Category 163
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PHR formulation methodSummary: Is there or is there a future option to create master recipes based on the PHR method for plastics? For example: Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…JOHANNA ROJAS 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Aravindan Sankaramurthy -Oracle Manufacturing
How configure parent lot and how do we inherit all the attributes, such as the expiration date?We need to configure as follows
How to control a delivery requested date when OSP item has a postprocessing leadtime?Summary: Hello everyone. I am wondering if you encounter a concern like below. When a work order including outside processing was relaeaesd, a requested delivery date in…
Limitation of change type on a Work DefinitionSummary: Restrict some change type based on user profile for Work defintion Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): In order to avoid non expected…WIesztal_Thierry-Oracle 1 view 2 comments 0 points Most recent by WIesztal_Thierry-Oracle Manufacturing
Is there a way to create alternate work definition names as we did in EBS?Summary: Is there a way to create alternate work definition names as we did in EBS? That is create a set of names prior to assigning them to assemblies. Or do we have to…
How to submit WO product completion transaction with a date eariler than material creation date?We use REST API to submit the work order product completion transactions. But if we create a product completion transaction with a date eariler than the material creatio…
SQL query for Work Order to Customer DetailsIs there a query that can be used to join Work Order details (WIE_WORK_ORDERS_B) to customer details (HZ_PARTIES)? Thank you!
is there any REST API to create a resource calendar Exception?Summary: We have a requirement to reduce resource ( equipment) capacity in manufacturing org through Resource calendar exception for the planned start time and planned c…
What is the better model to design injection moulding process - Discrete or Process?Summary: Our client has three different processes - injection moulding, packaging, & customized packing with barcoding, the later two fit the discrete model perfectly. I…
Is there a way to add the maintenance work order cost automatically to Fixed Asset value?Summary: Hello, If I have a maintainable asset linked to a fixed asset and asset clearance account, when we do a work order for this maintenable asset through maintenanc…
Print component listSummary: hi Expert I'm using Print Component List to see the WO component , may I have an option to not see the bulk items for example , to see only the pull and push ? …
Error in Cost Accounting Distribution Process - WIP Product CompletionSummary: We occurred this error "The transaction wasn't processed because the cost calculation for accumulated work-in-process requires all the input and resource transa…
Issuing Project Striped material to a work orderHello, I have a question. I have received material quantities striped (Linked) to a project. Whenever I try to issue these material in a work order I get an error that t…
Basis Type Fixed Vs Variable on the Operation Resource in Work DefinitionSummary: Basis Type Fixed Vs Variable on the Operation Resource in Work Definition Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We have a Basis column …
How can I get my quality inspection results to be visible within the WIP Operations?Summary: How can I get my quality inspection results to be visible within the inspection plan in subsequent operations, I complete operation 10 in the work definition an…
Duplicated resource transactions are created, how to avoid?User is using REST api to submit WO resource transactions but duplicated reports are found for some resource transactions. Is there a identifier we can submit within the…
The value of the attribute OrganizationCode isn't valid while doing material issue to workorderSummary: The value of the attribute OrganizationCode isn't valid while doing material issue to workorder using fscmRestApi/resources/, sa…
Sort sort ascending & sort descending is not working as expected on Manage Work Order UIHi, When we reach the max count/threshold of 9999 after Work order prefix, sort descending sorts the work order I guess based on the nuber right after work order prefix …
B2B Make Flow SO change in Qty creating New Work OrderSummary: B2B Make Flow SO change in Qty creating New Work Order, expectation is if qty is changed on SO line same should be updated on existing WO, however system is cre…
How to map Work Order and Item Parameters with Equipment param defined in IoT Prod. Monitoring CloudSummary: How can we integrate Oracle Manufacturing Cloud with IoT Cloud Content: I have Items and Item Attributes created in PD/PIM Module. I am creating Work Definition…
When I try to upload resources through VBCS I'm getting error 'Attribute OrganizationId is required.Summary: We have a huge list of the resources to upload for the manufacturing organization. When I try to upload resources through VBCS, I'm getting error 'Attribute Org…
Requirement to Refresh OTBI Report at regular intervalsSummary: Is it possible to refresh an OTBI Report at regular intervals so that it does not require intervention from the operator? Content (please ensure you mask any co…
access custom object via SOAPSummary: Custom Object have been created using sandbox application composer. custom object included one page where we store information. by making the REST URI for that …Raj Jain-Oracle 41 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Steve Garvert-Support-Oracle Financials – General (READ ONLY)
how to create work order with specific version of componentsSummary: Hi, Our client is using discrete manufacturing and many of their products and components undergo modification ( revision update on item) because of customer fee…
How to report alternate resource transaction using Rest ApiSummary: We have a scenario wherein we have defined alternate resources for each operations. How can we report resource transaction for alternate resources using api as …
Integration of Manufacturing with 3rd Party online storeSummary: Integration of Oracle Manufacturing with 3rd 3rd Party online store Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Team, We have requirement to …
Service Mapping to Extend Order Management DFF to Work Order DFF B2B flowSummary: Trying to use Service mapping to extend OM fulfilment DFF to Work Order DFF OM EFF WO DFF Service Mapping Content (please ensure you mask any confidential infor…
Work Order Completion Date in Backward SchedulingSummary: For a work order, if it is backward scheduling, where is the completion date being taken from? Is it based on the sales order schedule ship date or something el…
Not able to see OSP PO details in "Review Production Transaction History"Summary: When we create a WO with OSP operation in Process Manufacturing we are not able to see the PO details in the production history, although the columns are availa…
For Orderless completion can we restrict this only to certain set of itemsSummary: Hello, For Order less completion we generally do enter item number to complete the transaction, can we restrict this only for a certain set of items? Content (p…Venkata Phani Srinivas Nutulapati 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Raj C -Oracle Manufacturing