Category 150-2
Discussion List
why cant supplier update /create the site level bank accountsSummary: as a part of supplier profile change request why cant supplier update /create the site level bank accounts Content (please ensure you mask any confidential info…
Error while importing supplier addressesLoad Interface File for Import process was successfull. While running 'Import Supplier Address' process, error in report output as follows:- Please advise what rectifica…
Bulk amend Supplier TypeSummary: I would like to update the Supplier Type field within the Supplier Profile. This is to add a Supplier Type to a blank field and also correct existing fields. Is…
User account notification for supplier is not displayed in English languageSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, We have registered the user account for suppliers through FBDI. Everyone has received the not…
Can we put image pop-up when user click the supplier portal?Summary: Can we put an image pop-up when the user clicks the supplier portal? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version…
Enabling DFFs on Next Generation Supplier Registration PortalSummary: Hi I have created custom DFFs in Supplier Registration Descriptive Flex Field setup for supplier registration. But we are unable to see them in VB Studio Busine…
how to hide Context Segment Next Generation Self-Service Supplier Registration PagesSummary: Hi All How we can Hide Next Generation Self-Service Supplier Registration Pages , I am getting the Context Segment value along with DFF fields . Content (please…Shameer Muhammed P M 33 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Asit Rout-Oracle Supplier Management
Updating supplier Sites and bank account through Supplier portalSummary: Content (required): We are implementing Supplier portal and would like our supplier contacts abilities to manage their profile through portal. I have assigned r…
How to enable payments on hold option at header levelSummary: How to enable payments on hold option at header level, we have requirement to place hold for all sites at once , currently this option is there at supplier site…fusion.integration 12 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Nani Prasanth Doredla-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Visual Builder not showing Individual DFF Fields SeparatelySummary: HI all I am trying to configure the DFF filed in Visual builder but when I go to Layout—> Duplicate the Rule —> I can see only DFF and Global Data Elements , I …
separate remittance advice email during supplier registrationSummary: there is no standard field to capture separate remittance advice email during supplier registration , suppose we enable a dff to capture this information then i…
Number of products and services supplier can select in external registrationSummary: Is there a limit on how many products and services can a supplier select while registering externally? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential informat…
After enabling External Supplier Registration process Redwood changes can we revert back?Summary: After enabling External Supplier Registration process Redwood changes can we revert back to the old process? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…Syed Muhammad Usman Ali 52 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Saravanan Subbaiya Supplier Management
Supplier blacklisting based on CR numbers provided by GovernmentSummary: Dear Oracle, So our client is working with suppliers from worldwide and is a public firm having govt stake in it. Hence from time to time government releases a …
Cannot delete final Trading PartnerIn Oracle Business Network Trying to delete all Trading Partners Successfully delete 39 of 40, one remaining. Last Trading Partner will not delete. The "Delete" Action b…
how to default value to the field in supplier registration form using Visual Builder StudioSummary: how to default value to the field in the supplier registration form using Visual Builder Studio. i.e in supplier type we want to default "GPS Supplier" value an…
hide DFF only on External supplier registration pageSummary: We are able to disable DFF fields on external supplier registration page but fields are hidden on manage supplier registration request task for an internal requ…
Supplier error listWe need the list of all the errors codes and description in the supplier module in fusion. Is there any table where we can get this data from.
Is there a way to enable "Allow International Payments" Checkbox by defaultSummary: Is there a way to enable "Allow International Payments" Checkbox by default when a supplier bank account is created or added in supplier Content (please ensure …SuryaRaju 118 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by AndresGlz2109 Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Supplier name got updated when user upload Manufacturer Name using same Registry IDSummary: We had uploaded Manufacturer Names Using Import Management and Used Registry ID which inturn we see system considered Supplier Registry ID and Supplier Profile …
How to change the multiple selection search in Next Gen Supplier Reg. Product and Services categorySummary: Hello Oracle Experts! By any chance is it possible to make the Product and Service category selection during supplier registration as Radio button, instead of a…
Importing customer after SupplierSummary: Data Migration, order in importing suppliers/customers and merging customer/supplier Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In a test en…Luca Nobili PWC 96 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Andreea Laura Panait-Oracle Receivables & Collections
How to hide Global search button ( Magnifying glass) and manage supplier in supplier Overview pageSummary: Is there any way to hide global search button ( Magnifying glass) and manage suppliers task to search suppliers. Please see the screenshot We know manage suppli…
Segregation of suppliers on Legal entity basisSummary: User access restriction to suppliers based on legal entity of employee Requirement: We have a requirement where we want the Business (Internal) user to view/edi…
How can we change background color and theme of Next Gen supplier Registration start & success pageOur client has the requirement to change the next gen supplier self service registration start and success page background theme and color. How can we achieve this throu…
How to customize business classification fregment in supplier external registration VB page?Summary: We need to know the procedure to customize business classification fragment such as defaulting value or make business classification field mandatory .. etc. whi…Abdelrahman Salah 117 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Piyush Singh-Oracle Supplier Management
Bulk remove Remittance Advice Delivery Email ID from Supplier Site.Summary: We have scenerio where more than 3000 supplier was wrongly updated with Remittance Advice Delivery Email ID and now business is asking to remove all of this ema…
Supplier registration : Fields available to the approver to editSummary: Fields that approver can edit during supplier registration Requirement: We want to know all the fields that approver can modify during supplier registration app…
How to Grant Portal Access to Existing Suppliers Without a User AccountWe have migrated around 1,000 suppliers and need to provide them with access to the Supplier Portal. These suppliers do not have any user accounts. Could you please guid…
How to default Supplier Level DFF based on Supplier Inactive Date field?Summary: Supplier level DFF is created and we have a requirement to default DFF based on Supplier Inactive Date field. If Supplier Inactive Date field is blank or is nul…