Category 133
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How to remove the copy button from the quote manager?Summary: Hi, I would like to remove the "copy" button from the quote manager. Is it possible? Regards, Rodrigo. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…Rodrigo Geraldes 23 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Girish Kumar Reddy-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
Accounts created on CPQ don't appear on the quotationSummary: how to make Accounts created on CPQ don't appear on the quotation when the value entered in the customer name attribute
The user session remains active even after the browser is closedWhen the browser is closed, the user session remains active and is not terminated. Is this expected behavior? Will the session expire after the same duration as the logi…
Asynchronous Integration-Based Transaction Locking for QuotesHi Team , We have a requirement to enable Transaction locking for our commerce process. Given the presence of multiple asynchronous integrations throughout the quote lif…
How to recreate price score CSS (green/red circle) on my custom attribute in LIGSummary: How to recreate price score CSS (green/red circle) on my custom attribute in LIG
Adding Part Numbers and Prices to Custom Price Book AssociationsSummary: I Need adding Part Numbers along with their respective prices into my custom Price Book Associations. Specifically, I want to ensure that all the parts in our c…
Max value of limt Query Parameters for Get Transaction Lines REST API in CPQPlease tell me the Max value of limt Query Parameters for Get Transaction Lines REST API in CPQ. If I specify 1000 for limit, will I get returns of 1000 pages ?
[Video] 5 Common Problems while Integrating CX Sales with Oracle CPQHere's the latest drop from Divya, CPQ CoE explaining 5 common problems that Oracle CPQ implementers may face during their integration with CX Sales.
Monthly CX Solution Overview Demos NOW available!Register today for our CX Solution Engineering led Solution Overview Demos kicking off on November 20th & November 21st across our Marketing & Sales Unification, Revenue…Paula Rankin-Oracle 21 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Samar Tripathy-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
Line Item field value should start with Pricing Matrix Template Field value to calculate priceSummary: We have created a Price Model of type "Discount List" in Pricing Portal which has dynamic pricing based on Attribute Based Charge Template. One of the field in …Bibudhendra Hota 23 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dillon Witt-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
Can we add logo to Excel file/document using xsl.Summary: Can we add logo to Excel file/document using xsl by printing in xls formats from printer friendly xsl view. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inf…
Is it possible to create dynamic error message in constraint ruleSummary: I created a constraint rule with Advanced Condition since I get the values from a data table. Is it possible to create a dynamic error message since the error m…
Access current CPQ environment in Configuration ruleSummary: I am trying to call CPQ REST API from one of recommendation rule and while preparing API URL , I need to pass current environment name/hostname (dev, test,prod)…
Get only required fields data through APISummary Get REST API should fetch only required fields dataContent Hi, We are running a REST API to get information related to a transaction line in CPQ. When we run the…
OSC to CPQ sync: Remove opportunity referenceCan the opportunity ID reference be removed in OSC when the opportunity ID is nullified at CPQ on a quote? User creates a quote from Sales Cloud. Based on specific selec…Yashasvi Seethalam 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Emmanuel Zambrano-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
configuring email action in CPQ, the 'From' email defaults to user email and comes as non-editableSummary: During configuring email action in CPQ, the 'From' email defaults to user email and comes as non-editable. Is this thing happening because of new update of CPQ …
How to fetch all data from Subscription ManagementSummary: I want to fetch all data from Subcription Management to Oracle CPQ Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello all, I was wondering if …
CPQ LIG View Save PersonalizationIN LIG View we have Save Personalization option. User has set the option to Collapse All and Save Personalization. On incognito window where browser cache is not availab…Yashasvi Seethalam 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Dillon Witt-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
Restrict visibility on quote transaction managerSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, We need to restrict the quotes that a user can see in the quote transaction manager based …
How to encode data in SHA256 formatSummary: I am trying to encode data in SHA256. In CPQ, is there any standard way to convert text in SHA256 encoding? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inf…
Getting error on Importing line items in cpq as Invalid menu value.Getting error on Importing line items in cpq as Invalid menu value. Can anyone help me to resolve this
Tip Tuesday: Advanced Price Models vs Advanced (Legacy) Price ModelsDifference Advanced (Legacy) Price Models (NEW) Advanced Price Models Naming The previous legacy Advanced Price Models are renamed to Advanced (Legacy) Price Models. Ora…
Custumize Templates for the Recommended Items PageSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello, We would like to customize the Recommended Items Page: What we would like to achieve is to…
how to restrict users to create Quotation in specific Organization (store branch)Summary: Business Case: Many branches are created as organizations in Inventory management fusion, and we need to assign each sales user in CPQ only to his branch or bra…
CPQ HostingHi, Can the CPQ instance be hosted in more than one data center as this is ask from customer Thanks
Where can I edit the XSL file for Deprecated Document Engine?I am in the process of rebuilding my output documents on Document Designer, but I need an immediate language change for our existing documents in Document Engine. From w…
How to access commerce attribute's value in a Oppty Import Result Parser?Summary: Hi Team, We've a requirement where we wanted to update a transaction level attribute from oppty only when its value is blank on the quote. For this, in the Oppt…
Who is executing the event logs in CPQ?Hello, good afternoon community, Is there a way to see who is triggering event logs within CPQ? I would appreciate any guidance on this.LeoMiranda96 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Emmanuel Zambrano-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
How to Edit item quantity to Zero without error?Edit item quantity to Zero without error and the unit price [Price (Net)] must be the same but the total amount [Amount (Net)] must be zero. In current situation, after …Angela Diane 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Emmanuel Zambrano-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote
Upper/Max limit of assets that CPQ can store in workbenchSummary: Dear Team, What is the maximum limit of Assets that can be stored in CPQ workbench. Any assets limit/numbers that impacts performance/functionality. Second ques…Shuti S 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Emmanuel Zambrano-Support-Oracle Configure Price Quote