2025-02-05-06-55-02-399 29 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-10-25-07-624 Reporting and Analytics for HCM
In Time card entry, where the values like Start Time(9:00 AM) , stop time (5:00 PM) , quantity willSummary In Time card entry, where the values like Start Time(9:00 AM) , stop time (5:00 PM) , quantity will store?Content Hi Team, I am trying to fetch the few columns f…Harish Kumar Kovi 32 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
OTBI: enabling custom Working/Business Days calendars and/or reporting on Work Patterns in OTBI?Summary OTBI: enabling custom Working/Business Days calendars and/or reporting on Work Patterns in OTBI?Content Hi All, I have a couple of queries around reporting on Wo…Richard Beet 159 views 14 comments 2 points Most recent by User_2025-02-04-17-55-40-189 Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Absence Calendar Details Real time Subject area Calendar view not showing Days absenceSummary Absence Calendar Details Real time Subject area Calendar view not showing Days absenceContent Experts, Created Team Absence calendar using the Absence Calendar D…VijayaBaskar Ranganathan 197 views 21 comments 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Is there any seeded Time Audit report available using BIP/OTBI?Summary Is there any seeded Time Audit report available using BIP/OTBI?Content Hi Team, I am trying to build a report, where we will show the Time audit details like Tim…Harish Kumar Kovi 58 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Julian Challenger-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Leave accruals and usage by absence typeContent In our legacy system we had a report that listed, by employee, all leaves that were accrued and all absences taken, by leave type, sorted by date. Is there a rep…Annette M 66 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Raghavendra Raghunath-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Productivity ReportSummary A Report from Oracle to provide site productivityContent Can i ask if a report like this is possible? They are looking to measure productivity in the sites, so t…User_2025-02-04-17-26-38-144 47 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Raghavendra Raghunath-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Active employees with no pay checkContent We have active, benefited employees that must meet a threshold of hours each pay period in order to maintain their benefits. Is there a way for me to report all …Annette M 57 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Adam Gates-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Time and Labor Manager SecuritySummary Time and Labor Manager Security includes BI Author SecurityContent Hello, Does anyone know why the Time and Labor Manager - Line Manager Security Role includes B…User_2025-01-28-20-36-10-715 39 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Raghavendra Raghunath-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Person running report not showing up on reportSummary Inaccurate dataContent I've created a few different report and I've found that when I run the report my data is not on present. This causes issues for our payrol…User_2025-01-31-00-25-12-234 47 views 10 comments 0 points Most recent by User_2025-01-31-00-25-12-234 Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Reporting on Employee Schedule ChangesContent Hi, Has anyone built reports around employee schedule changes? For example, if a manager goes into Time Management > Manage Planned Schedule and changes the sche…Dishti Malhotra-Oracle 54 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by ravikiran goda-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM