Category 150-2
Discussion List
To get a notification to buyer/accountant when invoice is created by supplier in supplier portalWhen supplier creates any invoices then the buyer is not getting any notification, buyer knows about the invoice created by supplier only when the buyer searches it usin…
Is it possible to Archive Questions in qualifications and create another one with same name?Summary: Is it possible to Archive Questions in qualifications and create another one with same name? If possible what roles are required to achieve this? If we inactiva…
How can we add an image to Supplier PortalSummary: Is it possible to add an image on to Supplier Portal? or add an image on the Supplier Registration Page? Need to ensure that Suppliers are able to identify the …
Supplier portal RolesSummary: We have a requirement for supplier to only add profile,contact,address,Bank details by supplier's when implementing supplier portal. Which all seeded roles are …Ashish Tralsawala 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by RANGANATHAN V-Oracle Supplier Management
Is it possible to add Payment terms at Supplier Profile level while registering the supplier?Summary: Our business is maintaining only one Supplier site, and they want to route Payment Terms for approval during supplier registration only. As per current function…
Inactive date should be automatically updated based on CR expiry dateSummary: We have one DFF named CR expiry date in Supplier profile page. Inactive date should be automatically updated based on CR expiry date. Business user is asking th…
Validation check on DFF attributeWe have one DFF named CR Number in Supplier portal page. CR Number should be checked against an existing record and notified to the supplier that a record already exists…
Inactive date should be automatically updated based on CR expiry dateSummary: We have one DFF named CR expiry date in Supplier profile page. Inactive date should be automatically updated based on CR expiry date. Business user is asking th…
In which table I can track changes to the "Supplier name" field in Supplier profile via auditSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): 24B Code Snippet (add any code snippe…
Mandatory Questionnaire Attachments are not validated in Supplier Self Service RegistrationSummary: Mandatory Questionnaire Attachments are not validated in Supplier Self Service Registration Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi Al…
Withdraw option is not available on the - "Action required - Request to approve Supplier page"Summary: Withdraw option is not available on the - "Action required - Request to approve Supplier page". Which privilege should be assigned to the user? I have created a…
Duplicate Supplier Address Registration when linking Supplier to CustomerSummary: Duplicate Supplier Address Registration when linking Supplier to Customer Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the ve…Murilo S. Damasceno 11 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Murilo S. Damasceno Receivables & Collections
What is the maximum number of suppliers that can be created in Oracle ERP Cloud?Is there a limit to the total number of suppliers that can be created in ERP Cloud? a. what is this limit currently? b. will it be increased in the future? thx in advanc…
Supplier bank account informationSummary: I have built a supplier view only custom role, the users with this role cannot be allowed to see the supplier bank details. I need to hide the supplier bank acc…Maria Smith- de Novo Solutions 23 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Maria Smith- de Novo Solutions Supplier Management
System is not populating Address Name provided in Supplier Address FBDII loaded Supplier Addresses through FBDI in which I am providing Address Name, all Addresses have been uploaded successfully. Even the report ooutput is also showing cor…
Supplier Address Style FormatSummary: Hello Guys, Hope you're doing well! Any idea on which Address Style Format is used for Supplier Address Import via FBDI, if there are multiple address formats i…
How are flexfields implemented in AExtending the Next Generation Self-Service Supplier RegistrationCould you please tell me the steps to follow to create flexible fields in the new interface of the supplier portal, also ask if I already had fields created previously, …
unable to search the Supplier Registration Request in transaction clonsoleSummary: unable to search the Supplier Registration Request in transaction clonsole by Supplier Registration Request number Content (please ensure you mask any confident…
Deep link or Secured Resource Name required to configure Register Supplier icon on homepageSummary: 'Deep link' or 'Secured Resource Name' required to configure Register Supplier (Internal Registration) icon on Oracle homepage. Content (please ensure you mask …
Composite Score to be carried forward to second round from technical stage of previous roundSummary: When a second round is created, only for commercial negotiation the requirement score from the previous round of technical stage which was completed in first st…
Supplier Site Assignment REST API which tablesSummary: We have a requirement where we are using Supplier Create and Update events to drive our OIC integration. Normally, when a supplier is updated, the request gets …
Is there a way to lock the Supplier Site field so that it cannot be edited once filled?Summary: We want that once the provider site name is filled in, it cannot be edited by users when using the application. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential…
Add new values to the Supplier Site Regional information fieldSummary: In Supplier Site, Regional Information field, we see couple of predefined values. We need to add new value for Romania. Content (please ensure you mask any conf…
Can a supplier be marked as multiple supplier types?Summary: Can a supplier be marked as multiple supplier types? What I mean is if a supplier type is Hotel but offers other services can they be marked or tagged as an add…
New Supplier Account Email - How to Customize for SuppliersSummary: We were made aware recently that our New Supplier Account emails are exactly like our Employee emails, just with a different numbering sequence. The Employees h…
Ability to split PR Lines into multiple in the RFQSummary: We are currently exploring ways to optimize our procurement processes within Oracle's RFQ module. One specific challenge we've encountered is the need to split …
Simplification of process for excel based upload in Large NegotiationsSummary: I am reaching out to inquire about potential strategies or solutions for streamlining the process of uploading supplier responses via Excel for our large negoti…
Supplier Creation in Japanese LanguageSummary: Currently our environment is in English language, can create the supplier in Oracle Fusion in Japanese language? if yes, please let us know the steps. Content (…
Supplier Portal Outside User-Facing LinkSummary: We are wanting to understand if there is any method for us to use without suppliers actually having to log into the supplier portal. Currently, in production, w…
How to setup the DFF of the Business Classification? Is it updatable in Supplier Portal as well?Summary: I need to activate the DFF of the Business Classification and the custom fileds of the DFFF should be updatable by the supplier in Supplier Portal. Is it possib…Giuseppe Galluzzo 117 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Marlem Delgado Moreno Supplier Management