Category 150-2
Discussion List
Is the Redwood Next Gen Supplier Registration have translation options?Summary: Hi Oracle Experts, Is the Redwood Next Generation Supplier Registration have translation options? The business needs to have a translation of the registration p…
What is the difference between "Create Supplier" and "Register Supplier" (internal)?Summary: Hi Oracle community, In Procurement —> "Suppliers" application, what is the difference between "Create Supplier" and "Register Supplier". Don't both end up with…
Next Generation User Experience for Supplier Self-Service RegistrationDear All, We need help for the below requirement - On the company details page on the Next Generation User Experience for Supplier Self-Service Registration currently we…
Extending the Next Gen Supplier Registration PortalSummary: Hi We have a customer requirement to add hints to the each input field in next Gen Supplier Registration Portal. Currently I am unable to find any documentation…
Unable to Hide or Disable “Merge Supplier” TaskSummary: I need your assistance with an issue related to hiding or disabling the “Merge Supplier” task from the Supplier page. Here’s the situation: 1. A custom role has…
Is it possible to change the attachment label to rename new name in external register supplier page.Summary: Is it possible to change the attachment label to rename new name in external register supplier page. "Attach tax, insurance, and other relevant documents" label…Somasundaram G-Oracle 20 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Somasundaram G-Oracle Supplier Management
Unable To Enable Prompt Message In Next Generation Supplier RegistrationSummary: We have enabled “Prompt” message and field “Renamed”, please refer to below screenshot. Requirement: We are planning to enable the “Next Generation Supplier Reg…
How to Enforce Unique and Valid GST Numbers for Suppliers in Oracle Fusion SCM?Summary: Unique GST Numbers: The system should not allow duplicate GST numbers to be entered for suppliers. Valid GST Length: The system should validate that the GST num…Smruti Samruddha 26 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Melissa Carrick - Oracle-Oracle Supplier Management
Performing Supplier Merge activity Bank account getting populated Invoices even paying by CheckSummary: Currently we want to Merge two Suppliers: Supplier 1(ABC) who have Open Invoices and Payment Method is Check with Bank account information defined in Supplier P…
Email Notification for Request to Resubmit action in Next Gen Supplier Self-Service RegistrationHello Everyone, While testing the Next Generation Self-Service Supplier Registration in Oracle Fusion, I noticed an issue regarding email notifications for Request to Re…
PRC:POZ: After Enabling DFF for The Supplier Profile Page Still The Fields are Not Appearing ?Summary: How To Enable Supplier Descriptive Flexfield (DFF)? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hello Although I follow up the action plan to…Gabriel Kinovisques 1 view 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Gabriel Kinovisques Supplier Management
Self-service supplier registration - Bank account detailsSummary: During self-service supplier registration, Bank account info is mandatory However, we are missing a lot of Bank information to allow the perspective suppliers t…
Image should be defaulted at product item level for all items in oracle fusion scmThis the page where image should be defaulted
Can we make Business Classification Required?Summary: I understand as of 24D for Redwood External Supplier Registration we cannot make updates to the Business Classification section. But can we make it required for…
How to uncheck Allow international payment in Supplier Banks pageSummary: Dears, Please note that the Allow international payment field is grad out and we can't un-check it, so it there any way to un-check it ? Content (please ensure …Mohammad Hussein 1 view 0 comments 0 points Started by Mohammad Hussein Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Restrict the creation of invoices from the supplier portal for certain periodSummary: Dear Team, Business requires during the closing of the month end and also during the audit's, they would like to restrict the creation of invoice's from the sup…
Redwood external supplier registration page timeout cofigurationSummary: What is the page timeout period for external supplier registration page when the user is not doing anything on the page? For example, let's say the supplier use…Abhi Dasgupta 31 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Phanindra V Gollapalli-Oracle Supplier Management
How to Enable the Supplier Remittance Email field in Supplier Portal in Oracle FusionSummary: Need to Enable the Supplier Remittance Email field in Supplier Portal in Oracle Fusion Content (required): We have a requirement to store the Supplier Remittanc…
Internal Supplier Registration - Mandatory BU Field QuestionClient is using internal supplier registration request form, but users are continually forgetting to select the Procurement BU within the form header. Is there a way to …
Is it possible to add an image in the e-mail notification?Hello community. Currently my customer needs the notification sent by email to be personalized when the event is the creation of a new user account, and requires an imag…
Off Set enableSummary: How to enable offset taxes at the supplier address? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Able to enable offset taxes using FBDI Party …
Looking for API to delete attachment from Supplier ScreenSummary: Looking for REST API to delete W9 attachment from Supplier Screen. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version y…
Add Instruction text on bottom of page - External Registration Bank PageWe are implemting redwood feature/next gen for external supplier registration and have requirement to add instruction text on top & bottom of Bank page. I am successfull…
Need help on getting Inactivate Suppliers process output in ExcelSummary: Hi Team, We have run the Inactive Suppliers Ess process. Getting the output in .txt format. Any help in setting this output in Excel by default? Content (please…
Can AUDIT_CHANGE_BIT_MAP_ col in Fusion audit tables be used to detect which columns have changed?Summary: Does Oracle support using AUDIT_CHANGE_BIT_MAP_ column in audit tables to detect which columns have changed? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential in…
Cant Import Supplier Products and servicesSummary: Dear All, I tried to import Supplier Products and services. The problem is that when i try to import a child product it gave an error. I entered the product nam…
CE_DISABLE_BANK_VAL PROFILE recommendationSummary: Oracle fusion CE_DISABLE_BANK_VAL profile option is used to disable the country-specific validations pertaining to the bank code, branch number, account number,…DavidOliveiraPeloton 36 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by MiaM-Oracle Payables, Payments & Cash Management
Query on Supplier Registration UI in 25ASummary: In 25A Redwood will be live in Oracle Fusion. So, in case of Supplier Registration(For External), will the classic version will be still available in 25A for us…
Not able to see any options in Visual Builder Studio to enable DFF's for supplier registration pagesSummary: Not able to make DFF visible in Supplier Registration pages. I have followed all the steps in the Oracle document on creation of Project and workspaces, and als…
Is there any standard way with which we can check which supplier is active for supplier portal?Summary: Is there any standard way with which we can check which supplier is active for supplier portal? Business want to check which supplier having supplier portal acc…