Category 168
Discussion List
Ask for modifierSummary: Ask for modifier Content (required): Similar to EBS, do we have ability for sales reps to "ask for modifiers" on order for any account or specific qualifiers (a…
How to give a discount according to ShipTo City of the customer?Summary: Do you have any documentation or do you how to give a price adjustment according to the ShipToCity of the customer ? I.e. Customer 1 is located in city A, Custo…
How to end date charges in bulk in a price listSummary: Content (required): We have more than 500 price charge lines in the Sales Price List which needs to be end dated. We tried doing this with ADFDI but the problem…
How to define promotional campaigns like Buy 3 get 1 freeSummary: How to define promotional campaigns like Buy 3 get 1 free Customer has product campaigns not limited to discounts and promotional campaigns are also widely used…
How to apply discount based on customer and payment termSummary: How to apply discount based on customer and payment term Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any c…
DFF At Discount Rule LevelSummary: Hi Folks, I need to create a DFF at discount rule level. Do you know the route for setting up this? Content (required): Customer needs to add an additional fiel…
How to configure Manage Guidelines using supervisor and manager levels approval discountSummary: How to configure Manage Guidelines using supervisor and manager levels approval discount Content (required): The guideles under pricing modulo use markup porcen…
Unit Price for Discount appears different on SO UI and AR Invoice UISummary: Hi Team, We have a Sales Order Line with below details : Item#0299.392804 ; List Price# 11.50 ; Discount: 3% ( 3% of 11.50 = 0.345) In the SO UI, when we click …
"Get Sales Pricing Strategy" Algorithm Set Caching stepSummary: I have extension for the "Get Sales Pricing Strategy" Algorithm ( version 2 ) and i noticed that the "Set Caching" step has been removed although it's appear in…
Pricing Segment and Pricing Strategy assignment not derive correctly during the order creationSummary: Pricing Segment and Pricing Strategy assignment not derive correctly during the order creation Content (required): We start to testing using the new fields to a…
Can we use /fscmRestApi/priceExecution/documentPrices/priceSalesTransaction to get price of TradingSummary: Can we use /fscmRestApi/priceExecution/documentPrices/priceSalesTransaction to get price of Trading Content (required): EDI orders are coming through IBM VAN ->…Kalyani Darbhala-Oracle 11 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Anuradha - User352 -Oracle Pricing
Can we use /fscmRestApi/priceExecution/documentPrices/priceSalesTransaction to get price of TradingSummary: Can we use /fscmRestApi/priceExecution/documentPrices/priceSalesTransaction to get price of Trading Content (required): EDI orders are coming through IBM VAN ->…
Define Product Category Charge in PricelistSummary: How to Define Product category charge in Price list Content (required): Business requirement is where they want to define price list at Product category level V…
Allow the option to change/override the price list on sales order linesSummary: Allow the option to change/override the price list on sales order lines Content (required): Customer want Allow the option change/override the price list on sal…
How to Mass update DFF in Discount RulesSummary: Hi Team, Our Requirement is to bulk update DFF in Discount Rule. We have various Simple and Attribute based Discount rules across various Discount lists. We nee…
How to setup Price adjustment based on Customer and Quantity?Summary: How to setup price adjustments based on customer and quantity? Content (required): Example Customer = ABC , Price 100$ Now if qty is between 0-100 Price : 100$ …
How to create pricing list under Item Extended AttributesSummary: Customer use Item Extended Atribute for item clasification Content (required): How can to apply that clasification to pricing list, and calculate the sale price…
How to configure this scenario item level, customer level and Where customer buySummary: Need to configure in pricing for evaluate in 3 levels 1- first in the inventory item leves 2- them in the customer clasification 3- finally where area the custo…
List of Customer Connect Implementation TrainingSummary Quick access to all Pricing Customer Connect Training ContentWatch these replays to get more information about implementing your products. You can watch these re…
Flat price based on volume/TierSummary: We have a requirement to calculate the price based on quantity/volume as follows; If quantity is 0 to 50 then flat price of 100$, if quantity is 51 to 100 then …
How to derive price list based on the warehouse / inventory organizationSummary: Content (required): Hi, What are the setups and steps to derive a price list based on the warehouse/inventory organization Version (include the version you are …
Can we pass the Discount Rule Name from Pricing to SOSummary: Hi Team, Is it possible to pass the Discount Rule (Attribute based discount) name from Pricing to Sales Order (Order Management). Requirement: Client to needs t…
Creating and maintaining a Price List by Customer’s Part#Summary: Please let me know if you have used or created any extension for the following 2 requirements Content (required): 1) Creating and maintaining a Price List by Cu…
Can we make Discount Rule Name field as Drop downSummary: Hi Team, Could you please help us confirm if we can make the Discount Rule name field as Drop down field. User Requirement is : They have some predefined Discou…
Price List at Sales Order headerSummary: Business has a requirement where they attach the Price List at Ship to site level. We already tried many ways to achieve this and we couldn’t. I was thinking wh…
Repricing at the time of Shipment for Imported OrdersHi We are importing orders from external order taking system using REST API and freeze price as Yes. Our requirement is to re price the order at the time of shipment bas…
How to design discount based on Payment MethodSummary: Hi Team, How can we design Discount based on Payment Method ? Requirement : When Payment Method is Credit Card, 2% Discount should be applied for the Customer. …
Accrued Customer RebatesSummary: The business has a process in which we need to provide additional discount/rebate back to the customer Content (required): Is there a systematic way to accumula…
How to give a discount at order header levelSummary: We need to set some discount at order header total. Content (required): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code s…
Need to mass update pricing in cloud where orders are ready for shipmentSummary: Here users are importing prices from commerce (cx) to ERP cloud. from APR 1st they are increasing the price by 5%. Now users wants to know how to update prices …