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need help to prompt a message while saving sales order if bill to site is different from ship to sitSummary: need help to prompt a message while saving sales order if bill to site is different from ship to site at line level using order management extensions. Content (…
Can we create a RMA order through REST API using Asset number in Oracle Cloud ?Summary: We have a requirement to create a RMA order using Asset number in Oracle Cloud. We are using REST API to create the RMA using the Asset number details from IB .…
Requested Date and Request Type is different at Line and Header level for EDISummary: Hello Team, We have a issue like, Orders are processed from EDI and loaded in Draft status but once loaded when we try to edit the order the requested shipdate …
How to enabled flexfields on orcherstration stepsSummary: Hi, we need a requirement to enable flexfields on orcherstration steps. There is an option? I found this Descriptive flexfield, I enable but I don't find it on …
Pricing strategy with respect to customer site.Summary: Customer is having multiple sites. I want a separate price list with respect to customer site which meant i will be selling the same item to same customer at di…
How to get sales agreement consumption against sales orders?Summary: We have created sales agreements and selected the same while creating sales order. Now we want to get how much of the agreement has been consumed out of the com…
We intend to do a mass update the "Requested Date" using REST APISummary: We would like to do a mass update the "Requested Date" and push the "Requested Date" to the future for all open Sales Orders so that this will calculate both "S…
We are trying to add price by category in the pricelist and we cant see any catalog value in itSummary: We are trying to add price by category in the pricelist and we cant see any catalog value in it.Also we wanted to check that it if this feature working in 23B r…Harshal Kailas Desale 21 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Harshal Kailas Desale Order Management
use subnventory in fulfilment lineSummary: use subinventory field in SO fulfillment line Content (required): in order to use subinventory field in SO fulfillment line, what setup am I missing? I can see …
I am looking to populate the Scheduled Ship Date and scheduled arrival dateSummary: I am looking to populate the Scheduled Ship Date and scheduled arrival date on SO from Sales Order FBDI but Once the order gets submitted GOP recalculates this …Harshal Kailas Desale 42 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
How to pass OM EFF TO AR GDF AttributeSummary: Hi, We need to pass tax attribute to AR GDF from OM EFF. At the moment there is already a setup to pass these values for a specific Business Unit and it's using…
Receiving Processing Constraint Error When Progress the Sales OrderSummary: Receiving error 'Data validation failed for the task layer service Create Expected Receipt Advice because required data values were not provided. The fulfillmen…BusraHakyemez 23 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Order Management
Scheduled Arrival Date is not populating based on Transit TimesSummary: Hello Team, We have setup the shipping zones based on State and Transit Times created with Internal location and zones. But while creating the sales order it is…
See Onhand Quantity balance during Sales Order creation instead of seeing In-Stock as the on handSummary: Client is having issues processing sales order because they are unable to see the on hand qty balance.. Is it possible to see the real Onhand qty instead of see…
Order Management prebuilt integration not working with WMS FusionSummary: Order Management prebuilt integration not working with WMS Fusion Please guide on same . We have referred Doc ID 2404671.1 to do configuration We are using belo…
Updating Location Name - Potential ImpactsSummary: We have a location name that was set up with an apostrophe and because of that apostrophe, we are unable to search what configurations have been set up because …
Is any SOAP / REST API available for make changes in the PO lines which is in Withdrawn statusSummary: Is any SOAP / REST API available for make changes in the PO lines which is in Withdrawn status Content (required): We have a po which is submitted for approval …
How to Backorder/Cancel Short Picked LineHi Team, We are trying to implement the below Scenario: Create SO with 10 qty Create Pick Wave Requirement is to only Confirm Pick slip for 6 qty ( i.e. only move 6 qty …Ravi Tak 223 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Inventory Management
Update of Invoice reference and status in a sales orderSummary: Hi, I need to use a custom transaction source to differentiate Invoices that for the same country (Portugal) have different tax localization attributes. Changin…
Sales order cancel with approvalSummary: Hi All, We have a requirement when order line is cancelled need so implement approvals and approvers should able to see reason and comment mentioned during canc…
How to interface Service Activity to Sales Ord when the SO is created from the B2B Svc>Parts DetailSummary: When items are added to the Parts details page of Service Request, the Order button creates a sales order with the item, price, customer etc information in Orde…
Business event trigger issueSummary: Unwanted business events are triggered from fusion Content (required): We have subscribed to sales order notification business event from oic to consume event o…
REST API for filling the Sales Order form/pageSummary: Looking for API which can fill out form/pages for Sales order creation Content (required): Hi, Please let us know whether we have APIs which can be used to fill…Shailesh Papat 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sandeep Kurur-Oracle SCM Product Management-Oracle Order Management
Update the customer information displayed via orange triangle in Order ManagementSummary: There are various customer details that are visible in a pop-up in Order Management when you click the orange triangle next to the selected customer when you ar…Andrew Campbell 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sandeep Kurur-Oracle SCM Product Management-Oracle Order Management
Can we set Vacation rule on order approval ProcessSummary: suppose we have order approval setup as if order amount is 10K USD then go to 'A' ,if go to B and so on .. when A is on vacation then then it has go to person i…Parimala Bidap 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Sandeep Kurur-Oracle SCM Product Management-Oracle Order Management
EFFs on Sales Order not getting CollectedSummary: Hi Experts, We have 2 EFFs on Sales Order fulfillment Line level. But these EFFs are not honored by GOP( from Check Availability in Manage Promising Demands the…Akshaykumar Trivedi 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Akshaykumar Trivedi Order Management
How do I handle drop shipped serial items?We record the serial number when we pick confirm. If I create a drop shipment order, anyway can I register the serial numbers of the drop shipment items? REVISION: emfb.…
Can you tell if page customization be done using user role or user name?Summary: The requirement is to make Sales channel optional for CT BU users but should be mandatory for DX BU users. Content (required): Version (include the version you …
can pass the DFF FROM OM Line level to AR Transaction line in oracle fusion fusionSummary: We have created DFF in order management line level and need to pass the DFF from OM line level to AR Transaction line in oracle fusion Content (required): We ha…
change text translation of of price component descriptions in order managementWhen we create a order and modify the price of an item, the translations are very long and its hard for users to read all the text from their mobiles. Is it possible to …