Category 149
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How to test external email notifications in a test instanceSummary: Hello Team, I need to test some email notifications which are sent to suppliers / supplier users for POs, BPA etc. but I am not sure how can we create some test…
Purpose of "Justification" field on Requisition headerSummary: Purpose of "Justification" field on Requisition header Content (required): can someone please explain what is the purpose of "Justification" field in Requisitio…
Responsive Self-Service ProcurementTransform Data Post ESS job not showing any parameter detail
Brand Setup on RequisitionSummary: Need to setup By Step approach to setup the Brand to the Item to narrow down the search on the requisition page to create a requisition. Content (please ensure …
How to add line when Editing PR.Requester can't see + icon to add the lines. Let me know how to do that or any access or privilage is missing.
RSSP Search Requisition Lines by Supplier NumberSummary: In 24A, the feature "Search Requisition Lines Using Supplier and Manufacturer Part Numbers" for Responsive Self Service Application was released. Does this incl…
Not able to see Additional Information - DFFs in RSSPSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We created a requisition and were able to add the values for Additional information - DFFs while …
DFF in information Template which will then be used for requisitionHello, Aim of the setup : Make Purchase Agreement Number, Agreement Total Amount and Released Amount appear on requisition home screen. To achieve the above I am trying …Palash Kumar Singh 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Unable to add item from requisition (RSSP)Summary: Unable to add item from requisition which has been approved and purchase order has been created (RSSP) a) Purchase Order created using requisition using RSSP. b…Rajkumar Jayakumar 12 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How to set required a requisition header DFF, if the transaction is Internal Material Transfer?Hi, I need to set mandatory one of the Purchase Requisition Header DFF when the transaction is Internal Material Transfer. I have a doubt which binding type i used to en…
add cost center information to punchout payload sent to obnSummary: is there ability to add cost center to punchout payload when sending to a trading partner in OBN? any way to customize this? Content (please ensure you mask any…Margaret OConnor 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Margaret OConnor Self Service Procurement
Common practice to test reminder emails and email approvals from lower Instances/PODSummary: We are testing the Reminders Notifications functionality. As per tip from Ashok's earlier answers in this community, we will be not able to see reminders in the…
Unable to edit requisition which has been approved and an purchase order has been created (SSP)Summary: a) Purchase Order created using requisition using SSP. b) Would like to add a new line at the requisition level not at the Purchase Order (Change Order). c) Sin…Rajkumar Jayakumar 13 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Adding cost centre information to Punchout sql scriptSummary: Adding cost centre to Punchout sql script Content (required): We are trying to set up punchout with a trading partner, they would like additional information on…
Can DFFs be copied from an blanket purchase agreement to a requisition?Summary: Hello community, Currently I understand that the application allows copying DFF from a requisition to a PO. But does anyone know if I can copy DFF from a blanke…Fernando Chavez 14 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Fernando Chavez Self Service Procurement
Enable only the RSSP infotile and not the classic UI tileIN order to avoid confusion to the client, we are looking to display only the new RSSP infotile for SSP instead of classic UI. Could someone let me know how to achieve t…
Not able to import requisitions for multiple requisition BU at once through FBDISummary: There is business requirement to import requisitions for multiple requisition BUs at once through FBDI.But as per the system options we can only add data for on…Saptarshi K 27 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Unable to view requisitions raised by other requesters in Responsive Self Service RequisitionSummary: Unable to view requisitions raised by other requesters in Responsive Self Service Requisition Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Ver…
Privileges/roles for Responsive SSP applicationHi Oracle community, As I understand from this document for Responsive SSP, currently the SSP roles are not inheriting the RSSP application and the below mentioned duty …Anshul Rana 145 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Sampath Reddy Devireddy-Oracle Self Service Procurement
How to auto pick up BPA price in enter requisition line for RSSPSummary: I created BPA for the item when I create requisition in [enter requisition line] using classic UI, system will pick up BPA and create PO after run generate orde…Oracle Sally-Oracle 82 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Oracle Sally-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Clarification on Viewing Requisitions as a Requester in RSSPSummary: Hello, I have a question regarding the visibility of requisitions for a requester in RSSP. I created a requisition and changed the requester’s name. I confirmed…Ore Oyelaja 15 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Q&A responses for Sep 26 2024 - Responsive Self Service Procurement 24D New Features CCC EventHi Customers & Partners, thank you for attending the PRC: Product Updates - Responsive Self Service Procurement 24D New Features CCC Event on Sep 26, 2024. Given the amo…Karlay Tan-Oracle 113 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Karlay Tan-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Default project task code/number in Requisition based on expenditure type or transaction controlsSummary: Transaction controls are enabled in our production environment. However, users are presented with all available task codes on the projected when populating the …Richard Goodenough 25 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Michael Gibby - Huron Consulting Group Project Management
How will GRN initiator get to know that the services has been availedSummary: How will GRN initiator get to know that the services has been availed and the GRN has to be performed in the system. for service related receiving Content (plea…
How do you display the Punchout suppliers in alphabetical order?Summary: After setting up the punchout suppliers, they are randomly displayed. Need to be able to display the punchout suppliers in an alphabetical order. Content (pleas…
Features Category details is missing in the Responsive Self Service Procurement Application UI 25 ASummary: We have enable the configuration Procure goods and services using the Responsive Self Service Procurement application on your mobile device. Using the applicati…Shashikanth Kumar P-Oracle 377 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by Shashikanth Kumar P-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Use the Purchase Requisition DFF to change one of the purchase requisition segmentSummary: Hi, I have created a purchase requisition line DFF and would need this DFF to change one of the segments in purchase requisition distribution. Let say for examp…
How can we restrict a user to only view his requisitions in RSSPHi, In 24B users were limited in RSSP to viewing only the requisitions they created. Since 24C a user tcan view all the requisitions that were created on the BU's he has…Antoine.Kaiber 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Do we have audit logs for Requisition Approval Setup?Summary: Do we have audit logs for the Requisition Approval setup that will show the time stamps (date and time) when was the changes applied and which rules have been m…Kat Estavillo 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ashok Sriniva-Oracle Self Service Procurement
Identifier for Punchout and Non Punchout RequisitionsSummary: Hi Experts, Is there any identifier to know if requisition is raised through punchout or directly from requisition form? Regards Sakshi Content (required): Vers…